It was around six o'clock in the evening when he pressed her doorbell, she remembered clearly because she was watching a story about gang violence on the news that always made her so angry

He fought to protect her. All she could do in return was cry.

shooting STAR

Roxas x Olette


It was around six o'clock in the evening when he pressed her doorbell, she remembered clearly because she was watching a story about gang violence on the news that always made her so angry. When she saw him, her heart dropped to her knees and she went cold—oh, so cold. Roxas, she'd nearly screamed. Roxas! Are you okay? What happened? Did your parents do this to you?

He thought it was funny how the first thing that jumped into her head was that his parents beat him, and he chuckled despite his broken rib. His parents were pushovers; he could probably get away with murder if he wanted. Which he really didn't—well, okay, just Seifer. No, I just got gang-banged. He coughed, trying to disguise the next words that fell from his lips. By Seifer and Rai. Fuu, too, but she just watched and took pictures, so she doesn't count. He smiled pitifully and looked up through his blonde bangs at the brunette standing in her doorway. So… can I come in? I'm kind of bleeding out here on your porch…

Olette shook her head, snapping herself out of her daze. O-Oh, yeah… c'mon, c'mon, get in… She quickly ushered the broken and bleeding boy into her living room and instructed him to sit on the couch and try not to move while she fetched the first aid kit, or else he'd make the room look so bloody that someone would assume a massacre occurred and she'd get arrested. He obediently sat. To pass the time, he watched the six o'clock news, his attention shifting in and out. Finally, the brunette returned, first aid kit in tow, and began patching her friend up. Roxas, she started, and he winced. Here it comes…

What were you thinking? Taking on Seifer's gang by yourself… wait, were you by yourself? Or was Hayner and Pence there with you? She poured antiseptic onto a cotton ball and began dabbing at a cut under the boys ocean blue eyes, and he shook his head in the negative. No, just me versus Mr. Ego and his brick wall… he murmured, and Olette's fingers slipped, causing the cotton ball to press against his wound a little too hard. Roxas yelped and jerked away.

Sorry… she said quickly, her voice sincerely apologetic, but switching to angered near instantly. You took them on by yourself? Are you mental? They could've murdered you!

They were talking bad about you, he said softly, and Olette froze. I couldn't just let them continue, so I did the first thing that came to mind. Roxas' eyes looked squarely into Olette's, searching for anything that might suggest him to stop right then. He found nothing of the sort, so he continued. I punched Seifer in the jaw and floored him, and then Rai came up and hit me in the stomach and broke my rib. Then Seifer got up and started kicking me when I was on the ground. I think I blacked out, 'cause when I woke up, they were all gone and I found a picture of me all bloody and bruised… He reached into his pocket and gave Olette the picture before going on. But yeah, it all started when I overheard them calling you… names…

Silly, Olette said, laughing. You picked a fight with Seifer's gang over something as silly as calling me names? She couldn't hide the amused hint in her voice, though she tried hard to stifle it with her hand. Honestly, you boys squabble over the silliest things… She bent over the first aid kit in search of a band aid and found one, but didn't look up to Roxas again. He could see her shoulders trembling, and he knew she was crying.

T-Thank you, Roxas, she sobbed, and he smiled softly. Thank you.