"Is that… is that who I think it is?" Aerrow asked, staring out the window at the two figures locked in a passionate embrace.

"Dude…" Finn put in after a moment, staring with his mouth open in pure disbelief.

Radarr's eyes were just huge, his nose pressed against the glass.

And Stork paused as he walked by, raising an eyebrow. "What… even I saw that one coming."

And Piper and Junko were oblivious to their audience.


Author's note: Total word count: 76

(This was formerly part of Ambrel's Drabble Spot, before I moved things around. Sorry if this inconvenienced anyone!)

Oh god… I'm so sorry. I just had to write it. I was struck by inspiration from an offhand comment I made to Madame Lady a few weeks ago about possibly doing a Piper/Junko romance.

Oh dear… please forgive me for this.

(But you can still review.)