Zs99: Whew! It has been so long since I last put out a chapter! Sorry, guys, but I just needed a break. Heh, work and no rest makes me a very evil person! So, enjoy chapter 26 everyone!

Kuro stared up in horror at the huge dog monster that stood over him. Spit dribbled constantly from his fanged mouth and his bloodshot yellow eyes flashed madly as they locked onto Kuro. The young cat shivered madly as the dog opened his mouth wider and pulled his head back, getting ready to plunge his fangs into living flesh.

A cold bead of sweat ran through his fur. 'There's not way I can fight that thing!' He thought frantically as shudders continued to run through him. The dog suddenly crouched lower to the ground, bracing his muscular body as he prepared to pounce. He closed his eyes and, for the first time in his life, he felt hopeless. He'd die here, never knowing what it would be like to be an actual member of the Corps.

'KuroKaze...' Crow's voice rang through his head and he perked his ears. 'your day will come soon. When the battle against the demon bear arrives, you can prove to everyone you are a member of the Suicide Corps.' "Battle against the demon bear..." Kuro whispered as he cracked his eye and looked behind the monster, locking his gaze on Akakabuto. "I get it now..."

The Monster lunged, his fangs bared and his claws stretched out to grab him. Kuro dropped to his paws and surged forward, leaping high. He slammed his paws down hard onto the monster's head, sinking his claws deep. The monster skidded to a halt and shook his head, howling as he tried to shake Kuro free.

Kuro struggled to keep his eyes open and his claws deep as the monster ran around, crazily shaking his head, maddened by the stabbing pain. Kuro felt the monster's warm blood wash over his paws as he ripped one paw free and slashed madly. The monster howled and reared up, thrashing his upper body in mad throes.

KuroKaze looked up and locked his eyes on Akakabuto. The bear was staring down at them, obviously amused at the cat's attempt to defend itself. Kuro narrowed his eyes and, once the monster threw his head towards Akakabuto, he wrenched his claws free and launched himself at the bear.

Crow felt her throat tighten as she watch Kuro sail at Akakabuto. 'That little fool! Why the hell would me do that!?' The black Akita turned and looked at another black dog. The dog looked at her with blood red, slitted eyes. Ryne gave a barely perceptible nod. Crow faced forward and took a deep breath.

Akakabuto growled as the cat came at him. "You're just a little fool." He said simply as he snapped out and grabbed Kuro's tail in his mouth. Kuro yowled, but swung his body around and sank his fangs deep into the bear's nose. Akakabuto didn't even flinch as he tilted his head up, preparing to shake the cat from his snout.

Kuro felt a massive jerk as Akakabuto nodded his head up and down forcefully. He felt his fangs and claws rip free and, in a panic driven state, accidentally shoved his paws, all the way up his elbows, straight up Akakabuto's nostrils, sinking his claws deep into the soft flesh. Akakabuto's eye went wide and he reared up, roaring and snorting fiercely.

Kuro's throat went dry as snot and blood splattered on his face and ran down his arms. He yowled as Akakabuto shook his head back and forth, striving to free himself from the clinging cat. Kuro would've laughed if the situation wasn't what it was. 'Man, no one will ever believe this!' He gulped. 'If I live through this!' Akakabuto stopped shaking his head and glared at the cat. Kuro smirked at him and cheekily said. "Gotcha nose, Lobster-back!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Kuro saw a flash of dark brown fur and the glint of razor sharp claws as Akakabuto swung his paw up. Kuro quickly yanked his paws out and leapt back into the pit. Akakabuto's paw kept going and smashed painfully onto his snout. Angrily, he snorted more blood out and shook his head.

Kuro twisted as he fell, trying to right his fall, yowling when he saw the monster rear up on its hind legs, mouth agape. There was a black flash and the monster was hurtled to the side, blood pouring from a wound on its shoulder. Kuro landed on his paws and blinked at Crow as the black Akita grabbed his tail and started running.

"W-W-Wait!" Kuro yowled as he was pulled along. "What ab-b-bout that porcupine!?" Crow leapt up, landing on the pit's edge, darting quickly through the mass of bears. "Ryne took care of her. She's already out of Gajou and gone." Crow moved to the side, barely avoiding a stunning blow from the paw of a huge gray bear, and vanished through the exit tunnel.

Akakabuto glared after them. He turned to the side and faced a dog. She was a small, thin Doberman and her fur was an unusual light brown and her black eyes were strangely bright and clear. She looked at her master and sat up straight. Akakabuto spoke in a low rumble. "Follow them. Find them. Watch them. Then kill their leader and bring me her head." The Doberman nodded, her eyes shining, and slipped away through a hidden exit tunnel.

