Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Previously: The Rangers get to the monolith and the Ecto-morphicons attack the city

Fighting Ivan Ooze

Meanwhile back on Earth. Ivan's Ecto-Morphicons were destroying the city. Later that night Ivan was looking out over the city when he smelt something then noticed eleven different colors of light.

"Inconceivable. The Power Rangers." Ivan said

Just then the Eleven Rangers landed in the city.

"Man look at this mess." Tommy said

"Now let's find Ivan." Adam said

"Wait what was that?" Billy asked after hearing a noise

Just then all Eleven Rangers noticed a giant robotic Scorpion

"What is that?" Zack asked

"Scorpitron." Jason said

Just then the Rangers heard another noise and turned around and saw a giant robotic ant.

"Ok what's that?" Aisha asked

"Horniator." Jason said

"We've got to stop these things." Trini said

"We've got new Zords let's use them." Jason said

"Right." All ten Rangers said

"We need Zeo Beast Zords now." All Eleven Rangers said

"Pink Eagle Zord." Kat said

"Yellow Condor Zord." Tanya said

"Blue Ape Zord." Rocky said

"Green Panther Zord." Adam said

"Red Falcon Zord." Tommy said

"Light Blue Bear Zord." Aisha said

"Purple Crane Zord." Kimberly said

"Orange Tiger Zord." Trini said

"White Rhino Zord." Zack said

"Silver Wolf Zord." Billy said

"Gold Cougar Zord." Jason said

Just then all eleven Rangers's gems appeared and fired beams into the sky then all Eleven Zords showed up. a Pink Eagle Zord, a Yellow Condor Zord, a Blue Ape Zord which was just a Blue version of Rocky's Red Ape Zord, a Green Panther Zord, a Red Falcon Zord which was a bigger and Red Version of Tommy's White Falcon Zord, a Light Blue Bear Zord which was just a Light Blue version of Aisha's Yellow Bear Zord, a Purple Crane Zord which was just a Purple version of Kimberly's Pink Crane Zord, A Orange Tiger Zord, a White Rhino Zord, a Silver Wolf Zord which was a Silver Version of Jason's Blue Wolf Zord and a Golden Cougar Zord which looked more Black but had large Gold outlines. The Rangers then hopped into there Zords.

"Zeo Element Megazord Power Up." Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Tanya and Kat said

"Zeo Beast Megazord Power Up." Billy, Zack, Aisha, Trini and Kimberly said

"Golden Cougar Zord Power Up." Jason said

Just then the Falcon Zord became the Body and The Eagle Zord became the head, while the Ape Zord became the Legs while the Panther and Condor Zords became the arms. The Five Zords combined together to create the Zeo Element Megazord.

"Zeo Element Meagzord." Tommy, Adam, Rocky, Tanya and Kat said

Just then the Bear Zord became the body and the Crane Zord became the Head while the Rhino Zord became the Legs while the Wolf and Tiger Zord became the arms. The Five Zords combined together to create the Zeo Beast Megazord.

"Zeo Beast Megazord." Billy, Zack, Trini, Kimberly and Trini said

Just then the Golden Cougar Zord converted to Warrior mode. The Cougar Zord's back legs became the legs of the Warrior mode then front legs became the arms. The Cougar's head went to the chest and the Warrior mode's head appeared.

"Let's get this freak." Jason said

"Right." The other Rangers said

Meanwhile in another part of the city the adults under Ivan's control were walking along. Meanwhile at the Youth Centre. TJ and Carlos ran in and found Ashley, Cassie and Hayley.

"What's going on?" TJ asked

"They all have those Ooze bottles." Ashley said

"We have to stop this, the Adults under Ivan's control there heading to the Construction site to leap to there doom." TJ said

"Hey guys. Ivan's not a good guy he's destroying the city the Rangers are battling him "but your parents are in Danger follow us." Cassie said

"We're not lying Carlos and I saw what he's up to and your parents are heading to the Construction site to leap to there doom." TJ said

Meanwhile back in the city the Rangers were fighting the Ecto-Morphicons. Billy's team and Jason went after Scorpitron while Tommy's team went after Horninator.

"We need a little extra help." Tommy said

"Ninja Falcon Zord." Jason said

Just then the Ninja Falcon Zord appeared and Jason hopped inside and controlled his Golden Cougar Zord by remote.

"Man these things are hard to take down." Zack said

"Try using the Rhino kick." Jason said

"Got yah." Zack said

Then Zeo Beast Megazord kicked the Horniator destroying the tail. The other Megazord was having trouble with Horniator.

"Man these things are tough." Tommy said

"You do realize your Zord can fly." Jason said

"Oh yeah." Tommy said

Just then the Zeo Element Megazord flew up and tried to heat up Horniator. Meanwhile TJ, Carlos, Ashley, Cassie and a whole bunch of kids ran to the monorail. Hayley went back to the Power Chamber to check up on the Rangers. Meanwhile the Rangers were still fighting the two Ecto-Morphicons.

