A/N: Now time for the twist...

Chapter II

"Bella, this is where you say 'I do'" Edward whispered in my ear.

"I—" I started, but I couldn't seem to finish. I tried again. "I—I don't!"

Everyone gasped.

"What?!" Edward looked at me in utter confusion.

"Edward, I can't marry you." I suddenly said. Where were these words coming from!?

"What did you say? Why can't you marry me??" Edward shrieked, beginning to hyperventilate.

"Becauseilovesomeoneelse!!" the words rushed from my mouth in a jumbled rush.

"WHAT?! Who do you love?! WHO can possibly be better than me?" Edward screamed, a tone of pure shock in his voice.

"Emmett," I whispered, but everyone still heard.

"Bella! I love you too!" Emmett came rushing to the alter and scooped me up into his arms. He swept me into a passionate kiss.

"EMMETT!" came Rosalie's enraged scream as she lunged toward us, but Edward blocked her. Wait, why wasn't Edward yelling?

"I must make a confession too," Edward admitted, still restraining Rosalie.

We all waited in anticipation.

"Carlisle, I love you," Edward looked toward the blonde vampire with googly eyes.

"I love you, too Edward!" Carlisle's voice came out in a girlish shriek.

I expected Esme to be furious, but instead she turned to Jasper and said. "While everyone is making these confessions, I must admit I have one to make too. Jasper, will you marry me?"

"I thought the day would never come, my love!" was Jasper's response.

"Wait!" screamed Alice, running up to the alter in her pink tutu. "What about me? The only one left is Rosalie, and choosing between her and a tree, I would most definitely choose the tree!"

Three Days Later:

We all sat in the therapist's office. It had been Rosalie's idea to take us here. Of course, she was the only one out of all of us who was unhappy.

I sat contently in Emmett's lap. He had his huge arms wrapped around me.

"I love you Emmett." I whispered.

"I love you more," he whispered back.

"Well I love you most," I was determined to win.

"I love you mostest," Emmett attempted.

"Mostest isn't a word." I told him.

"Well then, I— "

"Would you two quit it?" Rosalie growled.

I turned to look at everyone else.

Jasper and Esme were flirting with each other from across the room, and Carlisle and Edward sat on one of the couches, holding hands.

Even Alice was content. She embraced a potted ficus tree, lovingly stroking its leaves.

Rosalie took in this scene before her and grimaced.

The therapist entered the room. He was a middle aged sexy man. (Not that I noticed this. I only had eyes for Emmett)

"So what seems to be the problem?" he asked

"Well you see, sir," it was Carlisle who spoke. "Just a few days ago, we were all in a different relationship."

"Well you all seem happy now," stated the therapist. "Except for that one pretty young lady."

We all turned to look at Rosalie. Her look of contempt had suddenly turned to one of complete adoration.

"I think I'm okay now," Rosalie said, approaching the therapist and wrapping her arms around his shoulders. The therapist grinned.

"Wow, I must be one good therapist," he said with a smile.