Galaxy of Stars

Galaxy of Stars

Summary: after the murder of the Echizen family, strange people seem to be interested in the Seigaku, Rikkai and Hyoutei regulars in particularly in Ryoma. Who, become much calmer and less enthusiastic than anyone has ever seen. Nadesico Crossover…

ARG!! sorry for the wait but i have a good excuse!! errr... right the excuse... lol... well besides the fact that i couldn't reach a comp with the net... i was also trying to decide whether or not to do a sequel... and then i thought... hmmm... why don't i just ask the readers if i should do a sequel... and if tones of them want a sequel then i'll try my hardest to rake my brain for ideas... however i probably should warn you in advance that it might not be as long and as good as this one... lol... thanks again for all the cool review!! i loved them all!! hugs and kisses!! there's the epilogue!! please enjoy!!


Death is not the end of the world. It is only the beginning of a new existence. Death is something that is absolute… Life is what we choose to make it… we must fight or face defeat... It is family and friends that keep us from hurting. They are the ones by our sides when we need them the most. They are the one's that will help us. To continue living is something that takes courage. To take one's life is the easy way out. In most religions suicide is forbidden, no matter what the excuse, killing is also forbidden. However the crusades was an example of those exceptions. To make mistakes allow us to become human. No one is perfect and slowly we have to part with the ones we love. It's painful to think it was only moments before when they were in our lives and the next they're gone. However those who die never leave us forever, they watch us from above. With the stars… they are the stars in the sky… they will always be in our hearts and at the back of our minds. Sometimes they will be the voices in one's head or even an illusion in front of a person. The people we love may appear in one's dreams… making sure we're fine… therefore they are never gone. When someone dies… they don't really leave… it's not goodbye forever… they will always be with you… watching over you… worrying about you… and at the same time feeling guilty that they aren't there in person with you…

Our loved ones always sends the same message: live life to the fullest and with no regrets. But how many of us follow that saying, we promise ourselves we will, but time and time again we go back on our word. It isn't until we are faced with a huge decision that we regret. Regret about many things, from the littlest things to the very big ones. However we know there is no return, because at that point it is the point of no return. Even so, that last moment, they would not trade anything in the world. Death only comes once, however the brink of death comes many times. It does not matter about the situation and anyone can be faced with death, that path we choose decides our fate. Fate is decides by us and that will lead to our destiny. It is the weak hearted that decide to leave fate to destiny.

Emotions means many things. However it is wrong to say that those who show emotions are weak. It is those who show emotions who are strong. They do not care what they show and are fearless to show weakness. But it is not to say that those who don't are weak. It is fear that we do not show all our emotions in front of others. Fear of looking weak… Fear of being judged… fear… there is a saying that tells us that a picture paints a thousand words. That is the same with emotions. Tears can come from joy… sadness… anger… frustration… Smiles are the same. A smile can be placed to show happiness… to mislead someone… there are many things behind a smile. When there is nothing left, one can smile and place on a façade. It is fear of worrying others that we conceal our emotions. But it is only human for people to worry, whether it be a friend… a lover… a relative… We are bound together by the red string of fate… whether it be direct or indirect… There is no stopping the feeling of dread in the pit of our stomaches when we hear of someone's death… even if it is a person we do not know well or someone we know very well. It is only nature to grieve at a loss… any loss, it is still considered as a loss.

In the end we have to live life for ourselves and remember our loved ones to truly fulfil their wishes. By going on happily with life isn't betraying their memory… but fulfilling what they would have wanted. We can never be sure when death knocks at our door, however to open that door is our choice. People sacrifice their lives for others to live… we can not allow their sacrifice to go in vain… their sacrifice is a show of love, a sign to everyone that they are willing to forfeit their life for something or even someone they truly care about. Besides the ultimate sacrifice of giving up ones life for others, it is the sacrifice of accepting their sacrifice that is hard. It is acceptance that makes us truly understand and live in peace. To truly understand what was given to us… new life and a new start… And when the time comes, our loved one's will be waiting for us with open arms and welcoming you in the galaxy of stars.


OMG!! i can't believe i finished the story!! not sure if the epilogue was as good as the prologue but hey... i have my moments... lol... please tell me if i should do a sequel... or should i just stop here?? now that i think about it... some animes i've watched had sequel however the second season wasn't as good as first season... arg!! can't decide!! if i do do a sequel then i probably going to take a while to post it up... because one i have to plan it (somehow) and two i'm going to WYD (world youth day) soon... and i'll be gone for over a week... arg!! and uni starts while im away!! sometimes i think school has a vandette on me for some reason... oh wells... tell me what you think!! love you all heaps!! hugs and kisses!!