Chapter 20-

The wedding was a gala affair.

The Chandeliers in the North palace were lit by a thousand candles, and everything was covered in white lace. The Hyilian nobility was there, dressed in their finest, and radiating with the warmest of fake smiles. The Hero's wedding was an event that everybody who was anybody wanted to be at.

It was only the bride that prevented this from being a prefect celebration.

Marrying a half-gerudo was bad enough, but to have her people show up at the palace as guests... that was something that was very difficult for the other guests to accept. The Hylians and the gerudo eyed each other warily from opposite sides of the Hall, glaring angrily.

Other guests were more well received. The Gorons of Holodrum and Labyrnnia came, and the blue clairvoyant Goron foresaw a prosperous and happy marriage for the couple. The Subrosians sent a Representative, as well... and the Subro celebrity Rosa was even serving as a bride's maid for Din. Even the Wind tribe came of thier great city in the heavens, invited due to their blood relation to the Hero.

"Here, let me straighten your tunic." Ralph, who was Link's best man, exclaimed. "You should be looking your best for your lovely bride!"

"I'm so nervous I could croak." Link replied. "A thousand battles with monsters doesn't prepare you for something like marriage!"

"No time for cold feet now, my boy!" The King told him, patting him on the back. "Now you must be brave like a warrior, and face the challenge head on!"

"I only wish my uncle were here..." The Hero sighed.

Just then, a scream emerged from the reception hall, and Link and the others rushed out to see what was going on. To thier suprise, several of the guards were holding back a group of Zola who were trying to enter the palace.

"Halt Monsters!" One of the guards yelled. "Come no futher! You are not invited to this wedding!"

"Of course we are!" The largest of the River Zora- King Zola- stepped forward. "It has always been the custom for the ruler of the Zora tribe to attend the weddings of the house of Link!" He hissed at the guard. "We demand the Ancient privilege!"

"What in the name of Faeore is he talking about?" Ralph asked incredulously.

"The Zola are the River Zora, lad." The King explained. "In ancient times, the Zora Race split into three factions- the Peaceful Ocean Zora, who live as much out of the water as they do in; the Fishmen of the great Sea, who draw maps and charts for Mariners with the paint brushes they carry in their mouths; and the Hostile River Zora, who serve Ganon and his minions of evil."

"Since the Ocean Zora perished during the hero of the Winds time, the Zola took over Zora's domain after the flood." Link finished for him. "King Zola believes his people have inherited the right to all the Zora's customary privileges in Hyrule."

After a tense few minutes, the Hero stepped forward, and shook King Zola's green, scaly claw. "Of course you are welcome at my wedding. your majesty! Aftyer all, you are the one who sold me the Zora flippers in Hyrule's time of need." Link gestured to the seats. "Please, would you and your entourage please have a seat?"

Smiling a large, toothy grin, King Zola and his escorts sat down near the Hylian nobility. If the Gerudo weren't enough to upset these stuck up snobs, the sight of these green scaly Zoras with webbed ears certainly was. One duchess even fainted dead away at the sight.

Back in the brides chamber, bridesmaids Rosa and Nayru put the finishing touches on Din's red gown. Zelda simply sat over in the corner and fumed, staring and saying nothing.

"You, like, look absolutely gorgeous, Din!" Rosa squealed in her valley-girl accent, putting the bows on the wedding gown. "You'll totally be the bestest bride evar!"

"You look lovely indeed, my friend." Nayru added, brushing the Oracle of Season's hair. "And I want to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your maid of honor!"

"Thank you... both of you! I never could have pulled off this wedding without your help!" Din told them, her eyes tearing up. "You're the best friends any girl could have ever asked for!"

As the three girls embraced in a tearful hug, Zelda stared at the three of them in anger. It should have been her marrying the Hero, not some Half-breed Oracle! Wither they loved each other was beside the point, the princess was supposed to marry the princess, that's just the way things were!

Refusing to help Din prepare even though she was her three bride's maids, Zelda swore the couple would find no peace if they tried to live in Hyrule... she would see to that! They would have to settle in some place like Cantalia if they wanted any peace.

Being a princess had it's political advantages...

"Link... it's time, let's go."

Link and Ralph went out to wait for the ceremony to begin. Soon the music began to play, and the Bride began to walk down the aisle. Her lovely red dress and Veil seemed to fit her perfectly. She was lead down the aisle by King Harkinian, who was giving Din away in place of her deceased father. Entranced, the Hero believed at that moment that the Oracle of Seasons was far lovelier even than the goddess who shared the same name. As Din arrived at the altar, Link took her by the hand.

It was Saralsha, great Sage of Hyrule, who performed the ceremony. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of the goddesses..." The rest of what he said was lost on the couple's ears, as they stared deeply into each others eyes. They were only aware enough of their surroundings to say two simple words...

"I do"

"I do."

"Then by the power invested in me by the kingdom of Hyrule, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

The Two locked lips, and Din through the bouquet over her head, towards the cheering crowd. But it only made it as far as Nayru, who caught it just as Ralf grinned at her. The Oracle of the Ages turned a deep red, knowing by the look in his eye, that she would be attending another wedding very, very soon.

"Ahhhh! What a spectaular wedding! And to think I wasn't invited!"

It was at that moment that Phantom Ganon exploded into the room, arriving in a fiery puff of smoke. Many in the crowd screamed and ran, while the Knights and warriors grabbed their weapons, and ran towards the villain.

"What do you want, you monster!" Link yelled angrily, taking Din in his arms protectively. "How dare you interrupt my wedding!"

"Now, now! I'm only here to give my blessing... or rather my curse!" He pointed his shadowy finger at the happy couple. "Know this... within twelve Generations of your children, the next Hero in your bloodline shall be born! But he shall be an arrogant imbecile, the Stupidest Hero hyrule has ever known!The Princess of Hyrule shall hate him, and his courage shall be a feeble minded one! This is my curse upon the House of Link... may it haunt your family for generations to come!"

The warriors took aim with thier bows, and the Seven Maidens- descendants of the Seven Sages- all cast thier attack spells. The arrows and spells all struck Phanttom Ganon at once, destorying him once and for all. The villian made no effort to fight back, and even seemed to laugh as he perished in a puff of smoke.

Din sat there sobbing, with the Hero of Cataclysm's Eve cradling her in his arms. Both now faced an uncertain future, terrified of what was to come on what was supposed to have been the happiest day of their lives.

The End