Forbidden Love 3

Falling Fast


I only own Hannah Montana in my dreams. However, I do own everything that you don't recognize. Tee hee.

Chapter #25B

Life Happens

I handed him the pink blankie, which had been bunched up in a corner. He wrapped it around her. She settled almost instantly. She closed her eyes, not asleep but at least calm. She buried her tiny body into the soft fabric like a caterpillar into a cocoon.

"Looks like she was just cold." He told us, laughing. "You two go to bed, I'll take care of this." He offered, settling into the chair.

"No, I should-"

"Miley, its fine. She's my granddaughter after all. You go to bed."

"Thanks dad." I replied, burying myself into the covers.


"Ready Lil?" I asked, hooking on my favorite necklace. It was a Friday night in late August, which ment that the Okens were coming over for our weekly dinner. It was a little thing that had just kind of formed a month after Isabella was born. Now it was tradition, and even the baby seemed to be looking forward to the event. She was currently lying on a blanket only a couple feet away from me, laughing loudly at the shiny moving objects on the mobile above her.

She had grown so fast in the past few months that I had trouble keeping up. She could already lift her head and grab at things. I couldn't wear dangly earrings anymore and I was betting on luck that she wouldn't pull at my necklace. She was also developing her own little personality. She didn't like being around softly-colored objects, she preferred bold prints in red, blue, yellow, and green. She absolutely loved wearing dresses but she'd scream bloody murder if I tried to touch her hair at all. She also loved to kick at things, any things, to see the results which were always the same. She'd also said her first word. And okay, maybe I'd repeated "Miley" to her about a gagillion times before hand, but "Mimey" has got to be pretty close, right?

"Ready!" Lily called, bounding into my room. We weren't in anything dressy, but it was a chance to actually look nice and have a reason. Lily was wearing a cute conservative pink dress with grey leggings. I'd styled her hair earlier so it had a hint of curl that bounced around her shoulders as she moved. Me, I was happy to finally be able to wear tight t-shirts again, so I was wearing a Hollister top dressed up with a long, flowy brown skirt. My hair was up in a simple messy bun accented with my favorite clip.

"Let's go!" I bent down to scoop up Izzy. She whimpered, angry at being taken from her toy. But as I cradled her in my arms her eyes locked onto my shining heart necklace. Before she could grab it, I clasped her hands. She whimpered. "Tickle tickle!" I cooed, tickling her soft tummy. She giggled like mad as we made our way downstairs.

"Can I hold her?" Lily asked, reaching for her. I handed her over. "It's Auntie Lily!" Lily cooed, "can you say Auntie Lily?"

"wewe, weewee!" she cooed, clapping her hands together.

"Close enough." Lily shrugged.

"You two are late for dinner." Dad reprimanded as we moved shamefully to our seats.


The evening progressed with barely a pause in the conversation; there was, after all, so much to talk about. Next week Oliver and Owen would be starting school again, Oliver a sophomore and Owen a senior. Three days later dad, Lily, Isabella, and I would all be taking off on the first leg of Hannah's newest tour. We would all be going on the first month together before dad returned to Heather and we were left in the care of Roxy (like a Pumma!). It would be the first time I'd ever done a major "Hannah thing" without him. But, as he put it, I was "growing up fast" now and proven my responsibility. No matter what, the tour would end nearly three months later with Christmas-through-New Year's shows back in good ole' Tennessee with the family before I was flown home. We'd already planned a couple small visits home and a few long weekends for Heather or Owen to visit us. Maybe it wouldn't be perfect, but everything would all work out in the end.

Later, when we were all seated in the living room and Mrs. Oken was cooing over Izzy, I got up on my own.

"Where are you going?" Lily asked from beside me. I didn't answer her. "Miley, what's going on?" I waved her off and walked out of the room, down a hallway, and into a small room that was originally designed to be a home office. Carefully, I sat down in one lonely chair and looked around at what was surrounding me. From a side table I grabbed an old pink ipod mini. Sticking the delicate headphones in my ear an old Dixie Chicks song filled my ears.

Dragon tales and the "water is wide"
Pirate's sail and lost boys fly
Fish bite moonbeams every night
And I love you

The new cream carpet was thick and fluffy beneath my feet as I padded down the hallway I'd grown up with. Clutched to my chest was Teddy, a little raggedy from being carried everywhere, but I still loved him. As I walked I felt my cotton Barbie nightgown graze my legs.

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

"Mommy." I whispered, turning into the living room. There she was, watching some TV show about some guy with a weird hairdo. Like a guy who thought he could pull off bangs and cut too much hair. "Mommy, I can't sleep."

The rocket racer's all tuckered out
Superman's in pajamas on the couch
Goodnight moon, will find the mouse
And I love you

"C'mere." She whispered, extending her arms towards me. I climbed onto the couch with her, resting my head on her arm as she pulled her blanket over both of us.

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

"What's on TV?" I asked, staring at the bright screen.

"Daddy." She answered, pointing at the screen. I watched as a man with a weird hairstyle strummed his guitar for screaming girls.

"That's not daddy." I told her, shaking my head.

"It is." She responded. "Daddy was very famous, back before you or Jackson was even born."



God bless mommy and match box cars
God bless dad and thanks for the stars
God hears "Amen," wherever we are
And I love you

I couldn't believe what she was saying. Daddies weren't famous. Old people weren't famous.

"I want to be famous one day." I whispered as my eyelids drooped. I struggled to stay awake. But all too soon, I drifted into dreamland.

"I love you." Mom whispered. "And you will."

Godspeed, little man
Sweet dreams, little man
Oh my love will fly to you each night on angels wings
Sweet dreams

Author's Note

So that's the end. Possible sequel to come.

Possibly cutting my hair. Didn't make the dance team. I love Dixie Chicks. Failure makes for creativity. Maybe I should fail more.