Disclaimer: SVU stuff is all Dick's and Who Needs Pictures is Brad Paisley's.
Author's Note: God only knows what's with me and songics lately. I think they're just easy to write and I'm trying to catch up my A/O fics to equal my E/O ones. Heh. I wrote this in 3rd person which is a bit different for me so I hope it's okay. Well, hope you like.
Olivia's phone rang as she was digging through her dresser drawer and she ran to pick it up.
"Hello?" She answered while returning to her dresser.
"Hey Liv. What time do you think you'll be ready tomorrow?" Her partner's deep voice sounded on the line and she sighed.
"I dunno El. 6: 30 or so. I can't find my passport."
"You do have it right? 'Cause if not I've gotta tell Cap so he can get Munch or Fin to come with me." Elliot sighed into the phone, apparently not wanting to travel with either of his co-workers.
Olivia chuckled and continued searching her drawer. "I'm sure it's here El. I'll find it soon prom…" Olivia paused and frowned to herself as she picked up an old Kodak camera. She then realized exactly what camera it was. "El, I'll call you when I find it. Bye." She quickly hung up the phone and plopped onto her old over-stuffed couch.
an old Kodak camera in my dresser drawer
I ran across it just this
And I realized that I don't ever use it anymore
fact last time I did I think it was with you
The last time Olivia had used the camera was in Cozumel with Alex. They had initially gone down to pick up a witness who had fled but about an hour after they had landed local forces had informed them that the witness had just been sent back to New York.
wanting to have to waste two plane tickets set for the next week, 1PP
had ordered them to stay the rest of their originally planned trip.
So they had enjoyed it to the best of their ability. Alex splurged
for a beach house for the rest of the week and it was as if they had
the whole beach to themselves. When we
were down in Cozumel
We had the whole beach to ourselves
it's crazy now to think
That it's all there on that film and I
could take it to the store
To be developed but what for
I can
still see everything just fine
and who needs pictures
with a
memory like mine
couldn't help but think about the fact that so many of her memories
with Alex were on that roll of film. They had been together for
nearly two years and had many amazing times together. Olivia had been
a bit of a shutterbug during her time with Alex and they had ended up
with more pictures than they knew what to do with. Standin'
there I couldn't help
But think about
everything that might be
on that roll
I think it even has another trip we took
I guess
that must've been
at least three years ago
years ago, mere months before Alex had been sent to Witness
Protection, they had traveled together to Baton Rouge for a week full
of Alex's family. They were both bored most of the time and on the
second day there decided to drive into New Orleans. So many pictures
had been taken that it had taken a whole shoebox to hold them. When
we were down in Baton Rouge
and there wasn't much to do
So we
drove into New Orleans
every afternoon
and I swear that you
would think
that it was only yesterday
'cause I can still see
everything just fine
Who needs pictures with
a memory like
After Alex
had been sent into Witness Protection, Olivia had gathered nearly
every picture they had taken and put them in a large cardboard box
she had previously used for moving. Most of the pictures were faded
from sitting on a window sill in either apartment during Olivia and
Alex's relationship. Somewhere in my
there's a cardboard box
just sittin' on a shelf
full of faded memories
and it's been there ever since
night you left
It may
have been years since she had seen Alex but every moment they had
spent together was etched into Olivia's mind like it had happened
mere moments before. She hadn't looked at the pictures since Alex
had left but who needed pictures when you could remember any moment
in time? Oh, just forgotten
to remind me of the past
Oh, but I can still see
just fine
who needs pictures
with a memory like
Yeah, who needs pictures
with a memory like mine
A knock startled Olivia out of her reverie and she stood, laying the camera carefully on the couch and opened the door. She gasped when she opened the door. "Alex!" The blonde flung her arms around her neck and kissed her passionately enough to make up for the lost years.
Hell, who needed pictures when you had the real thing right in front of you?