Fixing The Story

Where are they? God they are always late. I can't believe they convinced me to do this. Skip school for a whole week. I'm going to be so far behind.

Logan: Hey Ace, What's up?

Rory: Hey Logan, Colin, and Finn, what are you guys doing here?

Colin: We came to pick you up.

Rory: Pick me up?

Logan: Yeah we're all going for lunch today. Remember?

Rory: Oh My God, I completely forgot.

Logan: That's all right you remembered now, let's go.

Rory: Actually I can't.

Finn: Why not Love?

Rory: My best friends from high school are coming into town and we planned on spending the week in New York.

Logan: The whole week? So I guess we're not going to dinner later this week?

Rory: Ohhh right I meant to call you, but I've been so busy getting ready for this trip and getting everything done before I go. I'm so sorry.

Logan: That's cool Ace, it wasn't an obligation.

Colin: So Gilmore, these friends of yours, are they hot?

Finn: Would any of them happen to be a hot red head looking for a little Finn love?

Rory: Sorry Colin these girls are way out of your league and sorry Finn only a blonde and a brunette.

Logan: So there is only three of you?

Rory: Yep. We're going to have a girls bonding vacation. We haven't all been together since high school. Actually we still won't be since Paris isn't going. She wants to have a "love fest" with Doyle. (shivers)

Boys: (making faces of disgust) AH!!

Rory: Yeah tell me about.

Logan: Moving on. What time are your friends getting here?

Rory: We planned on leaving at 12pm so we could still have time to go out today.

Colin: Um It's 12:45pm

Rory: Oh I know, they are always "fashionably" late.

Logan: Since they're still not here how about me and the boys go and get us some coffee and we can wait with you.

Rory: You really don't have to, I'm sure you have better things to do.

Colin: Actually…

Logan immediately interrupts Colin

Logan: (teasingly)Better than being blessed with your presence, never.

Rory blushes and looks at her feet

Logan: Lets go Boys.