Hiya, duckies! This is my new fic. If you liked 'Don't Do Relationships' this is similar (and includes a hot three way with our favourite pups!). Hope you enjoy. Please review. I need feedback like I need oxygen.

WARNING: As with most of my fics, swearing is frequent and coarse. Onwards...

Chapter One

'Stop! Police!'

The cry rang out loud through the air but the man wasn't listening.

He ran through the catacomb-like corridors of the underground car park - he obviously knew this area well. Rapid footsteps echoed off the graffitied walls as two plainclothes officers chased the jean clad man, who looked over his shoulder to see how close they were. The female officer closed in on him, the man realising and pulling a garbage can into her path.

She hurdled it and yelled after him, ' If you fuck up my new jeans, Robbie, you'd better keep running!'

Suddenly, he disappeared from view and a second later, the corridor split.

'Shit! Where'd he go?'

The two officers shone their torches down each hall then looked at each other.

'You take the right,' the woman ordered, running down the left hand side corridor.

'Tash!' the remaining officer called after her, hesitating before running down the path she'd indicated.

It was so easy to get lost in here - they shouldn't split up and risk getting cornered. Not for a bag snatch with no serious injuries or loss. One that uniform should rightly be dealing with, except it had happened right before their eyes.

When she reached a large room, Tash stopped quickly. She could see in the dim lighting that the room was divided into cubicles which were all full of boxes and old furniture, obviously a storage room for the flats above. When she heard the clattering of something falling from across the room, she slowly reached into her back pocket and pulled out her asp, whipping her arm down to release it with a soft 'snick' sound.

'There's no way out of here, Robbie,' she called, kicking the door closed behind her.

She held up the flashlight and swept it across the room. Gripping it in the same hand as her asp, she reached for her radio and called for her partner, but she was in a dead spot under the high rise council flats.

'Shit,' she murmured, shoving the useless radio back into her coat.

'Come on, Robbie!' she called, moving forward now, checking each storage unit as she did. 'It's dark, I'm cold and sick of chasing your sorry ass. Just give it up now and we can go get a coffee at the station.'

She heard him laugh. 'You're all alone down here,' he retorted. 'Plan it that way, DC Walker? Do you fancy me?'

Tash snorted, bending to check under a table. 'I prefer real men,' she scoffed. 'You know? One's that don't have to rob old ladies for money for their next hit?'

A noise from her right and she swung around, the arm holding her asp aloft tensing. A rat ran across the floor and she fought the urge to run screaming out the door.

'God, if I get bitten by a rat, I am going to kick your ass, you prick,' she mumbled then her flashlight caught movement.

'Gotcha, Robbie,' she said, moving quickly to block him in.

The light from her torch fell on him and she froze. He was standing upright, his right hand pointing a hand gun directly at her head.

'Jesus,' she muttered, eyes widening. 'Robbie, what the hell?'

Robbie Linz was a stoner, a petty thief. He didn't use weapons.

'Now, DC Walker,' he said with an unpleasant smile. 'What were you saying about real men?'

'The Muggle police went after him,' Arabella Figg told Harry Potter, who crouched in front of her. 'I'm fine. I'm sure they'll catch him.'

Harry frowned and looked over at his partner, Mark, who shrugged. 'Let the Muggles deal with it,' he suggested, not really interested in a snatch and run involving a Muggle and a Squib.

They were both in their Second Year of Auror training and beginning to handle smaller infractions, like a simple bag snatch.

Harry frowned. Mrs Figg had helped him when he was younger and he felt like he should look after her.

'We were told to come and help,' he said to the man. 'We can find him quicker than the police.'

Mark shrugged again and Harry felt a shot of irritation. 'You stay with Mrs Figg then,' he said in annoyance. 'I'll try and do a trace.'

Ignoring Mark's noise of complaint, he stood and cast a series of complicated spells that revealed the path of the man. He followed it, weaving through corridors until, a few minutes later, he came upon a closed door. He cast another spell, enabling him to see into the room without opening the door.

'Oh, no,' he murmured, seeing that a police officer had caught up with the thief.

