OK, here's another chapter. i hope you really enjoy this one.
Tearney couldn't belive that her and Chuck were going to have a child. SHe spent the entire night in the Hostpital with Chuck deciding baby names.
" So, I was thinking that if it was a girl we name Violet and if it's a boy, we name it Jacob. " Chuck was saying.
" Ok, I like Jacob,but Violet? No. I was thinking Aubrey." Tearney said.
" Aubrey? I like it. " Chuck said.
They started laughingl. Nate just looked at them and smiled. Then his phone rang. It was Blair.
He walked out the room to take the call.
'' Hey Blair, what's up ? "
" I was thinking, we need a break. So, i'm leaving. by Nate. "
Nate hung up the phone and went back into the room. Tearney was fast asleep with Chuck laying beside her. He too was sleep. Nate walked out of the room , out of the hostpital and out onto the street.
He stood on the street, not moving, just taking in everything.
" I'm all alone" He thought. He walked down the street and sat on the sidewalk.
As he sat there, he noticed all the happy couples and couldn't help but cry. He realized that the only woman he could feel that happy with was having a baby by his best friend.
" Hey, what are you doing here? " A woman's voice said. Nate looked up and for a moment he thought he saw Tearney.
" Tearney? " He said. his voice barely a whisper.
" No. oh, you know my twin sister? "
" what? Twin sister? She never told me that. "
" Yea, well not that many people know me. I'm kinda the black sheep of the family. "
" I'm Nate by the way. "
" Aubrum."
She extended a hand out for him to take. he took it.
" hey, do you want to come in ? You can tell me how you met my sister. " She laughed. It was just as warming as Tearney's.
" Sure. "
He followed her in her apartment in which he just happened to be sitting in front of.
Aubrem's apartment was small and cozy. just like a little cottage. She had pictures everywhere and Nate picked up one. It was a picture of Aubrem and Tearney when they were little.
" We were six, a family vacation to Miami. it was the last time i actually saw Tearney. "
" Why? "
" After that Vacation, Dad dropped me off at our Grandmother's house. He said it was for the best. "
" Did he tell you why? ''
" No, but I over heard him when he dropped me off, he was telling Grandma that it wasn't good for me to be round' Tearney for fear of bringing up some derrep secret. "
'' Do you know the secret? "
" No, but I have a feeling that Tearney Does. "
SORRY that the chapter is so short. and BTW i know i added a Twist. wasn't planing it it just happened. Please Reveiw.Thankx