Akakabuto looked into the pit and stared at the monster as he roared and ran around, ignoring his wound as he scoured the area for any signs of his prey. Akakabuto perked his ears and listened as a bear near him turned to another. "Heh-heh, looks like the little kitty got Aka's nose!" He whispered, completely unaware that he had attracted the attention of a demon.

Akakabuto turned and fixed his single eye on the bear and padded softly over to him. The bear's companion sank back, his eyes fixed on his murderous leader. The bear who had made the comment froze in fear as he saw Akakabuto reflected in the other bear's eyes. He turned, just in time to see the flash of black claws as Akakabuto slashed out his tongue, knocking him down into the pit.

The monster jumped as the huge body thudded down, sending a sickening snap though the cave as the bear's back was broken. The monster stared at the bear, who was groaning with pain, then bared his fangs and leapt, ripping hungrily at the still living bear.

The bear's roars filled the area as Akakabuto reared up and swung a paw at the other bear. The bear cringed as his leader's claws sliced off his ear. Akakabuto slammed his front paws down hard, shattering the rocky ground. "I hope you've learned your lesson." He lifted his head and swung his gaze around, fixing everyone with a cold stare. "All of you. He" Akakabuto pointed at the dead bear. "lost his tongue for talking about me behind my back. And this one," The other bear cringed as he was pointed at. "is a lot luckier than his friend. I only took his ear for listening. I am Akakabuto. I've killed my mate and my son, so don't think I won't hesitate to kill you!!"

(Timeskip--20 minutes)

Kuro rubbed the back of his head angrily. "You know, Crow, you could've just let me run on my own." The black Akita laid her ears back. "Yes, I COULD'VE let you run, but I didn't want to." Kuro growled and faced Ryne, who was busily shaking the coal dust from her fur. "Ryne," Kuro said in a whiny voice, "tell Crow I could've run on my own!"

Ryne stopped shaking and looked up. She flicked her ears, sending a small amount of dust into Kuro's face. "Why are you still bothering to even think of that? It's in the past." Kuro's tail, ears, and whiskers drooped. "Oh, come on..."

"So, I see you got the little idiot back." KuroKaze perked his ears and turned his head. Fyre, Flippy, Switch, Slip, and Silver emerged from the woods and were staring at him. Silver rushed forward, dragging Slip with her. "Oh, Kuro! You're alive!" She let go of Slip and leapt onto her friend. Slip rubbed his wrist. "You know, Silver, I can walk on my own. You didn't have to break my paw just to drag me over to see someone I see everyday."

Ryne shook her head and faced Fyre. "Did you meet up with Great?" Fyre nodded his head. "Yeah, 'cept he didn't look too happy. But I guess that's because he had a couple a prickles in his nose." He frowned. "Where did that little pincushion come from anyway?" Kuro strained to get away from Silver, who was hugging his tail.

"Well, she said she'd been there for awhile. But, she never said who captured her-RAAOW!!" He was suddenly pulled backwards as Silver heaved on his tail. Fyre snorted and shook his head. "Well, whatever, let her rest, then we'll ask her." The Tora-ge faced Ryne and winked. "Isn't that right, miss Leader?"

There was suddenly flash of light. Ryne gave a jerk and swayed. Blood sprayed from a deep slash in her shoulder. She ground her teeth together and, gripping her shoulder, dropped to the ground, avoiding any other attacks. Fyre swung his head around, trying to pinpoint the attacker. He looked at Flippy, then blinked.

Flippy was frozen in horror has he stared down at Ryne. Her blood had splattered out on the ground and some of it had landed on Flippy's jacket and paws. He occasionally gave a twitch and his eyes seemed to be tinged with green. "Who are you!?" Fyre turned his head and saw Kuro. He was fluffed up and looked angry as he stared up into the branches of a tree. Fyre followed his gaze until he pinpointed the attacker.

The small Doberman stared down at the group on the ground. Blood from their leader stained her lips and face. She snorted. 'If that Akita didn't move at the last second, I'd have severed her head!' She thought angrily. She gripped the branch, digging her claws into the bark.

Fyre moved in front of his sister's still form, getting prepared to protect her from any further attacks. 'That was a Lightning Attack...she can cut straight through me if she had half the mind to...' Fyre suddenly flinched as Flippy pushed him out of the way and stood in front of Ryne. Fyre propped himself up on his paws and glared at the bear.

