A/N- Most of these aren't going to have titles because I am so lazy. Anyway, the point of "16 Emotions" is to use 16 different emotions as a theme, and write a drabble for each one. (I guess the whole thing is kinda self-explanatory, sorry) So, please enjoy these.

Also, these are all completely unrelated, unless stated.

Theme: Hope

Rating: PG

Words: 974

It had taken three long hours of sitting on a cold metal park bench for Yuuko's client to show up. (Of course Doumeki's presence had made the whole night even worse) A quiet young man with bright silver hair stipped from the shadows and Doumeki instantly shifted his position so that he was standing in front of Watanuki. With an annoyed huff, the Seer pushed past him.

"Yuuko-san sent us." Watanuki began and the other boy held out his fist. Confused, the Seer held out his hand, palm up. Automatically, the client dropped a small, plain silver ring into his hand. The young man smiled now.

"Give Yuuko my regards." he said softly and disappeared.

"That was strange." Watanuki commented, slipping the ring onto his pinky.

"Is that really a good idea?" Doumeki demanded, studying Kimihiro's hand. The Seer rolled his eyes.

"It's fine. I don't feel anything from it."

Doumeki looked unconvinced but said nothing. They began to walk towards the shop.

"Do you have practice during lunch tomorrow?" Watanuki asked suddenly.

"No. Not until the end of the week. Make me lunch." came the calm reply.

"I will." Kimihiro answered simply, and Doumeki gave him a sidelong glance.

"Make inarizushi."

"I was going to. I know it's your favorite." the Seer answered with a sigh. "You don't have to keep telling me."

The archer stopped then and simply stared. Quickly, Watanuki replayed their conversation in his mind, blushing a brighter and brighter shade of red with each passing moment.

"WHAT DID YOU MAKE ME SAY?!" the Seer cried, glaring fiercely at the other teen. Suddenly, there was a flash of understanding in those perfect gold eyes.

"Do you like making lunch for me?" the archer asked, one eyebrow raised.

"Yes, I-" Kimihiro clamped a hand over his mouth. Doumeki smirked, seemingly satisfied, and began to walk again. Watanuki reluctantly followed, still glaring.

"What the hell is going on?!" he demanded as he caught up to the archer.

"It's obvious." Came the reply.


"True." Doumeki told him calmly.


The archer shrugged. Watanuki seethed.

"The ring."

"I KNEW THAT!" Kimihiro shouted and reached for his hand.

"Do you actually hate me?" the archer interjected, grabbing Watanuki's arm to keep him still. The sudden urgency in Doumeki's eyes made him compliant to the manhandling.

"No, I-" Kimihiro broke off and shook his head. "No, I don't."

Doumeki's eyes bored through him then, and Watanuki was suddenly terrified that the archer could see through all his defenses and just know his every secret. Then the moment was over and Doumeki released him. Quickly, he slipped the ring from his finger into his pocket and they resumed their walk in silence.

After several blocks, the archer turned to him.

"Give it to me." He ordered.

"Why?" the Seer snapped. Instead of answering, Doumeki merely held out his hand. Annoyed, Watanuki glared for a moment before dropping the ring into the other teen's palm. "If you lose this, you're paying Yuuko-san all by yourself."

Doumeki nodded as he slid the ring onto his pinky. The tiny circle of metal wouldn't even fit of over his first knuckle, but he figured it was good enough.

"Ask me something."

"Wh-What?" Watanuki stuttered. "Why?"

"Because I took advantage of you."

Watanuki stared at him incredulously. He wanted to agree, just to be mean, but the other teen so serious and so bothered by it, that Kimihiro couldn't find it in himself to do it. He sighed and shook his head in the negative.

"It's fine." He finally said, waving his hand dismissively and walking away. Doumeki grabbed his arm.

"No. It's not."

Frowning, Watanuki studied the taller teen and saw the determination in the thin line of his lips. He sighed again.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue, but that's not good enough."

"Yes it is!" he snapped at his protector, trying to pull his arm back. "Besides, Yuu-"

"Ask me something that matters."

Watanuki growled at him a little before falling silent to consider Doumeki's demand.

"Did the questions you asked me really matter to you?" he asked softly.


"Would you really care if I'd said I hate you?"

"You really are an idiot, aren't you?"


"An honest one."


"I couldn't take it if you hated me." He replied, stunning Watanuki into silence and then pulling the ring off of his finger. He placed it into the Seer's palm, his hand gentle as he folded the other teen's fingers around it. "We should be getting back now."

Kimihiro merely nodded, and followed along silently, still processing what Doumeki had said.

"You should make me breakfast tomorrow too." The archer told him a few minuets later. "Pancakes. I'll be by early."


"Pancakes." Doumeki replied helpfully.

"THAT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, YOU BOTTOMLESS PIT!" Watanuki yelled, and stormed off ahead. Doumeki watched him go, a small bit of warmth that he recognized as hope settling in his heart.


HA! Now with editing! (Due to computer hating me, it was unedited until 5/8/08). Thank you for reading, please review!