Disclaimer: Do I own Teen titans? No. Do I own WB? No. I don't own anything, Got it?

AN: Okay, this is my first Story, and I decided to go for a short and easy story. No flames please. The Story takes place after Trouble in Tokyo. Okay! Lets get the story Started!!

"Booyah!" Yelled Cyborg happily as he beat Beastboy at a game of Mega Monkeys 4.

"What? No! I want a rematch!" Beastboy yelled unhappily.

"You Got it, Grass Stain!" Cyborg Replied. Beastboy frowned at the nickname, but turned to the game. Raven groaned softly from her place yards away from the two heroes. 'Those two idiots keep interrupting my reading' she thought. Raven silently got up from the floor, and headed to the door.

"Hey Rae?" Beastboy's voice rang out. Raven turned around to face the green changeling.

"Don't call me Rae," her monotone voice replied.

"Heh, uh, sorry." He blushed slightly. "I, umm, When are Robin and Starfire getting back?" Earlier that day, Robin had asked Starfire if she wanted to go out to lunch since the day was quiet. 'Them? Who knows how long they'll be.' Thought Raven.

"How Should I know?" Raven muttered. Beastboy blushed again.

"Umm, well can I talk to you?" He asked.

"You already are." She replied bluntly. 'Get to the point already' She thought.

"Oh umm, right..." Beastboy said softly, glancing at cyborg, who was watching them. "Umm, alone maybe?" Raven looked at him for a moment. Beastboy seemed to be nervous about something. Raven rolled her eyes.



Raven and Beastboy walked through the halls of the tower, on their way to Raven's room. When they reached Raven's door, Raven turned to Beastboy, impassive.

"We're alone, and you're not going in my room, so speak." She muttered.

"Okay," Beastboy took a deep breath. "Raven you know how we've known each other for a really long time, and you seemed kinda jealous when, uh, Terra was around, and we've never really been the best of friends, heck, I'm not sure if we were really friends at all, but I know you don't hate me that much, and you know how they kinda say "Oppisites Attract", so I thought might as well go for it, and ask you the question, but I also thought about you reaction and all, and worried that you'd-"

"Shut up" Raven Interrupted him, "And ask the damn question."

"Uhh," Beastboy blushed, yet again,"Will you go out with me?" A tiny, barely noticible smile traced Raven's lips, and she spoke one word.



Beastboy walked back into the front room.

"What she say?" Asked Cyborg, Smirking.

"She Said No." Beastboy replied, but then he grinned unexpectedly. "But I got her to smile."

AN: Ok, I know that was totally pointless, and a little OOC, but everyone starts somewhere! I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope to bring more stories soon.