"Hey big guy lights out for you Rockets away." Jason said

Just then the White Falcon Zord fired Rockets from the tips of its wings and destroyed Scorpitron.

"He's outta there." Zack said

"Target neutralized let's go help the others." Jason said

The six Rangers went to help the others. Just then The Zeo Element Beast Megazord landed on its back after Horniator threw it down.

"Man this thing is tough." Tanya said

"Hang on." Jason said

"Good the others are here." Kat said

"You've destroyed my beautiful Creation now I'm getting really angry." Ooze said

Ivan then combined with the Horniator. To become Titan Ooze.

"I'm going to be sick." Kimberly said

"Element Mega Sword and Beast Mega Staff power up." Jason said

Just then the Zeo Element Beast Megazord gained the Sword while the Zeo Beast Megazord gained the Staff. Just then Ivan stepped onto the Monorail track.

"He destroyed the Monorail track." Kimberly said

"Try and stop him I'll help TJ and the others." Jason said

"Right." The ten Rangers said

Jason flew off in the Ninja Falcon Zord. Meanwhile the teens in the Monorail were going along then Jason flew by with the Falcon Zord and landed in the broken track. The monorail made it across the gap.

"Good luck guys." Jason said

The two Megazords and Cougar Warrior mode fought Ivan but he was to strong. Just then Jason showed up.

"Cougar Falcon Warrior mode." Jason said

Just then the Ninja Falcon Zord combined with the Cougar Zord Warrior mode to create the Cougar Falcon Warrior mode.

"Hey Ivan, fancy a chase in Space." Jason said.

Jason then got his Zord to fly off into outer space.

"You can run Gold Ranger but you can't hide." Ivan said

Ivan then made wings appear and flew off into outer space chasing off after Jason.

"I hope Jason knows what he's doing." Kimberly said

"He does come on let's head back to the Power Centre." Aisha said

The Rangers teleported off and there Zords disappeared. Meanwhile out in space Jason's Zord flew off.

"That's it Ivan follow that's exactly what I want you to do it's time for you to meet a comet." Jason thought.

Ivan chased after Jason determined to destroy the Gold Ranger. Meanwhile at the Construction site TJ, Cassie, Carlos, Ashley and the rest of the teens from the Youth Centre all ran up.

"We've got to stop this." TJ said

"How?" Carlos said

"Feel like getting the adult's wet?" TJ asked

"Let's go." Cassie said

The four teens ran down while the other teens tried to stop the Adults. Meanwhile back out in Space

"Good I'm near the comet's trajectory." Jason thought as he got his Zord to fly off.

Meanwhile back at the Construction site TJ appeared in the Cherry Picker and then Ashley and Cassie turned on the water and TJ used the water pressure to push the Parents back. Meanwhile back out in Space Jason got his Zord to stop and turn around.

"That's it Ivan, come on." Jason thought.

Just then Ivan grabbed a hold of Jason's Zord.

"Soon you'll be destroyed Gold Ranger." Ivan said

Jason smiled under his helmet and kept his cool he knew full well how to get out of Ivan's lock. He just needed to wait a little bit longer. Just then Jason saw the Comet.

"Well this has been annoying later Ivan." Jason said

Just then the Cougar Falcon Warrior Mode kneed Ivan in the groin. Ivan let go and Jason got his Zord to fly back to Earth. Just then the Comet hit Ivan destroying him. Meanwhile back in the Construction site the Adults stopped walking and TJ went back down to Ashley, Carlos and Cassie. The four made sure they were out of site and teleported off. Meanwhile back in the Power Centre. TJ, Ashley, Cassie and Carlos walked in.

"Great job you guys." Kimberly said

"Thanks." TJ said

"Wow Ten Rangers." Cassie said

Just then Jason teleported in and took off his helmet.

"Make that eleven." TJ said

"How did you know about the comet?" Tommy asked

"Easy I was actually tracking the comet so I could use it to destroy Ivan." Jason said

Later the teens were at a restaurant. The Rangers were having something to eat with the five teens.

"You guys really did a great job." Jason said

"Thanks." TJ said

"I just wish we could have helped out more." Cassie said

"Hey you'll get your chance." Tommy said

"Yeah you're right." Ashley said

Just then they all noticed the fireworks and all of them walked up to it. Everyone cheered and Jason wrapped his arms around Kimberly. They all smiled the Rangers were now a higher class of Rangers known as Sentinel Rangers. Kimberly leaned back against Jason and smiled. The teens watched the fireworks then notice a sign that lit up saying Thank You Power Rangers.

End of Zeo Beast Rise of Ivan Ooze. To be continued in Space Rangers New Beginnings Golden Cougar Legacy.

Note: I'm sorry this story was short but it was the starting point for Space Rangers New Beginnings. Please let me know what you think again I'm sorry for this story being short. Also I need a bit of help if you can figure out two names for the two evil beings that destroyed Neo Eltar that would be great but remember that they both have to be female.

Note2: Oh I'm not getting rid of Astronima it's just Space Rangers New Beginnings is the final story of Jason's adventures so I need it to be central around him so please if you have any suggestions for names please let me know.