Dislcaimer: If I seriously owned them why the hell would I be suffering through school right now??
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Sobbing was the only noise left in the modest home residing in the suburbs of Japan. No one lived in the houses near the Chiba residence; no one wanted to hear the beautiful woman's cries or pitiful pleas of how sorry she was.
Usagi and Mamoru lived two hours away from any of her old friends, the Sailor Scouts, her protectors.
The two, after the defeat of Galaxica, after the Star Lights departure, and after she had completed High School, had gotten married, Usagi 18 and Mamoru 24. A year of blissful marriage was all Usagi was granted. A year of piece. The year before the two were married Neo-Queen Serenity had sent a plea in the form of a note to Usagi, urging her not to marry Mamoru.
Usagi dismissed the dismal message as nothing and accepted the ring with a rose-shaped diamond set in white gold a year later.
After the year of bliss Mamoru began staying out later and becoming more controlling. At the time they were moving from his apartment to their current home so Usa chalked his new behavior up as a result of stress.
A month later, however, his behavior got worse. Usagi's broach was taken by him one night. Luna was living with Artemis and Minako.
The violence began one night after Usagi had demanded her broach back.
It had started out as a simple slap to the face. The next night it wasn't an open palm that greeted her face as he returned home, it was a rock hard closed fist. Her eye swelled up the next morning.
The next morning he bought her pastel pink roses and an apology.
The next week it happened again. And he apologized with another gift, this time a new necklace.
And again it happened, each time worse then the last. And again, and again.
Which takes us to the present, where the beautifully broken woman is curled up in a ball, her ribs aching from the multiple kicks they had been subjected to, her lip bleeding, and her ankle twisted, crying her baby blue eyes out.
"What did I do wrong this time?" The damaged rose asked aloud, knowing no answer would come when in truth, the poor naïve female had done nothing but say 'hi' before the violence had begun.
The innocent beauty had been brainwashed after a year and a half of abuse and pain to believe she was a black sheep and always deserved her 'punishments' as he referred to them.
Mamoru had left to go god knows where, the only places open where bars and strip-joints.
Usagi slowly stood up, wincing at the pain in her ankle. Tears ran down her flushed face, still beautiful despite her puffy and red eyes and abused face.
Usa forced herself to clean up the broken glasses and plates and the blood, all of which was her own. If the house wasn't spotless more pain would follow. That was the only thought in her mind; clean or more punishment was sure to follow.
Within the hour the mess was gone and her pain was now numbed thanks to her pain relievers.
The blond beauty smiled a bit, proud of her work.
Usagi moved to the computer, knowing her husband wouldn't be back for hours, and turned it on. As the electronic box booted up she sang in a soft, melodic voice, "Something's wrong, I was promised so much more then this. Where's my happy ever after…" Lithe fingers moved the cursor to her messaging system, logging in she smiled and entered a random chat room. Her display picture was of a moonlight rose.
StarSavior: Hello BunnyLove
BunnyLove: Hello to you to
BL: 20/F/My own personal hell. Ur ASL?
SS: Sounds fun. 22/M/Lonelyville
BL: Lol!
SS: So what can I call you?
BL: Roses. And u?
SS: Light. You married?
BL: Yes…
SS: U don't seem to happy, wats wrong?
BL: Nothin, Im just a bad wife.
SS: How so?
BL: I cant do anything right so I get punished for it
SS: Punishment!? Do you get smacked around??
BL: …I gotta go…. BYE!
SS: Damnit
His display picture was of a shooting star.
Usagi erased all traces of her on the computer. The nervous blond walked over to her nightstand and pulled out her nightclothes, a pair of white lounge pants and a pale pink tank top with Tweety on the front.
After she was finished changing she washed her face and disinfected her swollen lip, hissing from the sharp sting. Usa grabbed her brush and undid her hair odangos and began to brush the butt-length silky, golden blond locks.
A slight smile graced her bruised lip as she finished. The 20 year old fell backwards onto the bed and drifted off to sleep. The only time she was honestly peace filled.
Her rest didn't last long though; an hour later a loud bang was heard in the kitchen. Usagi scrambled to her feet and rushed downstairs to help her drunken spouse to bed.
Mamoru was surprisingly sweet when intoxicated or around company, most other times he was violent and cruel. Usa hadn't been able to transform for a year and a half, a feat that pained the Moon Princess drastically. But right now Usagi was content with his drowsy and drunk status.
Slowly but surely they made it to their room where she removed his shoes, socks, pants, and jacket, leaving him in his plaid boxers and black T-shirt.
She then collapsed happily onto the bed and fell asleep.
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The next morning was similar to her others. A plate of breakfast was waiting for her when she woke up and Mamoru, all dressed for work, with a smile and a present of red roses and what appeared to be clothes.
Usa forced a smile and hugged Mamoru who kissed the top of her head, the touch making her shiver slightly. She sat back down and opened the gift; it was a beautiful pink dress with flutter sleeves and a sash.
"Thank you so much Mamo-chan!"
He smiled down at her. "I love you Bun, you just get on my nerves sometimes which is why you get punished." His eyes never lost their shiver of malice nor did his smile ever reach his eyes. "Well I have to go." And with that the air of malice left the room along with the tall man.
Usa stared down at her food and began to eat quickly; she had a lot of work to do, yard work, housework, and then her business online.
Usagi made a mental list of her chores:
Wax Floors
Laundry- Bed sheets and clothes
Rake Leafs
Mow Lawn
Weed Eat the Yard
Water Garden
Cook Dinner
A sigh echoed in the room, she hated Mondays.
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I know most will hate me for making Mamoru the bad guy but I couldn't help it!
I 3 The couple who this story is about so tuff monkey crap to Mamoru!
...But seriously, did ya'll like it?