So, this is the very last chapter of Becoming A Monster. I didn't want to write it cause I didn't want the story to be over, but I knew people would be mad if I took forever to get this out.

I just want to take the time to say thank you to everyone who reviewed! I'd thank each of you individually, but that would take forever and I'm sure no one really wants to read that. As for my next story, I'm sure some are wondering about, I have a Lost Boys fanfic in the works as we speak, and I'm contemplating starting a Jacob/ofc. I'm not too sure about it yet, but I have some ideas. Well, enough of me talking. Here is the last chapter, enjoy!

An Epilogue of sorts..

"Stop messing with your tie," I said to Paul, as I slapped his hand away from the tie around his neck for what seemed like the millionth time.

"I don't see why I have to wear this thing," he said, in a whinny voice.

"Because it looks nice."

"It looks stupid."

"No it doesn't. You look very handsome."

"It looks stupid."

"Sshh, the wedding is about to start," I hissed. We were standing in the church, waiting for the bride to make her way down the isle. My Uncle Greg was standing at the alter, waiting. He looked so nervous, with his hands fidgeting, and an expression that looked to say "get me the hell out of here." I wonder if Paul will act nervous when we ever get married. I almost let out a laugh just watching my uncle, but then Paul distracted me when he tugged at his tie again, and I was forced to grab onto his hand. He gave me a glare and I just glared right back at him. I wasn't about to let him intimidate me. Werewolf or not, I was not about to back down. Something I have learned over the months, werewolves like to think they are dominant, but when it comes to their mates, they aren't. Just ask Emily, Kim, or Ellie. We have our guys wrapped around our fingers. Just don't let the guys know that. They would throw a hissy fit if they heard me talking like that. Not that watching that wouldn't make me laugh even more.

The music then started playing and Anna made her way toward Greg. She looked so beautiful and it was pretty clear that my uncle thought so too. I swear his jaw hit the floor the second he saw her. The dress was perfect. Not too fancy but at the same time fancy enough. It wasn't what I would have picked out for myself, but this wasn't my wedding, this was hers. Plus, it fit her nicely. Her hair was all done up, with some flowers in it, and that just made the ensemble come together. She looked utterly perfect. I could only hope to look as perfect when my special day came.

The ceremony was short, just like they wanted. They didn't want it to drag out, which I was happy about, for Paul's sake. He already looked like he was getting ready to jump out a window. When the priest finally said, you may kiss the bride, I had tears in my eyes. Paul was laughing at me, and I had to elbow him in the stomach to make him shut up. It hurt my elbow more than it hurt him. That made Paul laugh even more. I glared at him and started rubbing my sore elbow. Then he placed his arm around me and pulled me close. He always knew how to make me so agitated, then turn it around and make me want to kiss him. Stupid boy.

As My uncle and Anna walked down the isle together, I could only watch and wonder when my wedding would happen. A wedding would have to wait though. I had the wonders known as college to explore first. I had finished high school a couple months ago and even though I had no desire to go to college, Paul, and my mom, convinced me to go to a community college that was close by. I flat out refused to go anywhere else. I couldn't deal with the idea of being away from Paul. He pretended to be mad, but I know for a fact that he wasn't. He was just as happy that I would be staying close by. He just had to be himself, and make a big deal out of nothing. Drama Queen. We stayed at the church for a while, taking pictures and going through that ridicules line of people, to hug everyone. After the pictures and bubble blowing, Anna thought throwing rice would be tacky so we blew bubbles, we left for the reception. It was actually at Anna's parents house, which was near by. They had this huge back yard and had set up canopies and picnic tables. Everyone was just lucky that it was a nice day and rain would not be bothering us. After listening to some music and some speeches, everyone made their way to the food. I had to remind Paul that there were other people that needed to eat. He complained that his two plates, which were full by the way, were not enough. He ended up finishing his before me, and then helping me clean my plate as well.

After the food, Paul and I were sitting at one of the picnic tables that were set up, and we were just listening to the music. Yeah, the music that the crappy dj was playing. I think he was a friend of the family, or just really cheap. He kept playing the lamest songs ever. When it comes time for my wedding, I'm only letting good music come on. Wow, I think that is like the fourth time I have mentioned myself getting married. I need to stop obsessing over it. Paul hasn't even asked me yet.

"That's going to be us one day," he then whispered into my ear, while watching my uncle and new aunt dance to another lame song. Could he read my mind or what?

"I hope so."

"Hope isn't needed. When you're done with college and I know there wont be any vampires around for a bit, I plan on marring you."

