Apologies Here and There
by rayeux
The heater wasn't working, and it was cold. So cold. Blair sighed and snuggled (yes, snuggled) into Chuck's warm embrace in an effort to keep herself from freezing. "I'm so tired, Chuck... I don't think I can keep this up any longer..."
"I don't think I can either," the boy sighed and kissed her hair. "It's been too long. I'm sick of waiting." They both sat in silence, staring at the cars that passed by at what seemed to be the speed of light. "Is there something wrong with us?" the chocolate-haired girl questioned, only to be answered by her lover's silence. "Why'd she stop? She used to love us. I don't understand..."
Chuck placed a hand on the steering wheel. "People grow up, Blair. We both knew she was going to leave us eventually. We both knew she was going to forget us and..."
"And what?" she looked him in his beautiful brown eyes. "And push us to the side? Just like we never existed?" He opened his mouth only to have her cut him off. "Don't you dare, Bass. Don't you even dare try to remind me that she tried to apologize! She left us here to rot! Don't tell me that you can just take the crap she has thrown at us!"
"Listen to me, Chuck! I can't take this and I know you can't either. We're Blair Waldorf and Chuck Bass."
The boy smirked. "You're right. We can get back at Rayeux for leaving us in this godforsaken city. We can speak to the readers. Ask them to continue our story."
Blair grabbed his shirt and dragged his lips down to hers. "God, I love you," she murmured, her lips brushing against him with every word she spoke.
Dear Readers,
Greetings and salutations. As you have read earlier, that idiot author has discontinued out story; and frankly, we're not very pleased with it. Rayeux put us through so much-- only for her to just stop in the middle it all.
So we beseech you: PM Rayeux. Tell her you want to continue our tale. She'll surely agree. Stupid girl might even be happy that someone else wants to finish where she left off.
We thank you for your time.
Chuck grabbed the pen from Blair's hand and hastily signed his name on the note.
"Chuck!" Blair chided. "I'm the one that wrote the letter for us! You could have at least let me sign my name first! After all, I am more important than you are."
"Males have more significance in this world," he retorted.
"You sexist imbecile!" Blair backhanded his chest and forced him to release a small yelp. "And Blair comes before Chuck."
The said male leaned until their noses touched. "Sorry, B," he said, his hot breath fanning all over her face. "Everyone alphabetizes using family names and Bass comes before Waldorf." He pressed the pen into her delicate hand. "End of discussion."
And that was it.
Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
P.S. We'll even bet that she hasn't apologized to you, dear readers; so take us off her hands and do what you will.