Disclaimer - I do not Own Naruto.

Fifty Pills

.::Chapter 7::.

"Guess what Sasuke, I'm graduating!" Sakura giggly responded.

Sasuke arched an eyebrow. "Graduating? You just fucking got here."

"I know, I know but they said my grades are perfect, like literally. I haven't gotten anything lower than an A+ on anything and they said being that I'm already a senior, I can graduate early." It had only been a few months since Sakura got here, but heey if they thought she was that good, she wasn't about to complain. They even gave her a test on stuff she didn't learn yet, and she scored a hundred on it.

Sasuke stared silently at Sakura's side of the bed (they've been sharing one bed lately).

"I don't want you to leave." He muttered.

Sakura's eyes softened as she walked to Sasuke and sat down on the bed next to him. Her hand came up to meet his cheek and she grazed it softly.

"Sasuke, it's not over. Just because I'm leaving. I can visit you on weekends, and soon you'll be graduating too." she pecked his cheek for assurance.

"It's not the same!" Sasuke snapped, pulling away from Sakura's soft touch. He crawled to teh edge of the bed and glared at the pillow. Sure she was annoying sometimes, but this was Sakura and he had grown close to her - even if he didn't want to admit it. But he...

Sakura retracted her arm as if it got burned. "You're only going to be here five more months without me, it's not like it's forever." She murmured quietly, feeling dejected.

Sasuke stood and looked out the window. A blanket of silence spread between the two. Nothing was set, but that didn't mean that thoughts weren't being thought. Sakura didn't particularly want to leave early, but it was considered an honorto graduate college early. Not a lot of people were offered that sort of thing. It'd look great for job applications.

Finally after a long moment, Sasuke spoke.

"You think five months won't seem like forever? You think I won't be haunted by your absence every goddamn day?" he turned sharply to look at her, his scorching eyes piercing her own. "You think I want to be here alone again, left to my own devices? God Sakura, you're…" he trailed off. She had changed him. He didn't want to go back to the life of selling drugs just to get by.

Sakura stood and silently walked to him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"You've learned. You haven't smoke or drank in months." She said softly. She was sure that he could continue on without her. It wasn't like he loved her or anything...he would move on.

"Because of you! What will be my incentive if you're not here? How will I resist, without knowing that you'll even still be here when I graduate?" His hands unconsciously wound themselves around her slim body, pulling her flush against him.

"I won't leave you…"

"Things can change, you can't promise that. Your dad might want to move back to America for all we know." He might take her away...

Tears welled up in her eyes because she knew what Sasuke was saying was 100% true.

"Sasu…ke…" Sakura mumbled, stretching up on her tippy toes, desperately reaching for his face. To have his lips pressed to hers, no thoughts or troubles, that's what she needed most right now.

"…Sasuke…" her lips pressed against his and she took his arm and lead him to the bed. Without breaking the kiss, she pushed him down gently and crawled on top on him. She began kissing his jaw, trailing butterfly kisses down his neck. Her fingers fiddled with the buttons on his shirt, her touch lighter than a feather. She pulled his shirt over his head and rubbed circles on his toned chest. Smooth and creamy skin, pale but perfect. His body godlike, not one imperfection. She leaned her head lower, and pressed her forehead to his. Her hands weaved through his raven locks; soothing.

"Sasuke…" she murmured on last time. "Take me…"

Said man's once previously closed eyes shot open upon hearing the pinkette's demand. They never had sex. They came close on several occasions, but they never once went all the way. Sasuke has had sex plenty of times. None of those occasions were special though. Nothing like how it would be with Sakura. Nothing at all.

Sakura wasn't some whore he could fuck then leave. Sakura was special. He would take his time with her, he reasoned. He would make her happy, cherish this moment. But just because she's leaving…does that make it the right thing to do? Have sex with her only to have her leave in a week.

"Sakura, no – "

"Please Sasuke, I want you so much. I love you so much. Please, I need you." She whimpered.

Sasuke all in all, was a strong man. He could lift heavy objects, withstand insults and even manipulate the minds of people. But when it came to hearing her plea, Sasuke's hormones went into a frenzy. With her cleavage showing, and her lust-filled eyes glimmering, Sasuke lost it.

