Disclaimer: I don't own Blood+ and this never happened.

Story 1: Bathed in Your Radiance, I Melt

It was the first time they were alone since her awakening.

Almost right from the moment Saya's eyes opened, her family and friends were pressed around her at all hours of the day. Kai had been washing dishes at Omoro when he saw Hagi's head snap up in a startle and his eyes go wide, and he instantly knew his sister had awoken. Of course, Hagi had dashed out of the diner and taken flight towards the Miyagusuku family grave almost before Kai had the chance to blink, but he was not far behind on his motorcycle. When he finally arrived he found Saya curled up in Hagi's lap, tears streaming, but with a smile on her face. As she noticed Kai, a smile had flashed on her face, and he knew that his sister had not lost her memories after her most recent sleep, and was immeasurably glad.

Over the next two weeks, Kai insisted that they do everything as a family. All three meals a day were eaten at Omoro, with his wife Mao, their son, and Saya's nieces always in attendance. They visited all the familiar sights in Okinawa, spent plenty of time at the beach, and constantly poured over the thousands of photographs Kai had taken to document the families life while Saya was asleep.

It wasn't until the 16th day since her awakening that Saya was finally able to convince Kai that it was perfectly fine, and actually quite desirable, to begin doing some things at least somewhat separately. Kai and Mao's son had a baseball tournament to play in on the mainland, and after much pestering, Saya finally got him to consent to leaving her and Hagi behind and go with the rest of the family. The next evening, Saya and Hagi stood together outside of Omoro to see the other off.

"Whew, I know Kai is glad to see me again, and I do love spending time with everyone, but I have hardly been able to brush my teeth without him snapping a picture or telling a story!"

Hagi softly chuckled and put an arm around her.

"He missed you very much Saya."

"Oh I know. But I haven't even slept in my own bed but twice since I've been awake."

She winched and put a hand to her neck.

"Falling asleep on the couch while watching all those home movies is certainly doing a number on my neck!"

Saya took Hagi by the hand and led him back into the house.

"First order of business is a nap, in my own bed, thank you very much. Hagi..."

She unexpectedly blushed when she realized what she was going to say.

"...would you, um, like to join me?"

Hagi's eyebrows rose as he gave her a questioning look.

"I know you don't need to sleep or anything like that, its just, all this time I was awake and I feel like I haven't gotten to spend any time with you at all. I would really like it if we could just, well... be close to each other for a bit, while there's still some peace left in this house."

Hagi's eyes softened as he saw the nervousness in her face.

"Of course I will Saya. Honestly, all I've thought about these past years is how I'd like to put my arms around you again."

Saya flushed at his words as she led him by the hand up the stairs to her bedroom. She plopped down on her bed and pulled him to sit next to her. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed another picture album sitting on her nightstand.

"Oh good lord, ANOTHER one? Poor Mao must have seen more camera than her husbands face all this time."

She cracked it open and began to flip through the pages. The pictures seemed to be from around the time her nieces were 5 or 6. Her eyes widened when she saw a particular picture. In it, her nieces were both sitting on a piano bench, their tiny fingers spread out on the keys. Leaning over them, pointing at the sheet music set in front of them, was Hagi, with one of his rare smiles on his face.

"Oh Hagi, look at this one. You look so...happy. And the girls look like they're enjoying themselves so much. I'm so glad you taught them how to play, but I didn't know you started this early with them."

Hagi glanced at the picture with her, almost the same smile in the photo now crossing his face.

"Yes, this was right after I came back from traveling to stay in Okinawa. Kai had asked me to stay from the beginning, after I was finally healed enough from the collapse to come looking for you, but more so than any other time, it was too painful for me to stay. Everything reminded me of you, and for once, instead of bringing me comfort, all it brought me was sadness."

His eyes closed and a look of pain swept across his features.

"I missed you so terribly."

A tear fell down Saya's face, and she brought her hand up to softly cup her chevalier's cheek. He leaned into it and smiled peacefully once more.

"When I came back, Kai asked me to teach the girls music. I was happy to do so. It reminded me of you teaching me the cello, so many years ago. It made me feel close to you again."

