A/N: Just want to get this out there now-- please dont get mad at me for this, it's just a story. I am NOT saying Miley would do something like this, but again its a story, nothing more than that. enjoy (:

Chapter 1

"Jake, are you sure you want to do this?" 16-year old Miley asked. She was pushed up against the wall and her boyfriend, Jake Ryan, was kissing her fiercely. They were in his room, and after getting bored, one thing ended up leading to the next.

"Oh, yeah, baby. This is what I live for," Jake replied in a deep, mysterious voice.

"What if your fans find out?" Miley said worriedly. "They'll hate me."

"Don't worry, baby, I'll use protection," he whispered in her ear, giving her chills down her spine.

"Okay," she sighed, and Jake led her towards the bed. He layed on top of her, and although it was dark in his room, she could see him pulling a condom out of his back pocket.

He pulled her light pink babydoll tank top over her head and unbuttoned her tight jeans, pulling them off her lean legs.

Finally, she just let go, giving herself, body and soul, to Jake.

Miley woke up at 7 in the morning a few days later and felt sick to her stomach, and not because Hannah had a concert that night. She ran to the toilet in her bathroom, throwing up for 5 minutes straight. "Oh, God," she said. She washed her face and tried to freshen up, but no matter the amount of concealer and foundation she used, nothing could hide the circles under her eyes. She got plenty of sleep, but for some reason felt unbelievably tired.

She was in the studio as Hannah a few hours later when she suddenly felt sick again. "Daddy, can we end early today? I don't feel too good," she asked her father and manager, Robbie Ray Stewart.

"Sure, bud," he asked with a concerned look in his eyes. He drove her home and as soon as she stepped into their Malibu home, she went upstairs. She logged on to her laptop and then opened up the internet. She went to Google, typing in, "Signs you are pregnant."

She clicked on the first link and read the article. Two of the main signs were tiredness and having morning sicknesses. Her stomach dropped to the floor.

She opened up her silver Motorola and pressed the speed dial for Lilly. She picked up almost immediately.

"Hey, Miles, what's up? I'm at the skate park with the guys right now."

"Lilly," Miley responded, her eyes on the verge of tears, "Is there any way you could come over right now?"

"Probably. I'll walk and be there in, like, 10 minutes."

"You're the best, Lilly. Wait, could you do me a favor on your way here?"

"What is it?"

Miley's voice became lower. "Could you get me a pregnancy test? I'll pay you back. I promise. I just need it right now."

Lilly was silent for a moment, then said, "Oh my God. Yeah, I'll be there in no time. No problem."

Miley layed back, resting her head on the pillows on her bed. She took a deep breath. What if I am pregnant? She thought. What will my family think? What will Hannah's fans think? What will Jake think?

She decided to let out her fears and write a new song on her guitar while she was waiting for Lilly. She had the opening part, the chorus, and the bridge finished when Lilly walked in the room with a plastic back from the grocery store resting on her wrist.

"You're dad just asked me what was in the bag. I covered and said I bought some candy, which I did, so it's all clear."

"You're the best friend anyone could ever have," Miley said, giving her a hug.

Lilly slowly opened the bag and handed Miley the pregnancy test. "Good luck," she said quietly. Miley took the test and quickly read the directions. She went off to the bathroom.

Miley emerged from the bathroom 10 minutes later, her shaky hand holding the pregnancy test.

"What does it say?" Lilly asked nervously.

"It's got to be wrong," Miley said, tears cascading down her face. "It's got to be wrong. It was once! I can't be pregnant!"

Lilly got up and hugged her tightly. "It will all be okay," she whispered in her ear.

The cashier slid the pregnancy test under the scanner. "Another?" he asked Miley.

"It's got to be wrong."

"How many have you taken?"

"This will be my fifth."

"Hun, I may not be the brightest pumpkin in the patch, but if they're all positive, you got yourself a little offspring in that stomach of yours. I know that for a fact."

Miley took a deep breath. "No bag," she said, trying to ignore what he just said. She gave him a 10 and 20-dollar bill and took the box. She headed towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she came out of the bathroom. "And?" the nosy cashier asked her.

"I guess I have myself a baby," she said, her voice cracking. She tried to hold back her tears, but it was no use. She tears poured down her face uncontrollably. There was no way she was going to be able to have a baby.

A/N: a litle short, but worth continuing? i needed a little break from a redone life, so decided to start a new one. review and tell me what you think!

and any betas out there-interested in editing this one? preferably, someone who's available most days and isnt afraid to tell me the truth. i might have the same one i have for my other story, but if you're interested feel free to let me know!