Disclaimer: I do not own the Gatekeepers Series. Anthony Horowitz does.

Matt woke in a cold sweat. He dreamt that he was still running, not knowing who was friend and who was foe. Waking in a foreign room didn't do much good for his already frayed nerves. Mostly, though, he was afraid that his dream had been real, and that Richard was never coming back. The thought nearly sent him over the edge. Richard meant so much to him. He was the only person who ever really cared for him. The truth was that Richard was safe. They were safe, lying together in a tangle of limbs under the soft sheets.

He took in his bedmate's sleeping features. Richard's eyelashes were splayed across his cheekbones, looking very delicate. His fair hair was sticking up in places and Matt reached over to smooth it. He was so warm and the best part was, he was all his. Richard shifted and pulled Matt closer, nuzzling his head into the space between Matt's neck and shoulder. With a sigh, Matt allowed himself to be caressed by Richard's soft breaths and sleepy twitches. He laced their hands together and listened to his lover's soothing breathing until he fell into a dreamless sleep.