people need people

The group is walking one day they met a girl her name was sarah. She was very beautiful and she was a top officer in the Imperial army; she is also a luxurious model. She has blond hair and big eyes blue baby.

They knew her to be a good fighter so they decided to carrion with her. "COME JOIN US" they exhorted. she did.

The next day, kalas, gibari, and all the other brave ones fought Malpercio and Meldoblame, which they easily destructioned. In the following minutes they saw malpercoi using powar to make an fabulous conversion. He grew 2 more arms and recieved faux-hawk growth. Like then the group is weakening and Sarah stepped forehead.

"Do not worry, I will quilt the monster," she requited.

"What that's eccentric talk," the others chided more and more.

"I shall not going to listen I do mine own th.oughjt."

"Stay back I don't want u to get hurt no more no no," said folon because he was on a crush.


"We jutsu want to help" proposed Lyude.

she considered it and contended," No I love Malpercico and you cant stop me so don'r!"

"WHAT" everyone replied, spitting out food. it was a plot twist.

"It is true she said," and she let down her long hair to seduce malparcio. But Sarah and Melpercio were twins, and did not discriminate against God's love. In fact, mealpercio was the god and Sarah, the Virgin Marie. Sarah called Almprecio, "I was pregnant and your father." it was another plot twist.

"Please show the evidence," said Malpercical saintly looking at her fingercradles.

sarah pulled out a mirror and showed malpershero to malpercio's face and malpelican was asbestosed. With an asbestosed expression Malerpshio turned to sarah. "I guess we are twins." It said asbestosedly

malpercia and sarah were birthed from the rate Universe and the stars and comets so they had were destined to do battle upon the rocks with no sugar please, they faced off and a stray firebeam hit shella who became dead as a dodo and everyone heroes forgot about her. Shela as a man of few words said lastly, "Sarah go Sarah."

Strengthened by these dictations Sarah maximum powered.


"Yeah right" Mal skepticized

then malpercio died.

Sarah and folon who they were true lovers rejoined in celebration of the grate event. the world was now at piece so sarah threw the islands back on the ground and stomped them into place chuck-norris style and now everyone had no wings and they were free to be free It was inspiring. Sarah an Folon married and they copulated many copious babies.


A/N: I wrote this for Brenda's "I dare you to try this" Challenge. I did my best to follow the rules, but I'm afraid it turned into a parody of sorts. My inspirations for this story were Peter Chimaera, 111SAMUSRIDLEY4EVA2006-chan, and Naglfar, all of whom I deeply admire. Thank you for reading.