this is my first fan fiction ever…please don't be mean, constructive criticism is welcome

this is my first fan fiction ever…please don't be mean, constructive criticism is welcome.


:Edward is in Bella's room listening to music while she's in the shower:


I sat there on Bella's bed as she took her shower…oh how I wish I could join her…I have absolutely no idea what to do…I want her so badly, it hurts…but I'm afraid of hurting her, I cant risk her…

I need a distraction….

I went over to Bella's desk to get her CD player…there was a spill canvas CD in it…that's good at least we have similar tastes in music…unlike Emmett who enjoys torturing me with 80's and country and rap…

I hadn't noticed what song was playing until now…what an appropriate song…I stifled a chuckle…

The streets are dark, my pulse is flat-lined

as I'm running to you

You sit completely unaware of what I'm about to do

The air is thick with tension much like when we are together

My fangs are aching as I'm pondering about you and I forever

She would never be unaware… but I did ache to have her with me forever, to do with her whatever I pleased, to make her scream my name, to have her in my arms and kiss her without fear of her fainting or getting hurt….

As I round your corner

I am nervous that you won't be my lover

I knock three times and hope that my pale complexion won't blow my cover

You answer the door with your innocent face

Would you like to leave this human race, tonight?

Oh how I want to take my Bella tonight…it could never be that easy…she still had to say goodbye…I wish she didn't have to leave her life for me…but I cant live without her…I'm the most selfish creature on the face of this earth…much to selfish…to take such a beautiful, bright delicate, selfless, angel to my dark world…I'm a monster…

Eternity will never be enough for me

and eternally we'll live our infallible love

eternity couldn't come faster for me…she was to be mine and only mine for eternity…it would never be enough for me…I want her with me every day, every second of eternity…

My brain is pumping an unusual secretion of lust

Your eyes are softer now

and your chin, it drips a bloody color of rust

I am raising up the stakes of this round, I am playing for keeps

Oh, would you like to leave this human race, tonight?

I had never felt such a strong surge of lust as I had with Bella. I don't even think I had felt lust in any other way than bloodlust…she was my one and only object of desire…that would never change….the lust she felt for me made it that much harder to resist…the way she looked into my eyes pleading to relieve her of her frustration, to kiss her with all my passion, it hurt that much more knowing I couldn't give her what she wanted…she had only asked for me to show all my love to her…and I couldn't, if I did, I might hurt her…I couldn't live with myself if I ever hurt her after all I had already done to her…I just couldn't…

Eternity will never be enough for me

and eternally we'll live our infallible love

Follow me into the sea

We'll drown together and immortalize you and me

Leave behind this lonely town

We're both better than this, it's not worth being down

I wished with all my heart to take Bella away from here and have her at my side…I cant wait to get her away from those vial human boys…I want to show her the world…the beauty…nothing compare to her… but I couldn't find anything more or as beautiful as my Bella, not if I searched for eternity…

Eternity will never be enough for me

and eternally we'll live our infallible love

Follow me into the sea

We'll drown together and immortalize you and me

Leave behind this lonely town (eternally)

We're both better than this, it's not worth being down (eternally)

(This is for keeps- the spill canvas)

I was lying on the bed still listening to the song…I hadn't even noticed my beautiful Bella standing in the doorway…in a towel I might add…

I took the headphones of and slowly went next to Bella.

"Bella, honey, why are you in a towel?" I asked with a nervous voice…she had no idea what she was doing to me right now…she was still wet…

She smiled mischievously…she was becoming too much like Alice…"sorry Edward, I forgot my clothes…"

Oh she knew exactly what she was doing…" so, Bella I was thinking, next shower how bout I join you?" I asked with a grin on my face…if she was going to tempt me so then I might as well have some fun…


Thank you everyone!

Please please review… I shall give you a thousand purple elephants or a thousand purple skittles…which ever is preferred

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