Harry grew up as a Muggle and knew what that metal object was in the man's hand. The man was advancing on the female officer who was backing up, asp still in hand as she tried to talk him into surrendering. Harry apparated into the room, seeing the man turn when he heard the slight pop. The officer took advantage of the momentary distraction and swung her asp but the thief was too quick, pulling his arm out of the way before she could strike him.

Harry didn't waste any time, seeing the man raise the gun again. He cast a Stunning spell. A flash of red lit up the room and the man went flying, gun going off and just missing the woman's head by centimetres.

'Christ!' she yelled, ducking then spinning around to see who was there.

'Drop your weapon,' she called authoritatively, inching back.

She kicked the gun away from Robbie then crouched to check his pulse, all the while keeping her eyes on the shadow of the man near the door. She picked up the flashlight she'd dropped and its beam found Harry.

'I want to see your hands,' she called, standing and raising her asp again. 'Drop the stick.'

Harry shook his head and she stepped forward. 'I said, drop it,' she yelled, anger and adrenaline making her shake.

'I won't hurt you,' Harry called back. 'My name's Harry. I work in law enforcement as well. I'm unarmed.'

Tash didn't lower her asp, staring at the man. 'What did you do to him?' she asked and Harry smiled.

'Nothing that will cause permanent damage,' he assured her. 'I can wake him up once you've cuffed him.'

'How did you do that?' she said warily. 'You have to tell me.'

Harry shook his head. 'Cuff him,' he told her, coming close. 'Then I can wake him up and go.'

She hesitated then put her flashlight between her teeth. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her handcuffs. Flicking her hand, she tossed them to Harry, who caught them with the reflexes of a Seeker.

'You do it,' she told him, taking her torch out of her mouth.

He thought, 'What the hell!' and did it, feeling her eyes on him. The sound of a siren rent the air and Tash breathed a sigh of relief. Back up was here.

'I'm sorry,' Harry said, raising his wand and seeing the alarm on her face. 'But I can't let you remember this.'

Before he could cast the spell, her arm came down, her asp slamming into his arm and making him cry out in pain as his wand fell to the ground. She was quick, snatching up the long, thin wand and backing away.

'Now,' she said, fingers trying to identify the object she'd claimed. 'Who are you? What you just did… That red light, appearing out of nowhere…I've seen someone do that before. I'm sure I have. Tell me who you are and how the hell you did it?'

Harry frowned, cursing that his wandless magic was useless. 'I need that back,' he said calmly.

'No,' she said , raising her asp again.

She could hear distant footsteps and faint voices and knew she didn't have long until they were found.

'When I was a probationer, I was cornered by a junkie with a stick like this. There was a red flash and suddenly the junkie was on the ground. Just like now. The woman that helped me grabbed him and disappeared when my partner arrived. Disappeared into thin air. For nearly ten years, that night has haunted me. I thought I was going crazy; my colleagues thought I was going crazy. So, I'm sorry, but I won't take no for an answer.'

Even in the dim light, he could see the stubborn set to her jaw and sighed. Suddenly, there was a pop and Mark appeared, looking frantic.

'There are Muggle police everywhere,' he hissed. 'Let's go.' He looked at Tash and frowned. 'Have you done it yet?'

'Just about to,' Harry said, then made a decision. 'Go. I'll be back at the Ministry in a minute.'

Mark's frown deepened but he disapparated, leaving Harry alone with Tash.

'I am going to get into so much trouble,' he murmured then sighed. 'Fine. I'll tell you who I am. But I need my wand to get out of here.'

'Wand?' she repeated, looking sceptical.

'Please?' he told her. 'Look..'

He pulled out one of his cards and found a Muggle pen (much easier to carry than quills). He could hear the voices clearly now and wanted to get out of here.

He scribbled an address on the card and held it out to her. 'Meet me there tonight and I'll try and explain,' he told her.

'How do I know you'll be there?' she asked, taking the card, and he cursed the suspicious mind of a police officer.

'Because I need my damn wand so I can get out of here,' he said, his voice rising in his urgency. 'I swear on my girlfriend's life, I will be there tonight. Alright?'