"I hope that wasn't your proposal, because even though I don't think you are the "down on one knee" type of guy, I think you can do better than that," I teased him. I wasn't serious. Just hearing him say it like that made my heart flutter. If that was the type of proposal he wanted to give, I was going to take it. Paul playfully growled into my ear before placing a teasing kiss behind it. I giggled and told him to stop it. We had become increasingly playful since I lost my v-card. Oh, oops. Did I forget to mention that? I did, didn't I? Yeah, I'd say maybe a month or so ago, Paul and I did the deed. I would say it was amazing, but that would be an understatement. The details? Those, my friends, are mine and mine alone. And maybe they are also Paul's. And possible the rest of the pack, due to them sharing thoughts and all. I swear the day after we had sex the rest of the werewolves couldn't keep their smirks to themselves. My face was red the whole day. It was worth it though.

"I have to go," Paul said, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Already?" I whined. He had to go on patrol today. I guess I should be happy that he at least made it to the wedding.

"Yeah. You know I don't want to but it's my job."

"Job that you don't get paid for," I teased.

"Get off my back woman," he said, with a laugh.

"You know I'm only joking."

"I know."

"Will you be by tonight?"

"I'll try to."

"Alright. Be careful."

"I always am." We shared a kiss and then he ran off. I hope no one noticed that he didn't have a car here. That would be kind of hard to explain. I was left sitting on the picnic table by myself. I just watched the people dancing and others laughing. Weddings really did bring people together, didn't they? That and they got people completely trashed, but besides that, they were really very happy occasions. I let out a sigh, again thinking of my own wedding. Maybe we could have a winter wedding, I don't think I would really want a summer one. Then again, fall has always been my favorite season. Not here though. It rained too much here. I liked fall better back in MA, with the changing of the leaves. Then I would have to think of where we could have it. Oh, the one thing it would really need to have was a lot of food. I would need to feed the whole pack, plus family. I can just picture my family fighting their way to get some food before the pack ate it all. That thought made me laugh, but then I sighed again, not even knowing why I was thinking about all of this now. I still had plenty of time before I would be getting married. Too much time.

"Why are you sitting over here alone?" I turned to see my uncle heading my way. He sat down next to me an handed me a cup.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Rum and coke." Ah, he knew me well. There was no way I was going to turn this down. "Just don't let your mother know I gave it to you. She would kill me, even on my own wedding day."

"I wouldn't want your death on my hands, now would I?" I asked, taking a sip. I froze after I took that sip. Death on my hands, that made me think of Scotty. I missed him, but I had finally realized that his death was not my fault. After having nice long chats with many people, Paul, Ellie, and Emily, just to name a few, I knew that there was nothing I could have done differently. He wouldn't have wanted me to be miserable. He would have wanted me to continue living, and that was what I was doing.

"So where is that boyfriend of yours?" asked Uncle Greg, again taking me from my thoughts.

"He had to go to work." Eh, it wasn't a total lie. That is if you call running around in the woods looking for evil vampires work.

"That's too bad."

"Yep, it is."

"He is going to miss all the fun." I almost said, "that's alright we'll have our own fun later," but I stopped myself just in time.

"It's ok, I'll fill him in on it later." We were silent for a couple seconds and then my uncle asked me a question that made my body stiffen.

"So, you ever see those wolves again?" I never planned on talking to him about this again. Leave it to Uncle Greg to bring up the subject, and when he was drunk, no less.

"Wolves?" I asked, trying to play it off as I had no idea what he was talking about.

"You know, those giant wolves that attacked you back in, what was it? September?"

"Oh, those wolves. Nope, I haven't seen them." Lies, lies, lies, yeah.

"I wish more people would see them. That way they wouldn't think us crazy."

"No one thinks we are crazy. Maybe it's a good thing that only we got to see them. It can be like our special secret. Plus, maybe they really aren't that bad. Maybe they aren't here to hurt us. Maybe they are here to protect us."

"Maybe you're right Mags. Or maybe I'm just drunk. Or maybe both." I started laughing and turned to give my uncle a hug.

"Congratulations on today," I said, trying to change the subject. I then downed the rest of my drink. I needed it after having a conversation like that.

"Thanks," he said, but then jumped right back to the wolves. Damn it. "You know, I think you're boyfriend might know something about them."


"The wolves, Mags. Stay with me here."

"Oh, the wolves again. Paul know something? Why would you say that?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling. But if he does know, I wont tell anyone." My uncle was clearly drunk, and I had a feeling he wasn't going to remember anything we were talking about. He kept slurring his words and moving his hands around, like he was crazy. Just because he was drunk though, didn't mean I was going to go ahead and tell him Paul was really a werewolf.

"And why is that?" I asked. This should be good.

"Because it's very clear that he makes you happy." I smiled and laughed. I didn't expect him to say that, but it was very true.

"You're right. He does," I said. Then the two of us got up and joined everyone else, to continue our celebration. Weddings were really a wonderful thing.

The End.

Yes, it's a lot shorter than my normal chapters, but it was an epilogue, a last good bye. Thanks for reading!