
AN: This was a birthday present for SamCyberCat (deviantart) based on a picture she drew found here: samcybercat./art/Dysfunctional-Family-78569114
This contains RyoXFubuki (ZaneXAtticus) cos they rock and Asuka's (Alexis) in there too. Flames will be ignored. Please R&R.

Discalimer: I own nothing ;-;

Nii-san big brother
Ryo Zane; Fubuki Atticus; Asuka Alexis


Ryo stumbled into the room in his black pyjamas yawning and rubbing sleep from his eyes. His hand moved around on the kitchen's table top surface searching for the pile of post Asuka had set down moments before. Finally locating it his fingers closed around the envelopes and he picked it up not noticing that one of the brown envelopes was taking an early morning trip to the floor.

"Nii-san!" Asuka growled trying to pry the plate away from her grinning brother.

"But Asuka it tastes soooo good!"

"Nii-san!" She told him harshly leaving no room for argument. "Those are my pancakes, I need to eat properly before my match duel later."

"Asuka." Fubuki whined the grin gone in a flash to be replaced by a pout.

"Buky just give her the pancakes." Ryo mumbled now standing in front of the coffee pot waiting impatiently. The brunette stood up sliding over to his lover having instantly lost interest in the pancakes.

"Hmph." The blonde sat down and finally started on her breakfast minus two bites.

"Morning Kaiser-chan." Fubuki practically sang before nuzzling his boyfriend's neck

"Leave me alone Buky I just want my coffee." Fubuki immediately withdrew himself with a sniffle.

"I knew it! You don't love me anymore." He sniffled again.

"No the coffee's much better in bed…and less of a drama queen." Ryo added as an after thought having taken a sip and feeling his wits return to him. Fubuki's mouth went wide and he covered it with one hand feigning shock.

"How could you say that after last night Ryo-chan?"

"Ittekimasu!" Asuka called now at the door a black jacket over her light blue tank top. "Ryo, try not to kill Nii-san ok?"

"I'm not promising anything, see you later."

"Bye, bye Nii-san." Fubuki replied with a sniffle causing the blonde to roll her eyes before leaving shutting the door tightly behind her.

"Quite easily." Ryo continued and it took Fubuki a second to register where his response fitted in.

"Ryo-cha…" Fubuki began to whine before being completely taken off guard. The blunette tugged on his lover's wrist causing the brunette to smash into his chest. His head dipped brushing against the Blizzard Prince's lips and not longer after engaging his tongue in a fearsome battle. Fubuki still tasted of the pancakes he had stolen as the kiss lasted until the need for oxygen penetrated their brains.

"Now quit whining." Ryo muttered calmly returning to his coffee.

"Hai Kaiser." Fubuki stood with a mock salute taking the command in his stride, it wasn't the first he'd heard and it certainly wouldn't be the last.