Hello, this is my new story based on the fact that Tails only love died when she sacrificed herself to save the universe

Hello, this is my new story based on the fact that Tails only love died when she sacrificed herself to save the universe. Tails had to shoot her to complete the task. Her name was Cosmo. However, they left a cliffhanger; a seed left from Cosmo was planted in a pot, and it sprouted. They left it at that. Tails didn't even get to tell her that he loved her. And this story is meant to fill that cliffhanger. Enjoy!

Everything was black, and dark. "Am I dead?" she thought.

Unknown: HEY! Cosmo!

Cosmo: what is going on?

(She opens her eyes)

In front of her is standing Earthia.

Cosmo: MOTHER!

Earthia: Good to see you are awake.


Cosmo: (looks around) Where are we?

Earthia: We are in our new world, a place where our race will flourish once again.

(Lucas walks in)

Lucas: Nice to see you again Cosmo…..on better terms this time.

(Cosmo nods)

Earthia: We have had enough talk. Come. Let us see our new home.


Back on Mobis Tails wasn't doing so well. He missed Cosmo, but tried not to show it. He fought Eggman still, and hung out with the gang. But when he was alone, he sat, thinking of Cosmo. Tails is currently sitting in his house fixing the X Tornado after a fight with Eggman. But, his thoughts were on Cosmo, and not his work. He couldn't get her off his mind no matter what he did. And his mental state was slowly deteriorating. Just as he was almost finished, Sonic showed up.

Sonic: Hey, buddy! What's taking you so long?

Tails: The damage on the X Tornado is worse then you think. It was pretty bad, but it's almost done now.

Sonic: That's good. And by the way, Cream told me to tell you to go to her house when you were done working here.

Tails: Okay…

Sonic: See you around! (Zooms out of the room)

(A few moments later)

Tails: There! Good as new!

But as he looked it over, he suddenly remembered the last time it got badly damaged….that was when Shadow attacked Cosmo and he tried to use it to stop Shadow. He shook his head, dismissing the thought, and headed over to Cream's house.

(Back to Cosmo)

Cosmo: Wow! Mother! This is so wonderful!

Earthia: Yes, it is. Oh, look. Here comes Galaxina.

Galaxina: Cosmo!

(Cosmo smiles and waves frantically)

Lucas: This land is full of plants. And we shall live a new life amongst them.

Earthia: We shall rebuild our race, and live in harmony.

Cosmo was very happy, but in all the excitement of reuniting, had forgotten about Tails for a short time. She remembered Tails when she saw a small fox in a nearby forest.

Cosmo: gasps Tails!

Galaxina: Is everything okay?

Cosmo: Errmmm….. (Okay, how do I tell her that I love another species that is not of my own?)

(Galaxina looks at Cosmo oddly)

Cosmo: Uhh…..yeah! Nothing is wrong! Eh….heh….heh……

Galaxina: (Looks doubtful) If you're sure…..

Cosmo: Oh what shall I do? I love being with my family, but I love being with Tails too. Oh, what should I do?

Back to Tails…….

(Tails knocks on Cream's door)

Cream: Hey, Tails! Come on in!

Tails: (walks in) so, you wanted to talk about something?

Cream: Yeah, it's about Cosmo's seed. Has anything happened of great significance?

Tails: No, but the plant got bigger. I wonder what will happen?

Cream: Maybe Cosmo will come back!

Tails: Hopefully……Why is everyone and everything reminding me of her?

A few hours later…..

Tails: Well, I better get going. I promised Knuckles I would watch his Master Emerald today, as he took a vacation for a while.

Cream: Oh! Well, good bye then!

Tails: Goodbye!

At the Master Emerald…..

Knuckles: Where is he?

(Tails comes running)

Knuckles: You sure took your time.

Tails: Yeah, I had to go to Cream's house for a while.

Knuckles: Alright then. All you need to know is, make sure Rouge doesn't get anywhere near this. (He taps the Master Emerald)

Tails: (pulls out his energy gun) No Problem!

Knuckles: I restored the Master Emerald quickly using the Chaos Emeralds to fix it, so Rouge might try to steal it. Shoot first and ask questions later.

Tails: Will do!

Knuckles: Alrighty then! I'll be off! (Knuckles walks off)

Tails looks at the Master Emerald…and in his reflection….he sees something….dark.

Well, this is the first chapter of my story, I will have the next chapter posted up soon, so if you liked it, be sure to check next week! I am sure I'll have it up by the end of next week. Perhaps sooner. Anyway, tell me what you think. Review please!