Chapter 7: Just For Entertainment

Poor Starfire, she felt quite alone all in some sort of a special handcuffs in the main command chamber of a Highbreed commander. What Starfire didn't know was this Highbreed commander was the very Highbreed alien whom was sent as a scout to meet up with the Forever Knights five years ago. Yet now she was the Highbreed's "prize", she then noticed that the Highbreed commander himself came right into the scene to check up on her.

"Ah, greetings inferior creature" said the Highbreed commander as he glared down at her, "I see you have gotten a bit use to my accommodations that I have provided for you."

"Evil alien, you'll never take me, my friends shall come and rescue me" replied Starfire in a defiant voice.

"Ha, that's a laugh" said the Highbreed commander, "those friends have yours from the Teen Titans have all been apprehended by my Forever Knight clients, with your friend Raven, she's being used to acquire even more powerful weapons that'll be handed over to my Forever Knight clients."

"You won't get away with this" said Starfire.

"Oh, I'm afraid I already have, and you'll be my prize to show that I have defeated my foes that humiliated me five years ago" laughed the Highbreed commander as he left the scene.

Meanwhile, not far from the Highbreed ship, the four remaining members of the old Teen Titans along with Ben, Gwen and Kevin were gearing up for an assault on the ship.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" asked Kevin as he looked around and noticed that many DNAliens were heavily guarding the ship, "The last time we exposed something like this, we placed an entire city endanger."

"Then we're just going to have to make it a full frontal attack" said Nightwing as he readied for battle.

Back at the Highbreed ship, which was stationed in a secluded area not far from Jump City, a DNAlien scout spotted the four members of the old Teen Titans coming straight at them, with additional help from Gwen, Kevin and Ben who had changed himself into Swampfire with using his Omnitrix.

"Just like old times?" asked Cyborg to Nightwing.

"Yep, seems like that" replied Nightwing as he then knocked out the DNAlien scout, which then alerted the other DNAliens to be ready.

As the seven intruders made their way toward the Highbreed ship, the DNAliens began to fire their spit at them. Yet they were certainly going to underestimate them. Beast Boy had changed himself into a hawk and began to quickly dodge the strange ooze that was coming toward him. He then landed right in front of some DNAliens, and changed himself into a gorilla and began literally knocking each DNAlien.

"We have to get to that ship!" cried Nightwing as he then noticed that the Highbreed ship was taking off.

"Don't worry, I think we can get you up there" said Ben.

Ben then used Swampfire's powers, which created roots that had attached itself to the Highbreed ship to prevent it from lifting off. He then used the old Heatblast-like firepower from Swampfire, making a hole right into the ship itself for Nightwing and the others to get through. Back on the ship, the Highbreed commander suddenly noticed that things were not going according to his plan.

"What's going on?" asked the Highbreed commander as he asked some DNAliens whom were working as technicians on the ship.

"It appears that the seven intruders that our forces were left behind to face have managed to come right onto the ship" replied the DNAlien.

"Incompetent fools" said the Highbreed commander as he grabbed the DNAlien and threw it against his own comrades, "worthless drones, never send a drone to do a commander's job."

The Highbreed commander knew that the intruders wanted to free Starfire, so he quickly raced back toward his main chamber on the ship. Yet he didn't seem to noticed that the intruders had already arrive. As the Highbreed commander opened up the door to his chamber, a large star bolt came out of nowhere, sending the Highbreed commander crashing right on the floor. As he recovered from the attack, he noticed a familiar scene of the old Teen Titans gearing up with the exception Robin now known as Nightwing in his place.

"You picked the wrong team of heroes to mess with pal" said Cyborg.

"Titans, go!" cried Nightwing, shouting his old battle cry as it was just so in the days he was known as Robin.

Cyborg made the first attack on the Highbreed commander, as he fired dual sonic cannons at him, sending him crashing into some DNAliens whom were trying to come toward his aid. It was then Beast Boy's turn who then changed himself into a grizzly bear and used its claws against the Highbreed commander. This then gave Raven the opportunity for some pay back, as she applied her powers by smashing the Highbreed commander right on the ceiling, and then back on the ground. She then used her powers to create a barrier so that the DNAliens couldn't help the Highbreed commander.

"It's your go Starfire" said Raven as she was holding the DNAliens in their place.

Starfire then raced right toward the Highbreed commander, and gave him a good punch right in the face, and a good uppercut sending him flying right in the air. Nightwing then leaped up with Starfire's help, and with one full force with Nightwing kicking the Highbreed commander, sent him crashing into some vital controls of the ship which began to send the ship of its course.

"Ah, you guys are having all the fun" complained Ben who was still in his Swampfire form, as he really wanted to have another piece of the Highbreed commander who was unfortunately unconscious at the moment.

"I think we have bigger problems" said Gwen as she noticed the ship was certainly soon going to crash.

"Let's make an exit and get the heck out of here" said Kevin.

"You got it" said Raven as she then used her powers to teleport everybody out to safety to leaving the DNAliens and the Highbreed commander on the course of destruction, to which the ship then promptly exploded instantly.

Back on the ground, the old Teen Titan members were happily reunited thanks with the effort of Ben, Gwen and Kevin.

"I couldn't have done it without you, finding the rest of my teammates" said Nightwing to which he was about to give Ben an old Titan communicator, "if there is a call, you know where to find us."

"On the contrary, I think you'll need us instead" said Ben as he instead handed out what seem like an extra Plumber communication badge.

After that, Ben, Gwen and Kevin then got into the car, and began to head off away from Jump City with the reunited Teen Titans watching on as they left in the distance.