*Lemon Start*

He grabbed Sakura's hips and flipped them over swiftly. Sakura's hair flowed and fanned out around her on the pillow. Her half lidded eyes looked at him with raw need. All thought in his mind ceased. His hands skillfully massaged her breasts, sensually removing her shirt from the scene.

There Sakura was clad in only her skirt and bra, under him. Sasuke had never seen her naked before, she was quite shy. He wondered what was going on in her mind as he unclasped her bra. Panic? Fear? Anxiety?

Her breasts spilled out of the bindings practically begging to be touched. His hot mouth pressed to hers. Tongue flicking her lower lip, which she promptly opened. Tongues met, dancing together. He explored her wet cavern, hands elsewhere. He felt Sakura's fingers massaging his scalp, pulling him closer, tempting. Coaxing.

The heat overwhelmed. The scent intoxicated. The taste poisoned. The sight burned. The sound soothed. The feel ached.

Sasuke moved his lips lower, pressing open mouthed kisses on her skin, his teeth nibbling her soft and creamy flesh. He moved to her breasts, licking her hardened nipple, sending raw pleasure throughout Sakura's body. Sakura let out a whispered moan, exhaling pure bliss. Her back arched into his gentle and coaxing touch. He continued to pelasure her, while his thumbs tugged her skirt down. As if her body was waiting for this all along, her hips lifted. Sasuke tossed her skirt aside and moved his mouth lower. Kissing down her stomach, pleasuring her. It was all for her.

She had changed him. Had bettered him. He was gonig to show her all that she meant to him.

He licked her navel, sending shivers up her spine.

"Please...Sasuke..." sakura whispered, opening her eyes. She pulled him up and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips, her tongue exploring his. He groaned softly into the kiss.

Sakura ran her hands along his chest, stopping above his pants. "Off." she commanded.

For some reason, she wasn't scared. She felt so comfortable with Sasuke. She felt like all this was natural. She tugged his pants off, and massaged him through his boxers. Sasuke placed his head against her shoulder and let out a soft, yet vunerable pant.

He ground his hips against hers.


Pressing themselves together, grinding, and breathing in each other. Sasuke pulled off her underwear in an instant and tugged his boxers down. He placed hismelf at her entrance and looked at her in silent questioning.

In response, Sakura pulled him to her and placed a kiss to his lips. She licked his lower lip, her own trembling in anticipation.

Without warning, he thrust into her.

And she cried out agaisnt his lips, arching her back. She attempted to get accustomed to his size, squirming underneath him. He continued to kiss her, trying to distract her from the pain. And after a few moments of her adjusting to him, he began to move.

Everything moved in slow motion. Each thrust, every pant, slowed 1000 times. Each moan, more pleasuring than the next.

The agonizing pace, slowing.

He thrust into her wet core, her walls tighetning around him. Sakura clawed at his back, desperately trying to pull him closer. To feel him.

They both felt their release approaching. Sasuke flipped the two of them over, placing his hands at her hips. He looked up at her seriously, his dark coal orbs penetrating through hers.

"Ride me." he commanded.

Sakura bit her lip, and rolled her hips against his, feeling the sensation overwhelm her entire being. She moaned, going faster and deeper.

"Mmm..Sasuke..." She bounced on top of him, her walls tightening. "Ah..."

He groaned and gripped her hips tighter as he felt himself driving over the edge...

And finally, the two of them reached their climax in unison, his seeds spilling inside her. They rode out the waves of their orgasm, pulsing through the core of their very beings.

Two hearts exploded with enough passion to put out the sun.

*Lemon End*

The two of them lay there, silently lost in their own world; their own thoughts. They both wondered about the future, about what would become of them. Sasuke wondered if he loved her. He hadn't loved in a long time, but he had a feeling that this was as close to love as he'd come in his life. And Sakura wondered how he would do without her, if he would revert back to his old ways.

They both wondered.

And hoped.

And yet still,

All was not well.

A/N - sorry to those of you who don't appreciate a good lemon. Review :D

PS - This whole story is going to be re-done when I have the time, which might not be any time soon.