Tash bit her lip and looked at the card. She knew Grimmauld Place was real so she took the chance and nodded, handing him back the wand (?).

'If you aren't there,' she said warningly. 'I swear, I will hunt you down and hurt you so bad…'

He couldn't help his chuckle as he reclaimed his wand. 'Well, we wouldn't want that,' he murmured with a grin. 'See you later.'

He spun around and disappeared. As he vanished, there was a flash and Robbie stirred on the ground as her partner, Andrew, burst through the door.

'Thank God, Tash,' he gasped, swiftly moving to her side. 'I couldn't find you. The door was locked and I had to get the enforcer…'

She held up the gun using a latex glove and his mouth dropped.

'Since when did that little scrote start using a gun?' he asked and put his hand on her shoulder. 'Are you alright?'

She nodded and dropped the gun into a plastic evidence bag a uniformed officer held out.

'I'll be fine,' she mumbled, starting to feel the adrenaline high fading.

She was shaking a little when she reached the grim London street and shivered as the fine mist of rain hit her. Her mind was racing and she barely heard her senior officer as he asked if she was alright.

'Natasha!' he said loudly to get her attention and she jumped, blinking as her mind came back to the present. 'I think you should go to the hospital and get checked out.'

'No, sir,' she said, standing up. 'I really am alright. He didn't use it.'

If she went to the hospital, there was no telling how long she'd be. It was close to the end of her shift now and she wanted to meet…Harry, was it? She fingered the card impatiently in her pocket as her boss stared at her then nodded.

'Fine,' he agreed. 'But after you write up your statement, go home early.'

She nodded and got a lift back to the station in one of the Panda cars.

'Hey, Tash,' one of the sergeants said, sitting on her desk as she typed out her notes. 'Everything alright?'

She nodded and DS Jackson smiled. 'Can't keep a good girl down, huh?' he quipped then grinned a little lasciviously. 'No matter how hard you try.'

'Keep dreaming, Sarge,' she muttered, not really getting bothered by the man's sexual innuendo's.

She tapped PRINT and moved over to the printer to collect the papers then handed them into her Detective Chief Inspector, who took them, briefly looked them over then sent her home.

She breathed a loud sigh of relief when she closed the door of her flat behind her. Leaning against it, she closed her eyes, trying not to remember how it felt to see that gun pointed at her head.

'You're alright,' she told herself, breathing deeply. 'Still in one piece, Walker.'

Her jacket hit the ground, and she yanked her shirt over her head, moving through the flat to her bathroom. Clothes littered the floor as she walked, just wanting to wash every trace of this day off. The water beat down hard against her skin, hot and stinging as she covered every inch of her body in thick foamy soap. Feeling a little better, she watched the suds and water swirl down the drain, taking some of her tension with her.

Wrapping a dressing gown around her, she made herself a sandwich, forcing it down when she remembered she hadn't had lunch. The last thing she needed tonight was to feel weak from hunger. She dressed carefully: black jeans, low heeled boots that she knew she could run in, black leather jacket and scoop necked blue shirt that showed enough cleavage to distract this Harry person from the slight bulge her concealed weapon would create. Checking it was loaded and the safety catch was on, she slid the small gun into the back of her jeans and pulled her shirt over it. She wasn't going to get caught armed with only an asp again.

She put her handcuffs, badge and CS spray into her handbag, hoping she wouldn't have to use any of them. Brushing her now only slightly damp black hair, she cursed the curls that tangled and pulled. Giving up on trying to tame it, she separated it into three sections then quickly plaited it.

'Time for a hair cut,' she mumbled to herself, noticing it reached down past her shoulder blades now.

She wore it up in a bun every day for work so usually didn't notice it all that much. Nor did she fuss with her looks. She didn't have time to apply and reapply make up all day so a bit of lip gloss was all the trouble she went to. She put a little on now then took a deep breath. She drew herself up to her full 5 foot 6 inches, a little more with the boots, and left to catch a cab, wondering if she was making the biggest mistake of her life.

Continue? R and R, please.