I wasn't sure how to end it, so I hope you enjoy this! Please comment!


Thursday 12:30 p.m.

"Dude," Sam's voice was barely audible. He hadn't realized how hard it was to talk when his mouth was watery over a cheeseburger, French fries, and a nice cold beer. The mountains on the Coors Light bottle had turned blue already! He continued, a little louder this time, "Give me some of that!"

"No, get your own. I'm not eating the crap they have in the cafeteria. I've got me some real food." Dean shoved a handful of French fries into his mouth just as Bobby came walking into the room.

"Well I see Sleeping Beauty is awake." Bobby smiled, sitting down in the chair next to Sam.

"Hey, I do recall there was a time when you were in a coma."

Bobby ignored Sam's remark and turned his attention to the foot of Sam's bed and glared at Dean. "What?"

"You're eating that? Here?" Bobby spotted the beer. "How did you even get that in here? Stole it from a recovering alcoholic?"

Dean smiled, "Actually I just put it in a brown bag and said it was for my sick brother."

"Yea, that was before or after you had some fun with my nurse?" Sam chimed in.



"You asked."

"Lesson learned." Dean rolled his eyes and turned back to his cheeseburger. He shoved the rest of it into his mouth, ending all communication to him for the moment. The Coors Light chased the cheeseburger almost immediately, emptying the bottle quickly.

"Dude, it's been a long morning."

"Yea," Sam turned to the IV bag that dripped down the tube and into his arm. He watched his heart beat for a few moments, getting lost in his thoughts as he watched the line turn into mountain ranges.

"Well I'm glad that you're awake, Mr. Berdeu. Thought that the medication might have been too high, but everything seems in order." A male doctor, about 40 years of age, stood in the doorway. His already balding hair was black with gray streaks littered throughout. His face seemed bright, but behind his mask he was tired and agitated. Years of late nights and 2 divorces already got to him.

The giant bags under his eyes drew the attention away from his bright blue eyes—sky blue. His lengthy body was straight and narrow, but he hunched over a little. The doctor never really liked being so tall.

"We're going to keep you here for a couple of days. I want to make sure that you're perfectly fine when you leave here." The doctor didn't know what to say. The boy seemed perfectly fine; after having been attacked by a wild animal and dealing with the pain, he seemed to be doing okay. Most people would be in some distress or something, but all three men seemed cheerful enough.

"How many days?" Sam asked, his attention turned to the doctor. He really didn't want to stay in the hospital. He had to hunt down Lilith, wreak his revenge, and kill the bitch. Sam wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to come back to finish the job, on neither him nor Dean.

"Uh, depending on how well you're doing. Probably a week or 2."

"2 weeks?" both Winchester boys repeated. They both added a moan into the word, while Dean rolled his eyes and hung his head in annoyance; Sam's head fell back onto his pillow, 2 weeks was a long time when you're stuck in a bed.

"Yea, but at least you get a free bed, 3 free meals, and a free pain pills."

"Yea, thanks." Sam added, signaling for the doctor to leave. The doctor took his leave, realizing that the family needed to deal with their problems.

"So it seems like the two Winchesters are in the one place they hate to be. A hospital. At least you guys can't get into anymore trouble here," Bobby leaned back in his chair, trying to stretch out his arms and legs.

Sam's eyes started to droop as he realized how hard it was to keep himself awake. He figured it was probably the pain medication, but he still fought it. He wanted to be with Dean, his brother. He didn't want his brother to leave him. Never.

"Sam, maybe you should get some sleep. You're not even supposed to be alive right now," Dean smiled at his little brother. He hadn't been that afraid in his entire life, his fear of being alone and the fear of flying combined didn't even come close.

"Neither are you, but here you are." Sam shot back, no anger residing in his voice. His eyes shot from his brother to his old friend. He wasn't sure what they were going to do next, but he had to ask the man. "Bobby, why did she try to kill me?"

"You mean instead of Dean?" Dean's head ducked down, ashamed at how his selfless act almost got Sam killed. He didn't even think for a second that Lilith would go back on her end of the deal. Had he tried to go back on the deal? Was this the punishment?

Sam nodded his response. He never looked at his brother, although he knew there would be a mask over his pained face. He knew Dean felt guilty over what happened, but he couldn't spare his feelings. Not anymore. Not now.

"I truly don't know. Maybe she was trying to get rid of the threat."

"But it was a deal. There wasn't a way for me to get out of it. Was there?" Dean's eyes turned to Bobby, begging for an answer.

"I don't think so, but maybe you did get out of it. And instead of taking your soul, Lilith went for Sam's. I really don't know," Bobby turned to Sam, knowing he was thinking about going after Lilith. "And we are not going after her. Not until you're fully healed and we actually have a solid way of killing her."

"But I can—"

"Sam, you should get some rest. You look tired," Dean chimed in. He wasn't going to go over this again. Sam was not going to use his 'powers' to kill Lilith. Ruby was probably lying. His visions were gone. And they were going to stay that way.

But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the fact that Sam had visions. Or that the yellow-eyed demon wanted him for some reason. Or that Lilith is so intent on killing Sam. Nothing seemed to add up, except that something big was happening. And it all revolved around Sam.

Sam stared at his older brother; he could see the pain in his eyes. Sam knew his brother didn't want him to be some freak with powers, but he couldn't deny what all the demons were saying. The yellow-eyed demon had big plans for him, Ruby wanted to help him defeat Lilith, and Lilith was trying to destroy him at every turn. There had to be something special about him. Right? His mother didn't die for a lost cause. His mother died because he was something more.

He complied with his brother's suggestion and closed his eyes. The backs of his eyelids lit up with Jessica's face as he drifted into a quiet sleep.

