A/N: 'If I had a TARDIS, I'd have a pink one' That's what my friend Holly said to me the other day…and it resulted in this! Haha!

The Pink TARDIS:

'Rose? Where's the TARDIS?' The Doctor said staring around the London street he was sure he had parked the TARDIS in a few hours earlier. Rose didn't answer. The Doctor turned around and saw Rose wasn't next to him, 'ROSE!'

'Yeah' Rose said coming around a corner and trying not to laugh.

'Two questions' The Doctor asked, 'Where's the TARDIS and why are you holding a paintbrush that is dripping pink paint?'

Rose burst out laughing.

'Well?' The Doctor asked.

'When I met Jack he said something about if you're going to have a camouflage ship, park it somewhere you remember. Big Ben is a good place' Rose said, through laughter, 'It's around the corner'

The Doctor walked around the corner and stopped in shock. 'Rose what have you done to the…'

'It's sort of…' Rose started.

'Pink' The Doctor said.

'Well we're not quite finished yet'

'"We're"?' The Doctor quizzed

'This is Holly' Rose said as a teenage girl stepped out from behind the TARDIS 'She was helping me'

'Tell me this is a joke' The Doctor said, not sure whether to laugh or get angry.

Rose and Holly both burst out laughing, 'It's real'

'AAARRRGGGHHH' The Doctor woke up with a start. He found himself in the TARDIS.

'Doctor what's wrong?' Rose asked.

'You…you and Holy' The Doctor tried to explain.

'Who's Holly?' Rose asked, 'I don't know any Hollys'

The Doctor sighed gratefully, 'It was a dream'

'Aww a 900 year old Time Lord freaked out by a dream' Rose teased, 'What did me and Holly do?'

'You painted the TARDIS' The Doctor started 'Pink'

Rose laughed, 'Pink?'

The Doctor nodded.


The Doctor stared at her.

'Blue's better'

The Doctor smiled.

'Pink' Rose laughed.

'That's the last time I'm going to sleep' The Doctor said and Rose just laughed even more!