Saya's thumb swept under Hagi's eye, wiping away the tear that fell.

"Look at us," Saya giggled and tried to sniff back more tears, "we're finally together again and we're crying. I may not know how long I'll be awake for, but now we have no one to fight, nothing to fear, We can finally be happy."

Saya hesitated only a moment before softly pressing her lips to his.

For several moments they remained this way, enjoying the tender kiss. Hagi, sadness forgotten, laced his fingers through the short hair at the back of her head and brought his lips against hers more forcefully. Saya squeaked in surprise but welcomed the feeling. She could feel the heavy blush on her cheeks, but she knew she wanted more.

"I said it myself," she thought, "we can finally be happy. I promised myself I was done hiding, and yet all this time I was hiding from him, how I felt about him. Well, I'm done with that. Never again."

With nerve she didn't know she had, she stretched herself out longways on the bed and pulled Hagi down on top of her by his collar. He let out a noise that seemed to be of surprise, but was silenced as Saya began to gently nibble on his bottom lip.

She pulled back and they laid inches apart, breath coming in gasps. Hagi still seemed startled by Saya's abrupt change in behavior. Saya brought their faces nose to nose, and looked deeply into Hagi's gorgeous gray eyes.

"I love you, Hagi. I love you. IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou! I'll say it the rest of my life to make up for all the years I never said it. Now that I finally have all my memories, now that I know about all that has gone on, I know I could never be happy without you by my side. For all those times I distanced myself from you, I'm sorry. For all that time that I put my hate for Diva over my love for you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for anything I ever did that hurt you, especially never telling you how I feel."

Fresh tears dripped down from Saya's eyes to Hagi's cheeks. He lay stunned at his queen's affirmation.

"Now I know that all I want out of life, all that I'm missing now that I have a family and a home once again, all that I need, is to be with you. Always."

The pair lay in silence for a long while, the gravity of what was said weighing heavily. Finally, Hagi spoke, his voice as soft and gentle as ever:

"I will always be there, Saya."

He ran the back of his hand across her cheek and smiled.


Saya's heart fluttered in her chest and she crashed her lips upon his once more, the tenderness quickly being lost to passion. Of their own accord, her hand found their way to the front of Hagi's shirt and quickly unfastened all the buttons. Running her hands across his smooth chest, she pushed his shirt and jacket off his shoulders. He paused their kissing long enough to sit up for a moment and twist free from the clothing. His whole body shivered as Saya's small hands immediately began roaming and caressing his stomach and back. Her lips moved to the side of his neck and he knew what she wanted.

"Please, Saya," he sighed breathlessly, as he tilted his head to one side and exposed his throat.

Her fingers ran up his spine to the back of his head and unfastened his ponytail. She pulled her fingers through the long, wavy strands several times before she tossed them across his back to bare his neck even further. Her fangs slowly pierced his flesh, and he audibly gasped. He could feel her hot tongue lapping at his blood and it sent a shock wave of pleasure throughout his whole being, and he couldn't help himself from pressing his body down to get even closer to his queen's exquisite body.

The immediate ecstasy of her chevalier's blood flowing down her throat, combined with the feeling of his body pressed so tight up against her own caused Saya to snap her head back and moan. Her bright crimson eyes stared up into Hagi's lustful gaze, and she felt his tongue draw across her lips and chin, reclaiming the blood that had dripped down there. His mouth connected with her again, and her tongue immediately slid past his lips to taste the last bit of blood Hagi had in his mouth. Even after it was gone, the sweet taste of his mouth alone kept her tongue eagerly dancing with his own.

Their bodies were trembling now, and moving with the added inspiration of instinct. Saya took Hagi's hands in her own and brought them under her shirt. He easily got the idea the pulled her top and bra over her head in one fluid movement. He bit down on the bandage covering his left hand and pulled it loose, twisting his wrist to unwind the rest of it. He fell down upon her again, nipping at her pulse point and running both his hands over her breasts.

