Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Note: Please read my other six stories before you read this one.

Zeo Beast Rise of Ivan Ooze.

Return of Master Vile.

Inside Lord Zedd's old castle a dark being named Master Vile returned he was looking for something on earth an old friend one that hasn't been seen in over six thousand years.

"Soon my old friend I will find you." Master Vile said

Meanwhile on earth the Rangers were celebrating there graduation. The eleven Rangers were sitting at the Ranger table at the Youth Centre.

"This is great. We've graduated school." Rocky said

"Yeah but I don't feel right going to collage." Tommy said

"I know what you mean." Billy said

Just then Carlos, TJ, Ashley and Cassie walked up.

"Hey guys." Ashley said

"Hey." Kimberly said

"So what are you eleven going to do now?" TJ asked

"Trying to get into collage." Rocky said

"Well are you eleven going to participate in the jump a thon?" Carlos asked

"You bet we are." Zack said

"Good we'll be cheering for you on the ground." Cassie said

The teens laughed. Later that day Jason and Kimberly were walking through the park.

"This is nice no Divatox." Kimberly said

"She'll be back." Jason said

"I know. But it's nice not having her around." Kimberly said

"That's true." Jason said

Jason walked Kimberly back to Trini's house.

"Night Jason." Kimberly said

"Night Kim." Jason said

The two kissed then Jason watched Kimberly walk into Trini's house. Jason smiled and walked off. A bit later Jason walked into his house and shut the door then put his keys and wallet on the table and then lay down on the couch.

"I hope Zordon's ok." Jason thought.

Jason then went to sleep he couldn't be stuffed getting to his room. Inside Jason's dream Jason was at the Construction Site.

"What the why am I here?" Jason thought

Just then Jason noticed Master Vile near a Giant Purple Egg.

"What on earth is that?" Jason thought.

Jason walked over noticing that Vile couldn't see him. Just then Vile cracked the egg open and inside the egg was purple ooze. Just then the ooze started to form into a being.

"Welcome back Ivan Ooze." Vile said

"Master Vile my old friend it's been too long." Ivan said

"Yes my old friend it has been too long." Vile said

Just then the scene changed and Jason was two giant robots.

"What the heck are they?" Jason asked

"Perfect Ivan your Ecto-Morphicons are finally complete." Vile said

"Ecto-Morphicons?" Jason asked

Just then the scene change and Jason noticed he was in a jungle. Then he saw eleven gems. All eleven were different colors. One Pink, One Yellow, One Blue, One Green, One Red, One Light Blue, One Purple, One Orange, One White, One Black but glowing Gold and One Silver. Jason then walked closer to the gems and noticed each one had a different animal on them.

"Eagle, Condor, Ape, Panther, Falcon, Bear, Crane, Tiger, Rhino, Cougar and Wolf." Jason said

Just then all eleven gems shone brightly and Jason woke up covered in sweat.

"What was that about?" Jason asked

Jason then looked at the clock and noticed it was just after one in the morning and lay back down on the couch.

"Ok that is the last time I sleep on the couch. But still who is Ivan Ooze and what were with those Eleven Gems?" Jason thought.

Jason then got up and then had a shower. Jason then got dressed in a pair of Black Jeans, a Black sleeveless shirt underneath a Black sleeved shirt over the top and Black sneakers.

Jason then picked up his keys and wallet and walked out the house and went for a moonlight walk. Meanwhile back in Zedd's old Castle.

"So the Gold Ranger is out for a walk. Tengas go after him." Vile said

Meanwhile in the park Jason was walking along when the Tengas showed up.

"Tengas nice." Jason said

"You're going down Gold Ranger." A Tenga said

"I don't think so Ninja Ranger Power Now." Jason said

Jason transformed into the Blue Wolf Ninja and started fighting the Tengas. Jason flipped over and stuck down the Tengas with the Ninja Wolf Strike. The Tengas then flew off and Jason returned to his normal clothes.

"So Master Vile is here." Jason said

Jason walked back to his house. Meanwhile back in Zedd's Castle.

"So the Gold Ranger has become stronger well he won't stand a chance against Ivan Ooze." Master Vile said

Around 10 in the morning the Eleven Rangers were in a plane for there skydiving jump.

