
Disclaimer: Disney's, not mine. Well, the story is mine. And so is Kristi lol

Summary: Are things back to normal?

A/N: It's been a fun ride, so thanks a lot for sticking with me. I hope you enjoy!


"Angela, babe…I don't think you want to do this."

"Yes, I do! He's being ridiculous, Brooklyn…I'm not some little girl, and I'm not asking for permission! I'm going to do this whether he likes it or not, and he'll just have to deal with it."

"He's the Leader!"

"And he's my father! The only reason he's this upset is because it's me! If it was Ophelia, or Kristi, or Denice, he wouldn't be half this upset."

"Come on, babe, at least try to see things from his point of view."

"I do, I really do, it just…it isn't fair. I have a good point, and you know it. You're the Second, Brooklyn… do you really think what I'm proposing is a completely bad idea?"


"I understand that you're concerned and you're blaming yourself, but you shouldn't. This is happening because of me, and I want to see it through, and make something positive come of it."

"Ok, Angela. Just…be careful. I love you."

"I love you too, Brooklyn."


"Do you mind? I'm trying to teach a lesson here."

"I'm his mother, Puck, and I'll drop in on you whenever I please."

"Oh, very well. Just don't distract him. The boy's been restless lately and it's affecting his performance."

"I don't see why you get to complain. This is your fault, after all."

"It's my fault Goliath doesn't have a sense of humour?"

"You know what I mean. Besides, are you telling me you wouldn't be upset if it had been Tori instead of Angela?"

"…my daughter would know better than to leave the house when under an unpredictable spell."

"Forget it. How Kristi puts up with you, I have no idea."

"She has a sense of humour. Unlike Goliath."

"I don't think you're one of his favourite people on the best of days. You're just fortunate he's overlooked your role in this whole mess. Maybe it's because even Owen has been avoiding him."

"…as intriguing as this conversation is, my pupil needs my help."



"Well, that's that."

"I am not totally comfortable with this idea of Angela's. However… her heart seems to be in the right place."

"I think it always was, big guy."


"Besides, getting the rights to the video was a smart move. And Fox was able to negotiate that half the proceeds for every copy of Rolling Stone carrying Angela's interview went to The Shelter charity.

"Yes, at least some good will come of all this."

"What do you say we try to put this whole thing behind us, ok? People have been seeing gargoyles for years. Eventually, they'll warm up to you. Just as I have."

"My Elisa, you are wise indeed."

"I don't know about that, Goliath…but I am hungry."

"I believe Broadway ordered a large number of pizzas earlier. Hopefully, there is still some left.

"Lead, on, Big Guy."


So, that's it for this story, I really hope you guys enjoyed it. as always, let me know what you think.