Saya squeezed her eyes shut and squirmed under the pleasurable assault of Hagi's large hands. The difference in the feeling of them was exhilarating. His right hand was so soft and deft, while his chiropteran left hand was rough and teased her nipple in an unbelievable fashion. One of his sharp claws grazed the skin above her right breast, and his mouth immediately went down to lap away the blood. A growl like none she ever heard came forth from deep inside her chevalier's chest.

Her hands tried to yank down her skirt, but Hagi ended the struggle by looping a long claw under the waistband and pulling her skirt and panties off together and tossing them off the bed. Saya looked intently at him, he never seemed as bold as he did now. Years ago she might have been embarrassed or shocked, but she was indeed done lying to herself; she knew what she wanted, and apparently, so did he.

Hagi could feel the heat and wetness of her through the thin material of his slacks, and it drove him crazy. He pressed his hips into hers and she ground against him unabashedly. His eyes snapped open when he felt a petite hand rub his hardness. He let out a long, quiet moan as he gently rocked his hips in time with her hand. When she slid her hand past the waistband of his pants and wrapped her fingers around his length, he thought he might begin to cry once again. Nothing had ever felt so good.

Saya's free hand slid the zipper down on his trousers and popped open the button. Her other hand ceased its ministrations long enough to help slide the garment past Hagi's thin hips and down off his body. After Saya crawled her way back up and against Hagi's body, they caught and held each others gaze for a long moment. Saya mouthed the words "I love you" once again and Hagi captured her lips in another hot kiss.

Her hand skimmed back down his body and wrapped around him again and began to gently stroke. She had no knowledge of the correct method to touch him that way, she merely wanted to explore his body and give him pleasure. She could tell by his slitted eyes and heavy breaths that he was enjoying however she ran her hand over him.

Soon he rolled on top of her again and gently pulled her hand away. He wanted this to be a two way exchange, and though her caresses felt divine, he wanted to touch her as well. His fingertips tickled her lower belly for a moment before migrating to the inside of her thigh. She slightly closed her thighs on reflex, but more gentle touches coaxed her into parting them for him again. His index finger ran tentatively against her for a moment, and she yelped and moaned his name. He caught her glance and smiled a smile that was only for her, before working his fingers into her in earnest.

For a long while the only sounds in the room were Saya's gasps, sighs, and gulps. Hagi was learning what she enjoyed most but was keeping things slow and gentle. His heart melted seeing her under him like that at last. Eventually, Saya's hand came to rest on his chest.


Saya echoed her plea from earlier but he knew what she wanted this time was not the same. His hand left her and moved to encourage her thighs to open enough for him to slip his hips against hers. Her soft wetness felt like it was scalding his arousal, and it took all his willpower not to enter her immediately. He coaxed her arms around his neck and nuzzled his cheek against hers.

"I love you, Saya," he breathed into her ear as he slipped into her heat with agonizing slowness, "I love you so much."

Saya arched roughly against him. Feeling him inside her at last was astounding her every sense. She slowly wrapped her legs around his waist. Hagi took this as encouragement to move and began to slowly and gently thrust.

Minutes, hours, time was irrelevant to them. All they knew was the peace and the oneness they could at last feel with each other, now not only as queen and chevalier, but lovers.

Eventually, through her yelps and gasps, Hagi could tell Saya was nearing her limit. He felt himself also on the precipice, and wanted Saya to fall over the edge with him. His hand reached down between their bodies and stroked Saya's delicate nerve. She came suddenly, with no attempt to restrain her scream. After a few more jerking thrusts, Hagi too shuddered with a release so strong it took all the strength out of him. He collapsed upon her, unable to catch his breath for the first time in ages.

Finally, he amassed enough effort to roll onto his back and pull Saya on top of him. He brushed her sweaty bangs out of her face and she kissed his fingertips. Within moments, his love was asleep on his chest. He smiled softly. The poor girl was tired to begin with, now she was exhausted. He pulled the blanket around her shoulders and protectively wrapped his arms around her body.

He was glad Kai and the family were not due home for several more days. He didn't think they would be leaving this bed any time soon.