AN: Here is the chapter you have been waiting for!


Disclaimer: I do not own One Tree Hill.

It was hot day for the fall, yet there was a gentle breeze. The country club was filled with friends and family. The reception was to be out back in the garden, where Brooke used to go when she was little. There was a cute archway that stood over the priest and Lucas. Red roses decorated said archway.

Lucas looked snazzy in his suit and turned to his best man, Nathan, and said, "Here comes the most beautiful girl in the world." Indeed he was right. Brooke came down the aisle with her daddy in tow. Her long, elegant dress made her look extremely beautiful. She got teary eyed as she reached her soon-to-be husband and the priest.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to witness the wedding of one Lucas Eugene Scott, to a Mrs. Brooke Penelope Davis," the priest announced. After a while the priest finally said what Brooke was waiting for, "Now for the rings." Brooke giggled as she saw Noah, the ring barrier, hold the rings.

"Thanks, baby," Lucas said as he grabbed Brooke's ring.

"Repeat after me, I state your name, take state her name, to be lawfully wedded wife," the priest started.

Lucas held Brooke's hand firmly and repeated, "I Lucas Eugene Scott take Brooke Penelope Davis as my lawfully wedded wife."

"To have and to hold, for richer or poor, and through sickness and health," the priest stated.

"To have and to hold, for richer or poor, and through sickness and health," Lucas repeated as he placed the ring on Brooke's finger.

"Repeat after me, I state your name, take state his name, to be lawfully wedded husband" the priest started.

Brooke held Lucas' hand and repeated, "I Brooke Penelope Davis, take Lucas Eugene Scott as my lawfully wedded husband."

"To have and to hold, for richer or poor, and through sickness and health," the priest stated.

"To have and to hold, for richer or poor, and through sickness and health," Brooke repeated as she placed the ring on Lucas' finger.

"Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Lucas said after moments of fake hesitation. Brooke glared. She actually fell for that 'prank.'

"Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked.

"I do," Brooke said.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest said.

"Come here baby," Lucas said as he embraced Brooke in a steamy, hot, passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped for the newly weds. Well, except for Julie and Karen, they just wept.

The after party was filled with music, laughter and love. The after party was held in the country club's ballroom.

"It's time for the bride and groom to have their special dance," the DJ said. Brooke and Lucas made their way to the dance floor. Lucas wrapped his arms around Brooke. She nuzzled her head in his chest.

What day is it, and in what month?

This clock never seemed so alive.

I can't keep up and I can't back down.

I've been losing so much time.

'Cause it's you and me,

And all of the people, with nothing do to do,

Nothing to lose.

And it's you and me and all of the people,

and I don't know why,

I can't keep my eyes off of you.

So, it was just Brooke and Lucas, forever and always!

AN: Thanks for all who read and reviewed this story. Everyone who loved it thanks! Hope you read my other works, Crime and Love; I'm in Love with a Stripper, and An Interviewed Love. I'm sure there will be more later. It makes me sad to see this story end, but I'm sure this is the perfect ending! I love everyone who reviewed, favorite authored me, or are just a huge fan of my work! Thanks, again.