Author's Note: Well, here I am again! So basically, I was here, doing what our precious Sasuke said he was doing in the summary. Playing solitaire. Winning one or two or three times, and clicking restart whenever I got stuck. I have no idea how it managed to somehow warp into a SasukexSakura plot muse, but here it is! I'm trying to make this into my first real chaptered fic, so… wish me luck!

Because when sudden muse strikes, there's no where to run.

Oh, and Sasuke is pretty much, okay, a whole lot OOC; just so you won't freak out. XD

Disclaimer: Naruto isn't mine, okay? If it was, it'd be called "Sasuke". No, seriously. (grin)



So there's this annoying song playing over the radio, some gay-sounding guy singing about solitaire and loneliness and a man playing over a lost love or whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Clay Aiken, I just find it exasperating that he's singing about useless things like that when I'm actually playing the game he mentioned on my laptop computer. And I was feeling pretty pathetic, having gone most of the night playing on my laptop, winning a couple of times, and restarting the game more times than I could be bothered to count.

Not that I'm a boring, socially-challenged kind of guy, it's just that I was sitting inside a small, cozy, tea-and-sugar kind of café, watching the rain pour down outside the window in rivets, and wishing I was at home, warm and asleep, heck, anywhere, even, just not here and alone, looking like some sort of dismal wreck reduced to playing electronic solitaire for interaction. For the general populace's information, Sasuke Uchiha does not do small or cozy, or even tea-and-crumpets for that matter.

Yes, I did that once when I was young, but I was forced, I tell you! It's not my fault I have a pretty face and that my mom was craving for a daughter during that moment in time! My older brother just had to run and go get the camera, and since then, he's never let me live it down.

Ah, siblings. Can't live with them, but you're not allowed to murder them. Doesn't mean you can't try though.

So deep I was in my musings that I barely noticed the only other remaining person in the shop come up to me until she was inches away from invading my personal space. I value my personal space quite highly, thankyouverymuch. Now-

"How many times have you actually won?"

I was jarred from the innermost recesses of my mind, and momentarily stopped the mechanical process of dragging digital cards across a screen to gape, no, not gape, that is reserved for monkeys, like Naruto. Anyway-

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I just noticed that you've been at it for quite a while now, and well, the rain's not letting up, so I got curious."

Now, I was this close to huffing in indignation! This, this woman, girl, whatever you wanted to call it, her, whatever, was seriously cutting into my mental thought speeches. The nerve. So I straightened myself up and turned to face her and-

We both stopped in shock.

She was surprisingly pretty, with soft pink hair, bright green eyes, and well, I'm quite sure she thought I was quite nice to look at as well.

We broke of the uncalled staring contest after a while, and she hesitantly sat at the opposite end of my table. Really, I would have preferred she sat here, near me, beside me actually, to… to see the computer screen of course. She was asking about solitaire after all.

The raindrops continued falling, making a soothing pitter-patter sound as it drummed on the windows of the now seemingly smaller café I found myself sheltering in. She cleared her throat after a moment, and tentatively offered a smile. Being the gentleman I was, just not that keen on showing others of it, I smiled back.

And then she began to talk. About mostly nonsense, really, but I didn't mind because it was her. That's how it is with her and me, mostly hours filled with chatter, about utter drivel really, but she seemed happy to talk, and I was only glad to be able to hear her voice. What we have is a strange not-so-friendship-as-it-is-a-relationship, but I guess we're both content at the moment to just be together and talking, and getting to know each other, and basically just enjoying what we could get, you know?

Naruto always told me I was too aloof for my own good. Kept setting me up, not that I'd show anyway, and pestering me to finally get a girlfriend or something. Well I had, or at least, I had found myself the closest thing to one I would probably get in my present state of being.

And the ironic thing is, I met her by a game of solitaire.

Author's Note:

Whew! That was surprisingly easy to get out! It might be a little confusing though, and I'd be glad to answer any questions.

Another reason why Sasuke is quiet most of the time. XP It's all in his head.

Hope you enjoyed reading! As always, I'd love to hear what you think.

Signing off,
