Disclaimer: STEPHENIE MEYER (just because people like to nit pick about how
you spell her name) owns Twilight.

Bella's pov

I walked into the mansion, just a little after sunset. The whole place was
eerily quiet. Usually I would at least hear Emmett and Jasper arguing over
the video game controllers, or breaking something while they were fighting. I
should have called before I came over; obviously no one was home, even if
the door had been unlocked.

I need to leave before someone got home and I looked like a crazy stalker.
Then again with all the beautiful vampires living in one house, I'm
surprised there weren't crazy teenage girls lurking in the bushes and trees,
waiting for Edward to walk by just so they could pop out, rip off all his
clothing, and have their wicked way with him.

I frowned at the thought and growled to myself. Edward was mine and the only
girl allowed to have her way with him would be me. If anyone ever tried it,
I would make a rabid bear look tame. I was one tough cookie. I mean how many
humans could say they had punched a werewolf in the face and lived to tell
about it? Not too many that's who. I was indestructible; I was Bella Swan,
warrior princess. I could leap tall buildings in a single bound. I could
beat Emmett at arm wrestling. I swung my arms around like I had saw Jackie Chan
doin that movie Edward had made me watch, of course me begin my usual self I hit the back of my own head.

(AN: For all of you who are not sure, Bella is just being silly. We all know
she's not like that. She had alot of coffee earlier in the day.)

A small sound behind me startled me out of my thoughts. Turning around, my
feet tangled together and I tripped falling flat onto my face.

"Scratch all that I'm still a klutz, who had way too much caffeine
this morning." That would teach me to let my imagination run wild. I slowly
began to pull myself up, as Esme walked into the room carrying a small basket of
sunflowers. Attached to the basket was a small little blue pin wheel and a little baby
blue balloon.

"Oh my, Bella are you okay? I didn't even hear you come in, I've been
a little preoccupied today." she quickly set her basket down and reached to
help me up, her eye's scanning me for any sign of damage.

"I'm okay; I didn't think anyone was home."

She eased back away from me a little, relived that I wasn't broke in any

"They're not. They went hunting today and will be back in a few

"But it's mother's day." I frowned, wondering how anyone I could
forget that. Maybe vampires didn't celebrate it though. Oh well that
didn't make sense, because Alice had took me shopping for hours, looking
for the perfect present. It was one of the reasons I had stopped by, another
being the hope of catching Edward coming out of the bathroom in only a towel. Then
Emmett could have stolen the towel and given me a free show. I would have
died probably, from total happiness and Edward would have to avenge my death, but
oh what a way to go.

"They decided to give me a little time to myself, so I could enjoy
the quite."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Alice didn't tell me. I'm gonna go, can
you tell Edward to call me when he gets home?" I started to leave when Esme gently
grabbed my arm.

"Please stay and take a walk with me. I have someone I want you to meet

I nodded my consent. She gathered her basket up and we left
the house.

I followed her lead, as we went into the west garden. Without a word of
small talk, we went on for what seemed like forever. I thought my legs might fall
off. Finally we made it to the end of the clearing. At the end was a small
gray, on the headstone an angel sat praying over a small sheep. I stared at
it, sadness taking over my whole body. The headstone read:

A lost little one, a dear son.
I couldn't believe it I was meeting Esme's son. I felt like I was
intruding on a secret place. This is why the Cullen's had gone hunting, to
give Esme a chance to grieve in peace. On a day that was celebrated by
everyone else, it had to break Esme's heart. I could not imagine the loss
of a child. I would never be able to make it through that. I backed away a
little as Esme sat her basket next to the grave. She smiled, but I know she would
have been crying if she could have.

Thomas Duncan Cullen

May 1 1921 May 3 1921

You are loved.

"Hello Thomas, how's my boy doing? Good, I hope. Mama misses you so
much. Your father is doing well, as are your brothers and sisters. I want to
introduce you to your new sister, this is Bella. She's brought this family
so much joy, as I'm sure you already know. You would love her; she's smart
funny and a great person to have in life as a daughter. I can't stay long
though. It's getting late and everyone will be home soon." Esme turned
to me, and at first I wasn't sure what she wanted from me. Then it clicked.

