A/N: sorry it's short. Thanks for reviews and sorry for mistakes.

The pounding in her head along with the churching in her stomach made the blonde whimper in her sleep. Gray eyes opened from the pain, looking around the room, an unusual feeling ran through her. It was more than the bad headache and sick stomach. Moving her bare legs, she realized she wasn't wearing any pants. Confused, she sat up and stared down at herself. Her eyes slightly widened when she realized her whole upper body was bare. Looking up, Paige smiled and fell back in bed laughing a little. The whole HIV fiasco was just a terrible dream. Her and Griffen had slept together and it was amazing. Paige turned her head, wanting to see her lover's face, she moved closer to get the view she desired. Reaching out, Paige paused a moment to take in the adorable scene. Griffen slept with the blanket covering his entire body, including his head, Paige found it kind of odd the more she stared. Alex used to do the same thing, Shaking her head, she slowly moved the blanket down...her body. The color in Paige's face drained as she kept pulling back the covers. Long raven hair was the first thing she saw, followed by Alex's bra and then underwear. "No..." She whispered as the blanket slipped through her fingers and fell out her hand, landing on the bed, Paige numbly turned away and closed her eyes, reminding herself to breathe.

Her thoughts strayed back to the night before, to the dance club, she didn't remember Alex being there, she didn't remember driving home, she didn't remember...having sex. The thought made the blonde's breathing hitch. The HIV fiasco wasn't a dream and to make matters worst, she could have given it to Alex. "No," She whispered again allowing the tears to fall. The guilt was beyond anything she had ever felt before. Especially since the person she ruined was Alex, the only girl she had ever been in love with, the blonde began to cry harder, crying for the first time since finding out about Griffen, she allowed the many emotions to fall from her eyes and wrack her hurting body. "Paige," Hearing Alex say her name only made her cry harder, "Paige please look at me."

Alex sat staring at her distressed ex not knowing what to think. The blonde sat with her knees drawn up to her chin, arms wrapped around her legs, Paige kept her face buried against her knees as she sobbed heavily next to Alex. The taller woman was beginning to regret ever staying the night, for some reason, seeing her ex girlfriend cry and knowing she was the cause was surprisingly painful. When they were going out, before the whole stripper, Andrea thing, Alex was a good girlfriend and would never allow Paige to get overly stressed or upset. But there were times when she did and Alex always made it her job to comfort her and try to make everything alright again. The urge to do that now was strong. She gave into it. "I'm not leaving you like this." Her arms wrapped around a pale trembling body, Alex was surprised to feel Paige lean against her. "Tell me what's wrong or you'll have to put up with me for the rest of the day."

Paige felt helpless to push the warm, soft body off her. She could feel the barest hint of Alex's chin on her bare shoulder, her eyes closed as she gulped in a large amount of air, trying to calm herself down. She hardly ever broke down so badly and was afraid she was going to experience another anxiety attack. "Relax Paige," She felt a comforting hand rub up and down her arm, "You're alright, just breathe."

Paige laughed humorlessly at the softly spoken words. "You make it sound easy." She replied hoarsely closing her eyes, she focused soley on the hand on her arm. Alex's actions were completely innocent, she was just trying to calm her down, which was expected. Alex had experience a few of her panic attacks already, she knew exactly how to handle the situation. "How long have you had lungs? You should be a natural by now." The teasing words brought a small smile to her lips. It didn't last long. She didn't deserve to smile, she didn't deserve Alex's comfort, Paige opened her eyes and moved away from the warmth. Wiping her face, Paige turned and was reminded of Alex's beauty. She made eye contact and noticed the uneasy expression on her face. "Alex, I'm so sorry." She felt tears spring back up to her eyes. "We shouldn't have ever slept together..."

The dark haired girl didn't hear anything after that. The pain in her chest made it impossible. Of course Paige was freaking out so badly, Griffen was obviously her boyfriend, not that Alex cared. It was apparent Paige had some major regrets, the older girl decided to put her ex out of her misery. "Don't worry Princess." She had no idea where that came from. She hadn't called Paige that since high school, when they hated each other. Paige stopped talking and stared incredulously at her. "We didn't have sex." She finished flatly.

