Disclaimer: I don't own anything. If I did, we would have new psych episodes all year long.

A/N: I'm going through some serious Psych withdrawal. Anyway, here's a Shassie story! I don't know how many chapters there will be yet, but I do know that there will be more random moments. I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think.

"You're wearing a hat." Juliet said, after seeing Lassiter come in and sit at his desk.

"Thank you, O'Hara. I wouldn't have known that without your uncanny ability to state the obvious," Lassiter snapped, glaring from beneath the bill of the dirty baseball cap he was wearing.

"Why?" Juliet ignored Lassiter's obviously irritated tone because she was curious about the old, dirty baseball cap that stood out sharply again Lassiter's otherwise clean appearance.

When Lassiter finally looked up from his paper work, he noticed Juliet still staring at him with a quizical look. He sighed. "I have gum stuck in my hair and I couldn't get it out. This was the only hat I could find and I was already running late."

An amused smile formed on Juliet's face. "Gum? How on Earth did you get gum stuck in your hair?"

"I'll give you three guesses," Lassiter muttered.

"Is that why Shawn isn't around today? Did you kill him?"

"No, I didn't kill him. I wanted to but when I yelled at him, he just gave me this look and he was rambling and he looked so..." Lassiter cheeks flushed slightly. "I just couldn't kill him."

"Peanut butter." Juliet said after a minute.

"What?" Lassiter looked up at her.

"Peanut butter will get the gum out of your hair."

Lassiter looked suspicious. "How do you know that?"

Juliet smiled. "I have brothers. Luckily, my mom figured out the peanut butter trick before it happened to me. My older brother ended up with a lopsided haircut when it happened to him."

"So, it really works?"

"Yup, trust me. Peanut butter solves everything." Juliet said, before walking away.

Later that night when Lassiter was working the gum out of his hair with peanut butter, Shawn leaned against the bathroom wall and pouted. "I don't know why you didn't believe me when I told you that peanut butter would work," He whined.

"Maybe because it sounded ridiculous." Lassiter replied.

"Why do things sound ridiculous when I say it? Why did you believe Jules over me?"

"I didn't believe Juliet at first. The Chief asked about the hat and I explained what happened. She assured me that peanut butter would work before cursing her husband for ever giving a toddler bubblegum."

"Still... you should have believed me."

Lassiter smiled as he looked at Shawn's reflection in the mirror. "You're the one who got gum stuck in my hair in the first place. Besides, after hearing an excuse like, 'I forgot I had gum in my mouth,' why would I believe anything you say?"

Shawn crossed his arms. "I did forget I had gum in my mouth!" Shawn insisted.

Lassiter chuckled. "I don't understand why you tried to bite my head."

Shawn rolled his eyes. "I didn't. I was aiming for your shoulder, but you moved. It wasn't pleasant for me either. Your hair doesn't taste good."

"I bet it tastes better now." Lassiter said lightly as he pointed to the peanut butter covered portion of his hair.

Shawn's mouth twitched as he tried not to smile. "I don't think so."

Lassiter turned on the shower. He dropped the towel that had been wrapped around his waist before getting in. He turned to Shawn. "So, are you going to help me wash up this mess you created?"

Shawn finally smiled and jumped in the shower before he could get all his clothes off.