"Flippy! You idiot! What do you think you're doing?!" Fyre felt a shiver pass down his spine as Flippy looked at him with one green eye. Flippy stared for a second, then faced the Doberman.

The assassin bared her fangs and leapt, her body turning into a flash of light brown light. Fyre struggled up and ran, hoping to get Ryne out of the way in time. The Akita blinked in confusion as there was a whack sound. What he saw caused him to skid to a halt.

The Doberman stood on the ground, her muzzle and face held tight my Flippy. Blood dripped from his paws from the wounds inflicted by the dog's fangs. Flippy's paws shook, obviously from the amount of pressure they were putting on the enemy. The dog's claws dug into the earth as she struggled to pull free of Flippy's grip.

Silver took a step forward. "F-Flippy, you can-!!" Blood suddenly sprayed everywhere as Flippy tightened his grip, shattering the Doberman's jaws and face. She screeched and succeeded in pulling free from Flippy, who was smiling evilly. She lifted her forepaws and swiped at her face. Flippy pulled out a bowie knife and, with a blood-curdling cry, leapt onto her.

"Ryne...Ryne..." Ryne heard her voice being repeated over and over again, except it seemed to be come from far away. She mumbled and twitched as pain flared through her shoulder. She sat up and snarled angrily. Kuro stumbled backwards. "S-Sorry!" Ryne blinked slowly and looked at her shoulder. Her jacket and shirt were ripped and bloody, revealing the wound that slowly oozed blood.

Blood suddenly splattered close to her paw. Ryne jerked back and swung her head to look at Flippy. The Doberman was long dead, mutilated beyond recognition. Flippy stood in the midst of the bloody battlefield, splattered from head to toe in blood. He was breathing heavily as he looked around, finally resting his eyes on Kuro.

The black cat laid his ears back and fluffed his fur out, backing away from the green bear as Flippy started to stalk forward. Ryne glimpsed his green eyes and recognized the look from when he and Fyre had fought. She grimaced in pain as she lifted herself up, finally standing firmly. "Flippy! Cease and desist!!"

Instantly, Flippy stopped walking and shook his head, his eyes clearing and going back to their normal black. He looked at the bloodied knife, then at the blood on him. He looked at Ryne. "What happened?" Before Ryne could answer, Fyre jumped in. "What do you mean? You just mutilated the dog that attacked Ryne." Flippy's eyes went wide and he looked behind him to where the dog's remains laid.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ryne caught Switch shaking his head sadly. She turned her head and looked him straight in the eye. Switch glared at her, then turned his head away. 'He knows something...' The thought was cut off as Flippy walked up to her. "I swear, Ryne, I didn't mean to go that far! I just..." He sighed and shook his head.

Ryne reached out and grabbed his paws, turning them to face her. They had deep slashes across the palms. "Don't worry about it. Everyone here has done something like that during this war. 'Course, some of us have done worse..." She smiled and snorted. "Still, what's done is done and we can't change it. For now, we need to get the wounded taken care of, which, may I remind you, includes yourself." Fyre crossed his arms. "Flippy!"

Flippy turned and looked at Fyre. The Tora-ge Akita was glaring at him. "You need to get your paws bandaged. Not everyone is lucky enough to stop a Lightning attack with their paws and walk away with 'em." Ryne perked her ears and looked strangely at him. "You caught a Lightning attack? The best normally can only dodge them!" Ryne said with a smile.

Silver blinked at Ryne, then looked at her paws. They were slashed deeply on the palms, as were Fyre's. The mongoose opened her mouth to speak, when Fyre interrupted. "I really think we need to be heading back, you know, before Vik or Aka catch us?!" Ryne nodded in agreement with her brother. "Yeah, besides, I want to talked to that porcupine. Okay, everyone, let's move out!"

Akakabuto watched them move out. Beside him, stood an old, scarred female Timber wolf. Her yellow eyes glittered happily as she stared at Flippy as he and the group moved away. She turned towards Akakabuto and gave him a toothy smile. "Well, well, well! That proves I'm right! Only extreme emotions trigger it!"

Akakabuto swung around to face her. The wolf stood perfectly still as she stared up into Aka's yellow eye. "He did the same thing when I slew his mother. He was too young to even inflict a bit of damage at that time." He turned his head and faced the woods. The wolf's jaws gapped in a yawn. "Would his lordship like for me to follow them?"

The bear turned and slowly walked through the woods. "No, Morgra. I need you with me. We have much to talk about." Morgra looked after them, wanting very much to rend their flesh and spill their blood, but she ruefully swung herself around and followed her leader back to Gajou.