The words took a moment to register in her mind, Paige immediately felt relieved when they did. The smile spreading over her face was a good indication. She would never in her sober mind take a chance with Alex, not when it came to HIV, a deadly virus. "Thank god." She laughed shakily moving forward, happy tears rolled down her cheeks as she pulled Alex into a tight hug. The dark haired girl let her, caught off guard by the bold move, she felt her ex's bare breasts against her skin and lost all ability to think. And then her mind came back to life and she realized Paige was crying all over again. The salty tears stained her shoulders and neck as Paige burrowed deeper against her. "Paige," she called out wishing her voice was more stern than soft. Her shoulder was no longer hers to cry on, that's what Griffen was for, Alex thought bitterly. "What about...Griffen?"

Hearing his name, Paige pulled back and met Alex's gaze. "I don't ever want to hear that name again." She spat through her tears wincing as the pain in her head progressed. Her hangovers were always unbearable, crying her eyes was only making the pain worst.

The pain on her ex's face was clearly visible, the taller girl couldn't help wanting to make Paige feel better. "Put your head on my lap." Alex calmly ordered knowing how to ease the pain. Paige didn't think twice before doing as she said. Turning over, she eased herself down on her back, placing her head on Alex's lap, she looked up at her feeling strong yet gentle fingers message her temples. The feeling was instant bliss as brown eyes stared into her own. "I could have HIV, Alex."

Alex paused as the words filled the air around her. "What are you talking about?" She couldn't have heard right. "HIV?"

Paige nodded numbly. "Griffen and I..the other day we had sex and the day after I found out he was HIV positive."

"I'll kill him."


"He should have told you Paige." Her fingers slowly began rubbing again, surprisingly gentle, unlike her tone. "He didn't let you choose whether to risk it or not and I don't care if he used a condom, there's still that chance and it pisses me off that fucking you was more important to him than your health."

There was short knock followed by the door opening. Both girls looked up to see who it was. Paige immediately sat up and covered herself with a nearby blanket.

The smile on Griffen's face instantly died when he stepped into the room. Seeing Paige lying on her back with her breasts exposed and her head on Alex's lap- the scene didn't sit well with him. He was confused. "Um," He looked at Paige. "I wanted to talk." He shakily held up the flowers in his hand. They were roses. "Explain some things to you."

The sincerity in his face and voice was enough to get Paige to agree, she couldn't deny that she had a weak spot for him. Alex didn't share her feelings. Anger was all she could feel and the bad temper she had in high school never died away. "You don't need to explain anything." She started sounding like a bitch. "We all know why you didn't say anything about your disease. You didn't want to risk losing a good night of sex."

"It wasn't like that!" He argued sounding desperate. He didn't expect Alex to still be there when he decided to see Paige. She did say she was leaving first thing in the morning, but that obviously wasn't the case. He looked at Paige. "I was going to tell you Paige, but the time never seemed right-"

Alex snorted. "The time is never right for telling someone you have an STD. Especially when all you want to do is fuck them."

Griffen opened his mouth and then quickly closed it. He knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with Paige, especially with Alex in the room, he gazed sadly at Paige. "My mom was junkie, I was born with the virus. I didn't ask to be this way. I- just forget it." Dropping the flowers, He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door softly.

The room stayed quiet for several minutes. The look on Paige's face worried Alex, she seemed lost in thought, the taller girl broke the silence bringing Paige back to reality, she realized how tired her ex looked and decided the topic was too exhausting to deal with, especially with a hang over. "You look tired Paige." Paige looked at her. "You can worry about this later," She urged her ex down on the bed, the task was very simple since Paige seemed dazed, almost in a trance. Alex pulled the blanket over her body and then met her gaze. "Get some sleep. I know you don't feel good."

"Are you leaving?" She asked quietly.

Alex nodded. "Unfortunately, I have this little thing called work to do." Hesitantly, she dipped her head and placed a light kiss on her forehead. "Call me if you need anything, okay?"

Paiged nodded and watched her get off the bed. Her eyes stayed glued to her as she dressed and then closed in sync with the door.

She fell asleep feeling very confused.