A/N: I own nothing! Originally Potter Puppet Pals was created by Neil Cicierega. His videos are available on Youtube as well as the Potter Puppet Pals website. And Hunchback of Notre Dame was adapted into the Disney movie by Victor Hugo's novel. Yet I hope you enjoy it anyways!

(the Latin wailings begin as a "Bothering Frollo" sign pops up from behind a desk. It soon goes down. Within moments, a Clopin puppet pops up)

Clopin: Hi, I'm Clopin Trouillefou

(a small soldier puppet pops up)

Phoebus: And I am Phoebus!

Clopin: Let's go bother Frollo!

Phoebus: Righto!

(a grumpy old looking puppet pops up)

Frollo: I am Frollo, the Judge of Paris!

(Phoebus and Clopin go next to him)

Clopin: Ready, let's go bother him!

(Frollo looks up in disbelief as Phoebus and Clopin start slapping him)


Frollo (overlapping): Get off! Get off! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (falls to ground)

Phoebus: Tee hee, that was fun!

Clopin: I liked the part where he stops moving!

Phoebus (after some time): Let's do it again!

(they repeat their attack on Frollo)

Frollo (fed up): No, stop. Stop it! DIE YOU TRAITORS OF PARIS!! (stabs them both. Phoebus and Clopin scream and fall to the ground, dead) Oh dear.

(a fat old looking puppet pops up)

Archdeacon: Hello, Claude!

Frollo (stammering): I-I can explain, sir!

Archdeacon: Hmmm, whats this? It seems young Clopin and Phoebus are taking an afternoon nap. Let's turn out their pockets!

(While he is doing this, Frollo takes the opportunity to run away)

Archdeacon: Alas! 9 guilders and a smoke bomb! This is my lucky day! Now where did Frollo go? More importantly, where the hell am I? (glances around and disappears. Moments later, he pops up, completely unclothed) NAKEY TIME!! (starts dancing flamboyantly)


A/N: Please R&R! I am planning to do all the Potter Puppet Pals videos, the next being "Trouble at Notre Dame". That is, if I have the time. Hope you enjoyed!