He was going to break her heart and yet, she smiled.

321 b r e a k d o w n

Roxas x Olette

Olette smiled. Olette always smiled.

It was not an opinion. It was a perpetual state of mentality. It was fact; the world turned, the sky was blue, Roxas' hair was blonde and Olette smiled. She smiled and the world was right. It spun on its axis and everyone was content.

No one realized she smiled harder when he was around.

He… was Roxas. Roxas… with his eyes as blue as the ever-so-distant ocean and hair as yellow as spun gold. Now, Olette wasn't a poet by any means, but when she looked at that boy, she knew. She knew it was going to be him—only him, and no one else. He would be the one to make her fall, fall so hard that there'd be no way in hell she'd ever be able to get back up. And, in all honesty, she knew. She knew deep deep deep in her heart, and she smiled.

Because that was what she did. Olette smiled. Olette always smiled.

10 May 2008, 9.45 p.m.