Author's Note: Ok. DeathlyFlames here. Because of internet issues on my laptop, I have been procrastinating the updates on 'Only Death Can Separate'. I also blame my friend IEatChicken (NaruGaa! Look her up.) for this fanfic. She has been on a NaruGaa phase and sending me updates and I blame Ouran High School Host Club for its smexy guys. I felt it was necessary to write this NekozawaxOC fanfic. Cuz it's obvious no one in the series actually goes with Nekozawa as a pairing. And Nekozawa is awesome. And...I'm running out of excuses. It's a little lame, being the spawn of some kind of retarded brain function, and I will only make a series if I get enough reviews asking for one. Anyway, here is Days of Darkness. Please R and R.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran High School Host Club. I own Luna. But I do not own OHSHC. If I did, there would be a hell of a lot less Tamaki and way more Hikaru, Kaoru, and Nekozawa. Possibly in some kind of threesome... Yum...

I'm rating this T because of the ending and blah blah. It doesn't deserve a T rating, but I don't know. It may be T later. I just don't want my story under 'K+' cuz it sounds like a children's story before bedtime.

Ok. now here we go:


You know, I really don't get it. It's not my fault I can't handle bright lights. It's not fair that I can't have friends like everyone else. I never knew why no one in America would accept me even though I liked the dark. Even though I was called a witch. I use black magic, yes, but it's more of a hobby... OK maybe I am a witch but I can still have friends, right? I am still in shock that my parents decided, after winning the lottery of course, to move to Japan of all places. So here I am. Friendless and confused and standing in the hall of a Japanese private school. My Japanese is pretty good, it's not like that's my problem at all (thank GOD for Rosetta Stone). My problem is how BIG the school is! SO here I am. Complaining outside – I look at the sign outside the door – the 3rd Music Room. I sigh and decide to ask inside for directions. I push open the door and I am pretty sure that's when my life changes.

My name is Luna Keystone. I am 15 years old, about 5' 5'', black hair, blue eyes, and apparently going insane.

I MUST be going insane. I walk into the room and see ... seven teenage boys dressed up like pirates. I stand in the door for a second just staring, not even hearing their synchronized 'Welcome'. And before I can ask where my classroom is, I see the small blond boy on the shoulders of the bigger, dark-haired boy ask, "Nekozawa-kun?"

"Who?" I say in my best Japanese. They look at me like I was nuts and start toward me.

" look just like Nekozawa..." One of them, a taller blonde boy with blue eyes, got close to my face. I stepped away, but he just leaned back and put his hand against his heart.

"Ah! How rude of me! How could I mistake such a lovely gothick princess for one such as Nekozawa? Welcome my beautiful princess! I am Tamaki Suoh. Who might you be?" He held his hand out to me, a dark red rose materializing suddenly. I took it, held it to my chest and pushed off my cloak hood so my dark hair fell over my shoulders.

"Luna." I said. A darker-haired boy in the back pushed his glasses farther up on his face and looked at me.

"Luna." he said definitely. I nodded. "You're that American exchange student. Your family won the lottery and moved her, am I right?" I nodded again. I looked at him strangely, but before I could speak, Tamaki grabbed my chin and pulled his face close to mine.

"So. What's your type? The Prince Type," it was obvious he was talking about himself,"the Lolita-boy Type," he gestured to the small boy, "the Wild Type," the tall one the small boy was sitting on, "the Little Devil's Type," twin boys with odd orange hair, "the Cool Type," the boy with glasses, "or the Natural Type?" lastly, he pointed to the...boy?...with short brown hair and a girly face. I couldn't help myself from blurting out the first thing that came to mind.

"Why is that girl dressed like a boy?" The boys stepped back and Tamaki let go of my face. Tamaki stood up straight and fixed his jacket, even though it was impeccable. Nervous.

"What are you talking about? We're all boys." I looked unimpressed.

"Liars." I turned to the girl and smiled. "We should be friends. I don't really know anyone. It would be nice to have friends." She looked a little hesitant, but smiled at me.

"Ok!" I saw the boys huddled in a corner, discussing something interesting by the looks of their movements and whispers. I sighed and pushed my hood back up before heading toward the door. Before I realized it, I accidentally bumped into something hard. I looked up to see the tall, dark boy standing in front of me. I stepped back, a bit embarrassed, but ran into what turned out to be Tamaki. He was beaming and I have to admit it was a little creepy.

