Title:Harry Potter and the Gift of Merlin


Summary: A thousand years ago a child was born, forseen by Merlin to be the light in the darkness in the war against the Dark Lord. She is Merlin's gift.

A.N: Ok so this is my first attempt at a Harry Potter fic so I beg for kindness... and reviews, just so I know whether or not it's rubbish.

A.N2: Set After fourth year.


An old man smiled sadly as he over looked the grounds of the castle. He winced as his daughter screamed again. He looked towards his two sons who were sitting opposite each other and shook his head. They doted on their sister, and if he was honest she was the only thing that kept them civil. It was one of the reason he had not told them of the death that surrounded his youngest child. She would die soon as her husband had, as her lover had. He scowled as he thought of the wretch who had seduced his daughter and cost his family her crown. He had made sure that the errant knight's sin was punished and now he waited for the fates to punish his child.

"This waiting is killing me!" His younger son exploded from his place and shouted.

"One can only hope that you do die." The old man threw his eldest son a look.

His youngest snarled, "Shut you mouth Salazar!"

Salazar smirked his dark smile, "Careful Godric, wouldn't want you to strain something."

"Father!" His youngest turned to him.

"My lord Merlin?" Merlin turned to the young woman who stood timidly in the door.

"The child is born?" He pressed forward and the poor girl shrank back.

Salazar snapped, "Well girl, it is a boy?"

The girl shot terrified looks between the three men and spoke quietly, "Her Majesty has given birth to a girl."

"Damn it!" Salazar swore.

"Muggles take us!" Godric spun and faced the window.

Merlin smiled triumphantly.

It was Salazar that noticed, "Father?"

"It is as I have foreseen," He rubbed his hands together and faced his sons. "We have much to do, the child is in danger."

"Mordred," Godric spat in disgust.

"Yes Mordred," Merlin nodded, "He will not like that your sister has produced heir."

"We don't know she is Arthur's," Salazar shrugged as his father shot him a sharp look. Salazar raised his hands, "We don't, that bastard Lancelot has lain with her, we can't be sure the child is her husband's."

"She is of Arthur's blood." Merlin spoke with such confidence that both men couldn't help but believe him, their father was rarely wrong about anything.

"What would you have us do father?" Godric asked. Salazar rolled his eyes, his brother had no brain of his own.

"We must move the castle," Merlin allowed himself a small smirk at the expressions of his sons.

"What?!" Salazar gaped at his father.

Merlin's smirk vanished and a hard look appeared, "I will not have that little bastard confiscating Hogwarts, it was the two of you who built it and it is the two of you who will have it."

"Rowena and Helga helped," Godric supplied fairly.

"Oh leave off Godric!" Salazar snapped.

"Well they did!" Godric scowled at his elder brother and then spoke to his father, "I thought this was to be a school?"

"And it will be, just as soon as we've moved it." Merlin replied.

Salazar sneered, "And just where do you suggest we move the castle?"

"To the lake," Was Merlin's short answer. His sons stared at him.

"The lady's lake?" Godric asked in awe.

"Yes, both of you go and find Helga and Rowena, it will take the five of us to move the castle."

"Can we wait so that Gwen can help?" Godric shot his brother a grin, "She'd love to see a castle moved."

Merlin paused just before leaving the room and whispered, "Guinevere is dead."

Merlin stared down at the small infant that had cost his daughter her life. It was obvious she was Arthur's child, the girl had the same amber eyes as her father. He supposed she was an attractive child, a little small but it made no difference, he could feel the magic that poured from her. He shuddered, the child was powerfully magical, more so than any of his children, more potent than even himself. He reached out a long weathered finger and smiled as the girl wrapped her tiny hand around it.

"Hello little one," The hand tightened around his finger. "You are of royal blood child; let no one tell you different." He reached down and lifted the child. He had a castle to move and little time to waste.

"Father must we?" Godric looked down at the small girl in his arms and then turned his tearful gaze to his father. Salazar's eyes were beseeching as well.

"Godric, Salazar…" Merlin spoke slowly, he loathed taking the child from his sons but it had to be done.

"She does not belong to us, her time is many years to come my sons." He stepped forward and gently took his granddaughter from his son.

Helga shot forward and placed her hand on the girl's stomach and whispered, "Be faithful, dear heart." She stepped back and wiped the tears from her eyes.

Rowena smiled down at the girl, "A sharp mind for you, bright eyes." She stepped back and gently pushed Godric forward.

Godric smiled through his tears and brushed a kiss on her forehead, and chuckled as her hand fisted in his beard, "Goodbye little one, may the fates protect you and courage fill your heart." He pried his beard loose and stepped back.

Salazar stepped up to his niece, and rolled his eyes, "Between you and me sprite, you'll get further on cunning then on courage," He placed his hand over her eyes and choked out, "May you light the dark, my pretty." He stepped back and threw his father a resentful glare.

Merlin turned from the founders, and spoke "Lady of the Lake, I humbly ask your favor." The water began to churn and froth, a blue light illuminating the depths. A figure emerged, a woman, a lady clothed in white.