Saturday 4:23 p.m.

"Samuel Winchester! What do you think you are doing!?" Bobby gruffed unhappily at the young boy who sat at the edge of his hospital bed. Sam's feet were laced up in his boots, as his body was encased in jeans and a T-shirt. His eyes drifted to Bobby's, his shoulders shrugging a moment before returning to the laces of his shoes. Dean was going to be back in a few moments, having signed him out and the Impala ready. Sam was going 'home'.

"Sam, what did the doctor say? 2 weeks?"

"I think he said 2 days. Bobby, you goin' senile?" Sam popped a smile on his face as he joked with the older man. He knew that he should stay in the hospital until the doctors actually said he could leave, but he was in a hurry. Sam wanted to get rid of Lilith before she decides to collect her end of the bargain. Whether it is himself or Dean.

"Very funny, kid. Acting more and more like your brother everyday." The smile faded from his face as he turned to Sam, serious. "Sam, you shouldn't do this. This is some stupid idea your brother would have. Since when do you want to be like Dean?"

"Bobby, I can't just let Lilith run around. Torturing people and destroying lives. I need to stop her. Before she does anything else."

"Like what Sam? What can't wait another week or so? What? Dean's not going anywhere."

"You don't know that! No one does! I just can't lie in that hospital bed anymore. Waiting." Sam paused a moment, finishing lacing his boots and standing up to face Bobby. "Waiting for her to come and kill one of us. I can't lose Dean. I just can't. I've been trying to prepare myself for his death this whole year. But instead I've been realizing how hard it's going to be without him."

Bobby stared at Sam, not sure what to say. He knew he loved his brother and he knew this year must have been hard on him. It was so hard to watch Sam break down like that, close to tears.

"At Stanford. I had Jessica, roommates, parties, books, studies. So many things to distract me from thinking about Dean and Dad. But now. All I'll have is hunting. But that's what Dean loved to do. Don't you remember how Dean dug himself so deep into hunting that he couldn't see the sky anymore. I don't want to lose myself like that. I won't have anyone to help me, like he had me. I just can't lose him. Not without losing myself."

And with that Sam pushed past Bobby and out the door. His eyes caught Dean, who was walking towards him at the moment. His eyes were tired, while his walk was a combination of pride, confidence, and happiness. "Come on Sammy. It's time to leave this Hell hole."

"Alright, let's go."

Sam walked past Dean, not stopping until he realized that his brother wasn't following. He turned around and looked at Dean. "Dean? We leaving?"

"I thought I saw Bobby come here. I figured he was coming to visit you. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would hit on the hot nurse."

"No Dean, that's you," Sam smiled, shaking his head. He didn't care how annoying Dean could get, it was better than nothing.

Bobby exited Sam's room, wearing a disapproving frown on his face. He knew he could probably guilt Dean into taking a few days off from hunting, but he wasn't sure what he was going to do about Sam. Sam could get a little reckless, especially when it came to Dean.

Dean's eyes turned to Sam, trying to ignore the look on Bobby's face. It reminded him so much of his father's face. He hated that he kept thinking about all the bad things that happened with his father. All the disappointments. Dean wished that he could just remember all the good things about this childhood that didn't just involve Sam.

Sam turned his back on both Bobby and his older brother. He wasn't going to deal with what they were feeling right now. It was time for him to finish everything that started the other night.

Monday 9:23 a.m.

"Dude, it's freaking 9 in the morning. Go back to sleep," a pillow was lunched from Dean's bed towards Sam's form. He smiled at his brother's attempt to gain more sleep. It was weird, Sam was the one that was supposed to be on bed rest, but Dean was in bed more than Sam was.

"Sorry Dean. You're getting up."

"Screw you. I sell my soul for you and this is how you repay me."

"Oh, yea. That reminds me," Sam moved towards the opposite side of the room. He picked up the coffee that was laying on a nightstand. His lips touched the Styrofoam cup before he picked up a bag. "Why were you going to leave me this stuff?"

Dean's head popped up, "Isn't there some rule? That you can't go digging through the stuff someone leaves behind unless they're dead?"

Sam considered this and then shrugged, "Not in my book. But seriously dude. You left me your favorite knife. A bottle of whiskey. Some of your skin mags." Sam pulled out each item as he relayed the list to Dean. He picked up the magazines as though they were evidence and he was trying not to get any finger prints on them. "And a map of the country, outlining a route from Lawrence to California, a law book, and a letter. Which states—"

"I know what it says." Dean was sitting up in his bed at this point. He was staring at his little brother, waiting for the game of 20 questions to start.

"Dude, why—"

"Because. You shouldn't have to do this anymore. You're only hunting because of me. I thought it would be better if you went back to school. Became a lawyer. I wanted you to live the life none of us could ever live."

"But, that's not what I want. Maybe before, but not anymore. I want to be with you. I want you to be alive!"

"Well I wanted to keep you alive more than I wanted to live. I couldn't live without you. Not by myself."

Sam stood up. "So what? You thought it was better for me to be alone? You were gonna leave me before I left you?"

"No. I just couldn't deal without you. It's always been my job."

"Screw your job." Sam was mad, but he couldn't really be pissed at Dean. He was trying to do what he thought was right. He was being selfish, he was being a good little soldier. He was being Dean. And that's the way it was always going to be.

"Sam. I'm sorry. But can we let this go? It's over now. I just want to go back to how it used to be. Before all this started."

Sam cooled down, sitting down next to his older brother. "Yea me too." But it wasn't going to be the same. They could never go back to that. There was too much happening at once. Sam knew it would never be the same, and he was okay with that as long as Dean was with him the entire time.

The end.