This is kind of shorter than the others. But, I guess it's fine. R&R. XD




I stepped in into our cave room gently; alert not to make any hasty movements. I slid the door and closed the other that was covering the first one. I quickly turned around and strode towards the mattress. Ian had his back on me and a sense of shame and guilt came rushing into me. I breathed out a light sigh and sunk into the mattress and lied down on my back.

"Wanda?" Ian abruptly jumped, propping on his elbows and turning his whole body to my direction.

"Hey, why are you still up?" I brushed his hair away from his face and planted a tiny kiss on his forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't keep my promise. I wasn't expecting for them to leave so late." He smiled at me and placed his hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.

"Its fine Wanda, you're here now anyway."

"Have you been here since dinner? I definitely hope not, there were a lot of interesting people out there today. Although, there was this particular man whom I just simply couldn't understand, he slurs his words. Well, everyone seems pleased, that's nice. Oh, I hope Jamie made new friends." I was astonished of everything I had said, too much in little time. Ian was amazed too, he chuckled at my enthusiasm but I couldn't stop babbling.

"You know what's amusing though? Even Sharon had the heart to take some time and be cordial, for once. I'm not sure about Magnolia th-" He suddenly broke me off mid-sentence when he placed his mouth together with mine. A startled moan escaped through my lips followed by a delighted one. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, locking my fingers around his hair. He caught me off guard when he turned us completely around and he was on top of me.

He parted away and I automatically leaned my head forward to steal his lips back when I felt cold kisses on my neck. He held my leg and I willingly arched it around his legs. Trails of live fire were left behind after every kiss he's made on my neck. I cupped my hand under his jaw and lifted his head to see his face. He moved in to smoothly kiss me by the jaw, around in back and forth and then he roughly firmed our lips together. I felt his tongue sway out and mine met his eagerly. I reacted powerfully, and I jerked on his shirt, pushing and pulling it uncontrollably in no specific track. His tongue went around in circles inside my mouth, and I was holding back a moan, certain that it would be heard.

He must've misunderstood my gesture, because he sat up and swiftly took his shirt off and threw it to one of the corners of the dark cave.

I gazed at him. At his face, his eyes, his chest. He looked more muscular and serene than ever, especially now without clothing on his upper body. His sapphire colored eyes were flaming, even in the dark it was alluring.

I sat up too and he pressed me nearer to him. My hands traced all around his chest. He brushed his lips on my neck again, coming closer to my own lips. When he finally reached it, I accidentally bit him. He silently laughed with us still intact.

And then I froze.

His hands were under my shirt, holding the strap of my bra, ready to unfasten it. He sensed my still position, and backed away to see my face.

"I'm sorry; I thought you were ready…" He got out of the mattress and he was reaching for his shirt. Fear fell on me; I didn't want him to get dressed. And I didn't want him to sleep displeased and disappointed. But I'm not saying I don't want him too; I do…but am I ready?

"No! Wait, Ian" I leaped from the mattress and stood in front of him. I hurriedly took my own shirt off and tossed it to the same spot where he landed his. I rapidly sprinted to him, hooking both of my legs around his waist and graved us both to the cave wall. A deep groan came from the back of his throat and he was gasping for air.

"Wanda, are you really ready?" He stopped and looked at me, but I continued kissing his cheeks, his neck, everywhere around his face. He took my face in his bold hands and stared directly into my eyes. "This is serious. You're not compelled to do this. And don't think you're obliged to do this for me, because you're not. Not at all. This is all on you, your own choice."

"And it's a choice I'm willing to take. I can't imagine doing this with anyone else, you are my whole existence, and I am ready. I love you more than anything, more than anyone. I love you." He started to shake his head slowly, and he was beginning to smile.

"Not as much as I love you." I was to object to that and disagree with him because I wouldn't think that was possible if my love for him is unimaginable and he couldn't love me more than I do when he caught my breath before I could even speak.

My head was whirling uncontrollably, and I was breathless. I lead him back to the mattress and we both fell. He was on top of me again and his hands were at my back once more and undecided on what to do. This time, I didn't stiffen. Instead, I grabbed his hands and guided him to release the strap of my bra. It fell on my lap and Ian hastily heaved it to the ground. My own hands unconsciously went to his pants, attempting to unbuckle it. He did that for me and removed it himself, faster than I could have done.

When he was through with that, he pulled my shorts down and made it roll to the ground.

He clutched my waist and towed me closer to his chest, but I couldn't see how we could possibly be any closer.

I was wrong, we're definitely close now. He went in me, and we were closer than before, we were…one, whole.

He entered me again and I moaned in shock, loud enough that could be heard through the halls.

In terms of being a Soul, I was still a toddler, merely a two year old, so it's clear that this is my first time making love with someone. Of course, I had no idea what to do. This world didn't exactly come with an instruction manual.

I couldn't control all the moaning and screaming of his name out loud, so he kissed me roughly to trap the sound inside my mouth. He gazed at me and grinned.

"You would have to keep it down, Wanderer, so no one would come in and we could continue." I nodded and rolled over, so that I was on top of him.

"I wouldn't be too sure. You might be wilder than I am."

I woke up the next morning and Ian wasn't there. I panicked, quickly sitting up and calling out his name. He came in through the door with a tray on his hands.

"I brought you breakfast." He sat down next to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Breakfast in bed. For what special occasion?" I asked dubiously.

"None in exact. There doesn't have to be a special happening for me to do something for you."

"Sure, well, thank you then." I leaned in to give him a soft peck on the lips, but I couldn't resist, I tightened my hold on him with my arms around his neck. I remembered what I was doing and I backed away and fixed my stare down on the food. "Sorry, I got carried away."

"Don't be." He placed his index finger and thumb on my chin and began to daze me again with his enthralling eyes.

"Knock, knock." We both turned our heads towards the entrance of the cave. Melanie was standing there, leaning on her shoulder. "Breakfast in bed? Wow. Jared never did that to me, well, you must've done something extraordinary, Wanda." She laughed at her own joke. "I'm just kidding."

We both stared at her with bothered expressions on our faces; it still puzzled me why she was here.

"Oh, Sorry. You must be wondering why I'm—Wanda, Ian, some of us are planning to go visit the other communities, I guess including Nate's. They couldn't get enough of yesterday's 'entertainment', and we're running low on food too. So basically, there's a quick raid and numerous visiting trips. You guys wanna come to one of those?"

Ian and I shortly glanced at each other and I smiled.

"I could go to one of those visiting trips." I suggested, eager to meet more of the humans, or at least maybe to see Burns again.

"I-I can help with the raid." Ian softly said, getting off of the mattress and straightening the folds from his shirt.

"Wanda, you're not coming to the raid?" Melanie asked with a strained tone on her voice. "Well, that's gonna be hard." She whispered to herself. I realized that they needed me, because it would be effortless and easier if I was the one to retrieve the provisions since the other Souls wouldn't suspect me of something so accusing.

"Oh, right. No, no. I'm coming." I managed to squeeze in a tiny smile to that, and Melanie sighed in relief.

"Good. I mean…thanks. I'll see you two later."

Ian looked at me joyfully, and I was curious to why.

"You're coming with us? N-not with the other communities?" He asked with a straight face, but I could hear the slight excitement in his voice.

"I guess not." I said. And he, too, sighed in relief.