"Who seeks my favor?" Her voice was haunting and a second later, "Merlin?"

"My lady," Merlin bowed as well as he could with the baby in his arms.

"What favor would you ask of me Merlin?"

Merlin cleared his throat, "I ask you guard this child until her time is at hand."

"Guard her, in my lake?" The lady stared incredulously at Merlin.

"Yes wise one, I have seen her destiny." Merlin intoned.

"What have you seen?" The lady drew closer to the shore.

"She must sleep until her equal is born and darkness chokes the magic of our world." Merlin fought the urge to fidget.

"Then sleep she shall." The lady waved a hand and a blue glow surrounded the girl. She was raised from Merlin's arms and began to float slowly over the lake. Merlin waved his wand and floated a folded, sealed parchment towards the lady.

"Please lady, give this to the man who will take her from you." The lady nodded and took the letter from the air and wrapped her arms around the child. With a final nod at Merlin she descended into the water.

-A Thousand years later… give or take a few years-

"It's a boy Albus!" Dumbledore whirled to face Sirius Black.

"The Potters have a son?!" He smiled indulgently as Sirius nodded rapidly. He asked, "Why are you here then Sirius, surely you should be with your godson?"

"James and Lily wanted you to know," Sirius shrugged and then grinned roguishly, "It took me ages to find you Albus, why are you down here." He glanced at the lake.

Dumbledore smiled, "I find that fresh air helps me clear my head," He shook his head and sadly informed Sirius, "More muggles were attacked today." He regretted it an instant later as a shadow passed over Sirius's face. He shook his head, "Forgive me Sirius, tonight is a happy night, you need not be burdened by an old man's worries."

"Its…" Sirius trailed off and then set his jaw, "Shall I give James and Lily your best?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Yes, now off with you." Sirius grinned and turned back towards the castle. Dumbledore sighed and turned from watching the marauder. He shook his head and smiled sadly and then turned away from the lake. A second later he spun back around. His jaw dropped as the lake bubbled and frothed, he stepped back as a blue glow lighted the water. Dumbledore gaped as a figure emerged from the lake, a woman, clothed in blue and white. He focused for a moment on the woman and then saw that she held something in her arms. If the squalling was any indication, it was a child.

The woman drifted forward and stopped at the edge of the lake, she ordered, "Come forward mortal." Dumbledore hurried forward and stopped in front of her. Without permeable the woman shoved the squirming child in her arms into Dumbledore's along with a sealed bit of parchment.

"What…" Dumbledore started but was stopped by the woman.

"I am the lady of the lake; tasked with guarding this child, a gift for your world from the one you call Merlin." She spoke matter-of-factly.

Dumbledore was stunned, "Merlin," He looked down at the child and then snapped his attention back to the woman. "The child is a gift?"

The woman nodded, "She will banish the evil that chokes your world, or she will spread it, your actions will determine what she is to become, Savior or Destroyer."

She turned away and began to drift away so he shouted, "Wait, who is this child, that she may bring salvation or ruination?"

"She is your Queen, by right of birth." The woman answered promptly.

Dumbledore asked, "How can you know that she is meant for this time?"

The woman smiled a puckish smile, "I know many things," she grew serious, "But do you know that questions to ask?"

Dumbledore furrowed his brow and thought for a moment before speaking, "Why now, Merlin had been gone for a thousand years, why give the gift now?"

The Lady level him with a piercing stare, "You are wise," She smiled again, "The child was placed in a preserving sleep a thousand years ago as you said, she was to awaken when her equal, her king was born, she is awake, therefore her time has come."

He pondered that for a second and then asked, "Why give her to me?"

"I am a servant of the light and so I sought to bestow this gift on another follower of the light, you." Dumbledore swelled with pride and then looked down at the child.

"She doesn't feel any different from other magical children." Dumbledore spoke quietly to himself as he looked down at the child.

"Her true power is bound until noon on her sixteenth birthday as is that of her king." The woman answered his unasked question. She continued, "She will be powerful regardless but I thought it prudent to guard against those who would seek to use a child." She turned again to leave and then paused, "Watch her well Seeker." A second later the woman had vanished into the lake and Dumbledore was left alone with the child. He looked down at the child for the third time and smiled as bright eyes stared up at him. A second later he laughed as a tiny hand grabbed hold of his beard.

"What to do with you, my Queen." He shifted her and felt the parchment in his hand. He flicked it into the air with a slight burst of wand-less magic and the then broke the seal the same way. His eyes widened as he read.

Sired by him of ancient birthright,

Born of woman twice blessed with sight,

Guarded by maiden of the lake,

Beloved of Lion and of Snake,

Secret of the mages few,

Hidden until the world is new,

She is born of ancient power,

To light our world in its darkest hour,

The queen must sleep never awakening,

Until the birth of her equal king,

As I am Merlin born of Magic,

This is her future as I see it,

Love her,

Keep her,

Guard her,

Teach her,

To you my white seeker,

I entrust the last of my blood,

The power of my line,

The hope of your world,

So mote it be.

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