You've all been amazing. I love you loads. 3
"You don't mind that I go?" I ask Snape, looking up from the invitation to the Quidditch World Cup and spending the rest of the summer at the Weasleys.
"Of course not, Tay," Snape replies with a smile. "I will see you at school remember. I'm perfectly capable of living on my own for…a week?"
I shake my head at him and write a quick response to George, telling him that I'll Floo to his place at noon tomorrow.
"You should pack all your belongings now, so you won't be rushed in the morning," Snape says when Onyx is out of sight.
"Yeah," I agree and head upstairs to the room that I had been staying in for the summer. All my school supplies and wizard robes I place inside of my trunk. Everything else, I place in a compartment of the magical case that I own, putting all the letters I've received this summer in their own separate compartment, and my trunk inside of the largest compartment of the case.
Picking up a stack of books from Snape's library that I seem to have acquired, I head back downstairs. Snape is sitting in an armchair when I walk into the library, looking out the window to his left.
"Hey," I state, placing the books down on a table, and beginning to place them back where they belong.
He looks at the table and then back at me. "All of those were in your room?"
"Apparently," I reply. "I had no idea that I had gathered so many of your books."
When I finish placing the books back onto the shelves that they belong on, I take the seat across from Snape, looking out the window that he had previously been looking at. "Venus is bright tonight."
He nods at me in agreement.
"As is Mars." Yet again, he nods.
"Pluto too," when he nods for a third time, I wave my hand in front of him. "You're not listening at all, Severus," I state with a smile.
"Sorry," he says, looking at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask him softly.
He stands up quickly from the table. "It's nearly twelve…you should be getting to sleep.
He stops at the doorway, but doesn't turn around. "Give your father…and Lupin… a chance to be in your life…Adara…Having you here has made me wish…what I've missed out on…I'll see you in the morning."
I watch as he leaves, going over what he had just said. With how Snape distances himself from people, it surprises me that he possibly regrets not having a family of his own. With his stoicism, sometimes I forget how human he actually is.
"So," I state, standing in front of the fire with my case strapped to my back. Snape is standing in front of me, watching me closely.
"You're going to be late," he finally says.
I shrug and look down at my feet. "I'm okay with that."
Snape sighs and walks towards me. "You're going to have fun, and I will see you in about a week, so stop this."
"You're right," I reply, smiling up at him.
"Here," he says, handing me a leather bound journal. "I picked this up for you in Diagon Alley."
I pause for a moment as he pulls me into a hug and then I return the gesture. "Thank you, Sev," I tell him. "For everything."
He pulls away and shakes his head at me. "Believe me, it was no problem. Now get going, you wouldn't want to keep George waiting any longer, no would you?"
"Now is that what you want to leave with?"
"Yup," I state with a smirk and throw a handful of Floo powder into the fire. "The Burrow," I say as I step into the green flames.
Short, but I'm anxious for Goblet of Fire soooo- let's get to it