Chapter 11 "I will not make a fool out of Sanada Genichirou by dressing as him and acting weird"

Credits to Yuujirou for the idea, and Feyren for… THE NOTEBOOK! xDD

Somewhere in the Streets of Kanagawa…

Niou was walking along the road kicking the innocent pebbles on the street as he mourned the loss of his precious laptop. Sure, Yukimura - Buchou had promised to buy him a new laptop (Hey! Who says he isn't a good Buchou? xD), but his precious pictures of Hiro-chan and those naked girls were gone forever.

*Dramatic music plays as Niou drops to the ground in despair*

Niou wanted revenge on Yukimura – Buchou and Sanada, but how could he do it without incurring the wrath of Yukimura, the Great? Just then, Niou saw something that gave him an amazing idea. Quickly taking out his cell phone, he dialed Yagyuu's number.

"Hey, Hiro-chan, I need a favour from you, you see, it's like this…"

The next day, at practice…

Sanada headed for the clubroom at 4 in the morning. This time he was SURE he'd be the first to reach. Ha! Let's see how Niou or anyone else for that matter would be able to pull any tricks on him! Opening the door, Sanada almost turned to stone when he saw someone totally unexpected in the clubroom.

One second…

Two seconds…

Three seconds…

*Cricket chirps*

The mystery person chose that exact moment to look up. The light from the doorway made his glasses glint, increasing his scary aura a dozen times more than necessary. Sanada unfroze when he saw who it was, letting his guard down, which was a BIG mistake.

"O-oh, it's j-just you. Ahem."

Sanada cautiously side stepped away and proceeded to change out of his uniform. In a split second, the mystery person was in front of him, dangling a suspicious looking piece of paper in front of him. If Sanada was shocked, he didn't show it. Instead, he stiffly took it and inspected them carefully.

"A ticket to a movie? Wait, is this some kind of trick?"

Suddenly, Yukimura randomly burst into the room, whistling and skipping. He stopped abruptly when he saw what Sanada was holding.

"Oh, Gen-Chan you're going as well? Why don't we go together later, after school? Even if it's during training time, I've always wanted to see this movie."

"Hn." Sanada replied gruffly, but was inwardly blushing something furious. He pulled on his shirt and quickly raced out of the clubroom with Yukimura following closely behind him, chuckling.

Niou came out of his hiding place in the closet and grinned as he shook hands with Yagyuu.

"Puri, everything is going according to plan."

After school… With Yukimura and Sanada…

Sanada's eyebrow twitched the minute he stepped out of the gate. That was NOT a good sign. Who knows what would become of the tennis club if he and Yukimura weren't around. He fiddled nervously with his cap before turning to Yukimura.

"Yukimura, I don't see why we have to skip training to watch a movie. The nationals may be over but we cannot afford to let down our guard."

"But it's The NOTEBOOK! Besides, the club can manage a day without us, and you're starting to sound like Tezuka." Yukimura chuckled. 'Besides, I'M the SEME, and YOU will listen to ME, muahahahaha…' And no, Yukimura did NOT say that out loud.

Back at School…

Immediately after Yukimura and Sanada left, Niou sneaked into the clubroom, dragging Yagyuu with him. Once they were inside, Niou locked the door. Just as the door shut, Marui, Akaya, Yanagi and Jackal came along.

"Strange, the door won't open…Pop…"

"Ssh! Marui-senpai, listen…"


"Puri, coast is clear, let's do it Hiro-chan!"

"Are you sure we should be doing this? Won't we get into trouble?"

"Puri, nobody will ever find out. Come on, just strip!"

"W-wait, Niou-kun, let me just…"

"Hiro-chaaaaaan, I've already waited so long!"

"Niou-kun! N-no, not my shirt! Wait! Don't pull my pants, I'll take it off myself!"



Marui and Jackal fainted, while Yanagi scribbled rapidly in his notebook. Akaya just walked away, dragging his two senpai. He had no idea what was going on… Naive little Akaya…

Niou and Yagyuu walked out of the clubroom, dressed as Sanada and Yukimura respectively.

"Strange, I swear I heard the brattling's and the ball of fat's voices out here… Oh well, must've been my imagination. Hiro-chan, can you actually SEE without your glasses?"

"I'm wearing contacts, Niou-kun."

"Puri, heh, shall we start our little party now?"

"As you wish, Niou-kun."


At the movies…

Sanada suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. He hoped nothing bad was happening back at school. But he supposed it was worth it, seeing Yukimura so happy. Though, the show was rather annoying. Bad Sanada, he shouldn't have ignored his gut instinct…



The terrified first years broke into a sprint, headlessly running around the courts not bothering to count the number of laps. Yanagi stared for a moment before scribbling down notes again.

"It would seem like Genichirou has finally cracked. He just recited the exact value of π2 …"

Akaya pouted, "Buchou! Sanada – Fukubuchou is making us run impossible laps!"

"Kirihara – Kun, we'll chat all you want AFTER you finish your laps."

Akaya looked at Yukimura [Yagyuu], dumbfounded, before breaking in tears. "NOOOO B-BUCHOU D-DOESN'T LIKE ME ANYMORE, H-HE CALLED ME K-KIRIHARA – KUN!" Akaya ran out of the courts crying like a sissy while everyone just stared at him as he exited.



"WHAT?! How do I… Oh, never mind…" Marui begrudgingly spat out his gum and started to run his laps.

"Ii Data, Genichirou just told Marui to run π multiplied by the gravity of the moon number of laps."

Jackal hesitantly approached Sanada [Niou] before asking timidly, "Sanada – Fukubuchou, err, what should I do?"


Jackal gasped and run out of the court dramatically. "WHY, OH WHY! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE


"Genichirou's numbers are increasing, Ii data, he just made Jackal run e2.5 laps…"


"Ii data, Genichirou has- Hey wait, I thought we were in this together!"

"Oops, sorry Yanagi, I was getting carried away… Hey, what happened to everyone? They should have finished their laps by now."

Looking around, Niou realized that everyone had collapsed from their laps due to the fact that nobody knew how many laps to run…


Later that day…


Sanada returned to find the place scattered with student bodies and Niou and Yagyuu were nowhere to be found…


A/N: Whoa, this chapter is the longest chapter ever! O.o" Hehe, anyways, finally updated after so long xD… Comments are appreciated, Matta~