"Hi Thomas, it so nice to finally meet you. I just want you to know, you
have a wonderful, caring mother who loves you very, very much."

I sat there talking about random events for about ten minutes; Esme laughed
quietly at some of my stories, but otherwise made no other sound. Her smile
brightened as she heard a car door slam in the distance. The rest of the
family was home. I stood wiping at the grass stains that were on my jeans.

"Goodbye for now my brother, if it's okay with Esme I would like to come
see you again." Esme smiled her usual thousand watt smile at me
andnodded."Anytime Bella, I'm sure Thomas would love that. It would mean a
lot to both of us." she quickly arranged her basket and stuck the pin wheel in

"Goodbye my baby boy, sleep well. I love you."

Esme kissed the headstone and together we made the trek back to the house,
both lost in our own thoughts. Carlisle meant us half way back; a surprised
look crossed his face.

"Hello Bella, what are you doing here."

"Just visiting one of my mom's on mothers day."

"I see. Why don't you go find Edward, I need to speak to Esme."

Easily translated was: 'I need to make sure she's not about to have a mental
breakdown because you broke her normal mourning pattern'.

"Okay, I'll see you later."

I once again, continued on my way, happy to be away from the sadness. I felt
so bad for Esme's loss. I made my way up to Edward's room and shut the
door behind me. I slid slowly down to the floor and cried. It wasn't fair when
babies died. It made me so angry, when life was cut short like that.

"Love what's wrong?" I hadn't even noticed Edward was in the room.

"Why didn't anyone tell me Esme's son was buried in your garden and
that she went to see him on mother's day?" He looked confused for a
moment, then he caught on.

"I thought Alice had warned you about today. When she took you shopping,
she was supposed to. We don't do much because it's such a sore subject,
we'll buy her a small group gift, but that's about it. I'm sorry; let me
explain this to you better. It's not really her baby back there, it's just the
headstone. Carlisle has it set up at every house we move to, a place where
Esme can feel connected to her baby. I know it may seem strange."

"Not really everyone has their own way of mourning."

"You're amazing Bella, a lot of people would be running away screaming
that this whole family was psycho by now…. Especially once they meant Emmett
and Alice." I laughed, but was still confused on some things.

"Why is Thomas' last name Cullen?"

"Carlisle may not be the biological father, but it's the name Esme
wanted Thomas to have."

That made sense. He would have made a great father to the
baby. Edward smiled that crooked grin I loved so much.

"I've never heard her have such nice thoughts after she's visited the
grave site. You've made her very happy, Bella."

"I didn't do anything." He wiped away my tears and kissed me again.

"Yes, you did. You talked to Thomas, acknowledging that he had been a
person. She usually is the only person who goes to talk to him. You made her feel
like he had a friend. That was her mother's day present, spending time with two
of her children. "

Edward scooped me up into his arms and put me into bed.

"Sleep love, everything will be okay."

"Is Carlisle mad at me?"

"No, of course not. He just gets worried that one day Esme will try to
kill herself again. He didn't mean to be short with you earlier."

"Okay, good."

Edward scooted next to me on the bed and began to hum my lullaby, my eye's
closing instantly. It was then I heard a baby, and it was crying as if it
wanted its mama. My eye's slammed open.

"What was that?"

"What was what love?"

"Didn't you hear a baby?" "No." I stayed still, well I guess if
vampires and werewolves were real then so were ghostly babies. I relaxed
again, knowing it was a family ghost anyways. I just seemed to always attract the paranormal, but by now I was use to it. I snuggled into my cuddle vamp and drifted off to sleep.

The End!!

AN I don't really know what Esme's baby's name was or when he was born.
Please read and review. And Bella's not scared of some ghost baby because it
would never hurt her, plus Edward is there so who would be scared anyways?