This is only an author's note...don't kill me please...

My behaviour is inexcusable; I know. I haven't updated in ages – to be honest, the inspiration has disappeared...I can't bring myself to ditch it though. Following my obsession with Naruto came an obsession with Final Fantasy which I'm trying to decide whether to write a story for or not. Probably not, if my dedication will be as great as for this one. As in, a pathetic zero.

Meanwhile, my laptop is just dead and I need a new one; meaning I am totally void of opportunities to sit and write profoundly.

But, never fear. I really want to finish this, and I hope I can save up some ka-ching to get a new laptop and get back on the job. For now, I hope I will be forgiven...sorry dear readers, please put the pitchforks away...

Hopefully will be posting soon...

Loving and apologetic regards – Serah (:-S)