"Yahoo come on we're outta here." Rocky said

"Easy Rocky." Kimberly said

"Alright guys were fifteen seconds from the drop zone." Jason said

The Rangers were excited.

"This is great." Billy said

"You said it." Adam said

Each Ranger was in there parachute clothes. The six Turbo rangers were in there color parachute clothes. While Kimberly was wearing purple parachute clothes, Trini was wearing Orange parachute clothes, Zack was wearing white parachute clothes, Aisha was wearing light blue parachute clothes and Tommy was in grey parachute clothes. Just then Zack opened the door.

"Alright." Zack said

"We're three seconds from the drop Zone." Billy said

"Aisha you're up." Jason said

"Stylin." Aisha said after jumping out of the plane

"On your tail." Adam said after jumping out of the plane

"All systems go." Billy said after jumping out of the plane

"Banzai." Rocky said after jumping out of the plane

"Party time." Zack said after jumping out of the plane

"Awesome." Tommy said after jumping out of the plane

"Time to fly." Trini said after jumping out of the plane

"Time to soar." Kat said after jumping out of the plane

"Dane time." Tanya said after jumping out of the plane

"Show them your stuff." Kimberly said

"You got it. Surfs up." Jason said after jumping out of the plane

"Catch you on the flip side." Kimberly said after jumping out of the plane.

The Eleven Rangers were having fun in the sky doing tricks then they all came together to form a circle.

"This is great." Trini said

"Come on guys let's break." Jason said

The eleven Rangers broke the circle then pulled there parachute cords. Meanwhile in the ground everyone was waiting for the team that was representing Angel Grove High.

"Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days and now reach your eyes to the skies folks here comes the team from Angel Grove High." The Announcer said

"Alright." TJ said

"You go guys." Ashley said

"This is Awesome." Carlos said

"You said it." Cassie said

Just then Hayley walked up

"Did I miss anything?" Hayley asked

"Nope there about to land now." TJ said

"Good." Hayley said

"And here comes Adam looks a little low but pulls up just in time and hits the target dead centre. Next up is skydiver Billy and he makes a perfect landing. Up next is skydiver number three is Kimberly and her landing is flawless and here comes Rocky. Who makes a perfect landing and here comes Aisha. Who makes a perfect five out of five landing and now here comes the final six if any of these land on the target they'll break the 1976 record. And here comes Tommy and he makes a perfect landing breaking the record. Now here comes Katherine and she makes a graceful landing on the target. Next up is Tanya who also makes a stunning landing on the target and here comes Zack who makes a spectacular landing. Now here comes Trini and her landing is perfect now it's all up to Jason can he make it a perfect Eleven?" The Announcer said

"Yeah come on Jase." TJ said

"You can do it." Carlos said

"And here he comes ladies and gentleman he making his final turn looks a little wide but still ok he's almost to the ground now can he do it? And he does Angel Grove teens set a new city record way to go guys." The Announcer said

TJ and the others ran up just as the other Rangers ran up to Jason.

"Looking good up there." TJ said

"Hey thanks man." Jason said

"That was great." Aisha said

"Awesome." Rocky said

"Thanks guys." Jason said

"Hey we got some rollerblades wanna come?" Carlos asked

"Sure why not." Tommy said

A bit later the Rangers were back in normal clothes skating around town with TJ, Carlos, Cassie and Ashley while Hayley went back to the Youth Centre. The Rangers and four teens skated through the Construction site. Meanwhile some workers found a man hole cover that looked like a face. They got a Crane to lift it up. Just then a giant egg appeared.

"Incredible what do you think it is?" One of the workers said

"No idea." Another worker said

Just then the worker went to touch it but got blasted backwards.

"Are you alright?" The worker asked

Meanwhile the Eleven Rangers and four teens skated up to the park benches.

"That was fun." Rocky said

"You said it." TJ said

"Well we have to get going." Kat said

"Girl's night?" Jason asked

"You bet Ashley Cassie you two coming?" Tanya asked

"Of course." Ashley said

"Wouldn't miss it." Cassie said

"Catch you later." Kimberly said

"Later." Jason said

The girls skated off.

"Well we better get going." Adam said

"I'll catch you guys later." Jason said

"Later." TJ said

All the males but Jason skated off.

End of Chapter

Next up. Jason meets Ivan Ooze and fights the Ooze Ogres.