Kankuro's jaw dropped; the bridge of his nose flushing a dark red before spreading over his cheeks rapidly. "What?!"

He was frozen in shock; which left his brother an opportunity to push Kankuro off himself and knock him backwards.

Kankuro landed with a heavy thud squeaking in surprise at the sudden movement.

"Awww, Kanky. Don't tell me you're so old you're losing your hearing?" Gaara feigned a disappointed sigh before grabbing his brother by the shaft; tugging slightly. "Well, better you lose sense of sound before other more important attributes." He smirked deviously as he watched his brother close his eyes with a groan; squirming against the ground in objection.

"O-oi...Gaara!" Kankuro licked his lips with a gasp; as the redhead rubbed a thumb over the tip of Kankuro's erection. Shivers ran down Kankuro's spine at an alarming rate; getting stronger with each one until his body was shaking helplessly. "Ooooh....I'm gonna...g-get you for that Gaaaaara...."

In response, the young Kazekage smirked wickedly. "How so? You're already losing the bet." His gaze trailed over Kankuros body slowly; before he sucked on a finger tauntingly; slowly pressing it inside his brother. "I look forward to seeing you on your next mission. Actually, you not wearing clothing will have its benefits...."

He watched as his older brother's back arched with a soft moan; before his hand was halted by fingers wrapping around his wrist. Aqua eyes widened drastically as a hand slid to his waistline swiftly; undoing the fasteners roughly before violently pulling the pants open and slipping inside his boxers; rubbing at his own erected shaft.

Gaara's free hand clenched onto Kankuro's shoulder with a pant as his head tilted back; his eyes half lidding.

"Don't dish it out....." Kankuro growled gruffly......

"If you can't take it, Lord Kazekage."

Kankuro received a hand squeezing punishingly on his shaft in reply; and yelped in startled pleasure. He took a moment to get his breathing back. "Look, G-G-Gaara.....we both have each other in the same hold; so neither of us will be able to move..how can either of us expect to win if we both just cum all over the others hands?!"