"We have decided it would be great for you to be friends with Haruhi!" Haruhi. That was her name.

"And you had to decide that for her?" Tamaki looked a little taken aback, but recovered quickly.

"So. What's your names?" I turned to face everyone. They introduced themselves one by one and I learned that the twins were Hikaru and Kaoru, the boy with glasses was Kyouya, the tall boy was Mori, and the smaller one Honey.

So that's the day I made a friend. Kind of. Haruhi and I were in different classes, but I came when the Host Club (the most annoying idea ever) was open and 'designated' Haruhi who was pretending to be a guy still and we could talk. She said her crossdressing was so she could stay in the Club. Whatever she wants to do. It's her reputation. Not like I'm one to talk about reputations. But anyway, Haruhi is not the most interesting thing I have to say. My first day in class, I had finished my work (stuff I already knew from my old school) and was walking down the hall when I stepped on something. When I looked down, I saw I had stepped on a white cat puppet. It was cute. I picked it up and looked around but saw no one, so I took it. The next day I went to the Host Club and Tamaki was horrified at the puppet.

"That's the cursed doll, Beelzenef!" he shrieked. I looked down at 'Beelzenef', blinked a couple times and then looked back at Tamaki.

"And?" I asked. Tamaki was horrified.

"Once I stepped on Beelzenef in the hall and I was cursed by Nekozawa! When I went to take a test, it was in a strange curse writing I couldn't understand, and the people around me were dif-" He was cut off when Kyouya walked up behind him and tapped him on the head.

"Enough of that. We went through this to Haruhi, remember? You were taking a test in Greek class. And your legs were heavy because you ran a marathon."

"So, Beelzenef isn't really cursed?" I asked.

"Oh, the Curse of Beelzenef is real all right." It was a new voice that spoke and I turned around and saw...a guy in a cloak like mine and dark hair like mine. Weird. He must have had the same impression and didn't say anything. He just stared. Well, I couldn't really see his eyes through his hair, but he didn't move when he saw me. I held out Beelzenef.

"So, Beelzenef is yours?" He nodded and took back the puppet. He mumbled something like 'thanks' before heading through a big pair of black doors I hadn't seen before. He left in them and I turned back to the Host Club.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"That was Nekozawa Umehito. Leader of the Black Magic Club." I pondered this for a while and left the Host Club for some time to myself.

That...Nekozawa. He was... I had no words. I just had a weird feeling about him. Not the bad kind either. Like a tingling that kind of hurt. A bell rang and I snapped back. I would have to think more later.


I didn't think about Nekozawa again until the next day in class. When I arrived, there was a note on my desk. No one else had come in yet, so I sat down and started reading it.

To My Dark Witch,

The Spirits have invaded my Heart and I feel as if I must Know You. I have seen You and I have been Mesmerized by you Exquisite Beauty. Your Gorgeous Raven hair and your Crystal Blue eyes. My Picturesque Demoness. I Love You.

I must Know if You will Grace me with Your Presence and meet me. Come to the 3rd Music Room at 4 o'clock.

Until I Meet You,


Wow. That was...sweet. I mean, it is kind of obvious that Nekozawa sent it, but... I don't know. I guess I have a weakness for guys like that. Hmmmm... I don't know. I could never get close to anyone at my old school in America. Especially not guys. I was a major testosterone repellent. It is kind of nice to have a guy liking me. Nice and...very different.


I gave in and went to the 3rd Music Room at 4. It was dark when I pushed the doors open and I threw my hood off. The dark was nice in this bright school. Everything was so bright at Ouran. All white and pink and sunny. I couldn't stand it. It would be nice to find a place with more darkness.

I could feel him move before I saw him.

"Hello, Nekozawa." Nekozawa moved in front of me and I saw he had his hood off too. His hair was shorter than mine. My eyes were adjusting to the dark and I could see Nekozawa smile. He reached up and took off his black hair, revealing a spill of blond hair. They matched his glittering blue eyes and...

And that was the time I knew I had fallen in love. That odd sensation I It must have been. But an odd sensation overwhelmed me and, without thinking, I followed my first instinct.

I fisted my hands in Nekozawa's hair and pulled his face down to mine.