The Legend of Zelda: Voices of the Earth

Author's Note: Good news/bad news scenario. The good news is eleven people read my story (or one person looked at the page eleven times). However, the bad news is that NONE OF YOU FREELOADERS REVIEWED!! There is a reason those are there, you know. You guys irk me. I know I don't like flames, but that doesn't mean don't comment! Give me constructive criticism, so I can get better. I would like to take the time to personally respond to reviews, but I don't have any, so onwards and beyond!

Chapter Two

A large rooster crowing dissolved Link's world into view. The sun was just waking up; this was way too early.

"Rise up, son!" Link's father bellowed. "You know what today is!"

Link sat up and rubbed his eyes. He put on his clothes, chainmail rattling in the eerily dark and quiet house. He pulled on his gloves and grabbed his sword, his shield, a basket, and his fishing pole.

'You have picked up the Basket. Use this to hold produce to be taken to the market. Supposed to have been woven from the wood of an Ordon Oak.'

Link walked outside to find his father in the field, finishing up packing the produce. "Put those carrots in your basket," he told Link. "I'm full up."

Link went over to the carrots and picked them up to place in his basket.

'You have picked some Carrots. These ordinary vegetables are grown by pretty much everyone. They may not carry a hefty price, but they've got decent nutrition.'

Before Link got up, his ear twitched. Someone was galloping closer.

He quickly whipped around to see his father slowly turning to see what had made his son react. He saw the outline of a figure riding a horse, and he didn't seem friendly.

Link's father quickly took out his bow and readied an arrow. Link slowly drew his sword and prepared for anything.

Well, almost anything. At that moment, another arrow was shot, but it didn't come from his father. It hit his father. Just then, he saw his father's arrow soar, and hit inches in front of the man's horse. The horse was instantly spooked by the sudden fire that caught in front of him, and turned around, ignoring his master's orders.

Link ran to his father and knelt by his side.

"Link…" he spat out. "I'm sorry, I…"

Link stared at his father as his last words trailed off into untranslatable words. Then, Link's father died right before his eyes. The bow dropped from his grip. Link took off a glove and placed his hand on his father,

The world around Link pulsed. He could hear his heartbeat. His focus raged in random sequences. The fire slowly depleted, and he heard the hoof beats of the creature returning. Link clenched his ungloved hand and opened his eyes to reveal a fierce fire behind the icy blue. Link took his glove and forced it back on. He grabbed his sword and took hold of what his father left behind.

'You have received the Wooden Bow. This bow is able to shoot enemies from short distances. This is the last thing from your father…'

Link took the bow in hand and took his first aim. The first shot missed by a close call, but the second time, Link pulled the arrow as far as he could until he shot it out, piercing the heart of the creature immediately.

He stumbled off the horse as it ran off, barely missing Link.

The creature pulled itself off the ground and yanked the arrow from his chest. The creature can't have been from this world. Link pulled out his sword, and the battle began.

The dark creature pulled out two long rods, probably made from some sturdy wood. There was a sharp end, making it just slightly more lethal.

Link threw the first strike. His horizontal slice was instantly blocked by the creature's arm protectors. Then, it was the creatures. He sliced with his left stick, blocked by Link's shield, but immediately following that, he proceeded to slash at Link's feet. Link rolled out of the way just in time.

The creature ran at him, and Link leapt out of the way of another double attack. Link took a slash at him, and he blocked it, but then, there was a small 'clink!' and a poof of dust.

Link had sliced the weapon clean in half. The creature discarded the rest of the destroyed weapon and continued on his clear path to kill Link.

Link blocked another hit and saw his window of opportunity. He rolled around to his backside and slashed. The creature fell face-first into the ground. Then, Link knew what to do. He ran over to the slowly breathing creature and plunged his sword right into the creature until it jolted and then ceased movement.

Suddenly, the creature exploded in a puff of dark smoke, only leaving behind a pile of arrows.