"Dungeon dwelling bat" Snape threw up his hands in defeat as Harry smirked

"Dungeon dwelling bat" Snape threw up his hands in defeat as Harry smirked. Looking around again, Harry knew that the rooms would be just what he needed. What he didn't know is that the problems that arise after everything he went through during the summer were about to arise for the first time that night.

Harry exited the bathroom later that evening, his hair dripping and his pajama bottoms on. Snape was already lying in bed, a book in his hands. Harry smiled as he watched Snape turn a page slowly and then climbed in the large bed next to him. When Snape felt the bed dip beside him, he marked his page and put the book on the bedside table. He pulled Harry closer to him and gave him a soft kiss.

"Well this is a lot earlier than I had imagined but I couldn't be more pleased to be married to you" Snape whispered in Harry's ear. Harry nodded as he felt himself drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight" Harry managed to mutter before he slipped into welcome sleep. After a while, Harry's blissful dream was turned into a nightmare…………………………………………………………………….

Harry watched in horror as is Uncle Dursely, naked, made his way towards him. Harry coward in a corner, trembling.

"Please no Uncle! I did what you asked, please" Harry pleaded with Dursely. Dursely just laughed in a maniac like way as he tore harry's clothing away from his body and turned him over. As Dursely started plunging into his body, Harry screamed in agony. Suddenly Harry was shaken from his sleep………………

Harry shot up in terror, cold sweat streaming down his face. He was vaguely aware of the hands rubbing his back comfortably. Once Harry had fully woke, he realized Snape was rubbing his back.

"Harry you alright? Have the dreams started?" Harry nodded, trembling slightly. Suddenly there was a warm body pressing against his and Harry buried his face into Snape's bare chest. The sobs suddenly came, surprising Harry slightly. Snape tightened his grip around Harry, rocking the teen slowly to help him calm down.

"Shhh Harry. It was only a dream. Just remember it was a dream. He can't get you. Know that he can't get you."

"Sev it was…..horrible. It felt so real……What did I do to deserve that? I was a good nephew wasn't i?" Harry sobbed and Snape started to stroke his hair.

"Harry whatever happened to you was not your fault. You didn't deserve whatever your Uncle did to you ok. Your safe with me and your Uncle won't be able to touch you again ok. I promise you that" Harry's sobs lessened eventually but he had a hard time falling back asleep. But just before dawn, Snape and Harry both fell asleep again, cradling each other closer.

A/N: Well there you all go. If you were wondering about the after effects of rape and abuse, then here's the start of it ; ). Well you know the drill R&R: animesnape21