New story!! Yaay!! Well I'm happy anyway. But that could be because I just ate ice cream.


Donna brushed her auburn hair out of her eyes, blinking in the blinding sunlight. The Doctor stepped out behind her, looking around, and pulling his long brown coat closer around him. It was cold; and frost still lingered on the grass verges where they were standing.

"Wonder why the TARDIS brought us here." the Doctor said, standing next to Donna.

"Mmm," she replied "I mean, it's just boring old London, dull grey streets, you know…"

"Hey! I love London."

She shrugged, and walked down off the curb, and crossed the road, sliding slightly. A black boy, perhaps about 18, was walking down the pathway, humming to himself. Donna ran to catch up.

"Oi! Oi you!" she slowed down as the boy turned "What date is it?"

"23rd January" he replied, continuing walking.

"No no no no! Wait! What year is it?"

The boy looked at her, raising his eyebrows sceptically. Donna met his gaze, imitating his expression. "2000" he mumbled finally, before stalking off.

By this time, the Doctor had caught up with her, and was frowning after the boy.

"I wish you wouldn't do that!" he told her, annoyed. "And of all the people you could have possibly asked…" he trailed off. He didn't need a discussion with Donna about why he didn't like that particular boy. They walked along a block of houses in silence, the sound of traffic muted by the concrete. Their footsteps echoed around the square.



"Why are we staying here? I mean, I can walk around London anytime I like but…"

The Doctor ignored her, sitting down on a bench. Donna copied him, raising her eyebrows in suspicion. He knew he shouldn't be doing this, it was stalking…no, Timelords don't stalk people. He was observing.

He didn't have long to wait. A group of girls came giggling up the path he and Donna had just taken. A tall dark girl with large amber eyes was eyeing up a couple of boys across the square. There were three arm in arm, giggling madly, and five more chatting. The Doctor's hearts skipped a beat. There she was. A flash of golden hair, her tongue poking out from between her teeth as she grinned at her friends, and those big gorgeous dark brown eyes…

It was, unmistakeably, a 5 year younger Rose Tyler.

:D xxxxxx