Disclaimer: I Do not own any of the twilight characters

Disclaimer: I Do not own any of the twilight characters. But I do Own the books

I know im horrible at this updating. I use to think that I would be better at this than other people because I thought I would update a couple of chapters at a time so once again im sooooooooooooo breathe ooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. Anyway to continue on….

Chapter 4: The parties of giving


I didn't want to leave Bella but it was my bachelor party and she needed time with girls only even if we didn't want to do it, we should. Emmet, Jasper, Charlie, Carlisle and I were over at Charlie's house trying to hook up the newly purchased game system that was given to me from everyone (the guys). My brothers were Arguing with Charlie and Carlisle. Me? I was sitting on the couch listening to them squabbling over which wire goes were.

About a half an hour later it was all set up and ready to go.

"Edward, since you're the main reason this is here, and well the reason we all are here," Charlie began "Which game do you want to start with? You have the choices of Call of Duty4, Tomb Raider and PGR4."

"How about PGR4?' I was in more of a mood to race them and beat them, than anything else. Hopefully.


It turned out I was actually enjoying myself to my surprise. Alice did a good job and I was glad to know that everyone that came to the party was going to show up to the wedding tomorrow. Wow. I was getting married tomorrow. Oh god I was getting married tomorrow. It was coming all so fast. Breathe I told myself breathe everything will be just fine. Concentrate on what everyone else is saying; think about this later.

"so, Bella," Jessica started. I jumped from my thoughts and tried with great effort to listen. "do you have plans for tomorrow night?" Everyone turned toward me listening intensely to hear the answer to the dreaded question.

"aw Jess. Did you have to ask that question?" she nodded with a smile plastered on her face. I was blushing, I could feel it.

"Bella tell us please? As your friends and family?" she begged. By now everyone had that stupid grin on there faces like Jessica did. There was no way of getting out of this one. I took a deep breathe and said to them as calmly as possible.

"Well, you know…the usual thing." I was still blushing. Alice could see I didn't want to answer anything else than that and cut in before anyone else could ask anything else.

"PRESENT TIME!" she squealed. I gave her a sympathetic look as a thank you. And just smiled and handed me a small bag.

"This is from me and Rose." She handed me the bag and sat with Rosalie. Rose had a evil smile on her face. I knew it wasn't going to be anything good. I hesitated until everyone was yelling at me to open the blooming package. I slowly took the tissue paper out of the back and a small package of tissue paper. I unwrapped it painfully slowly for everyone but myself. What was inside was lacy underwear with a see-through night gown. Everyone "oohed and awed" everyone laughed because I picked it up with one finger. I had nothing to say. It was too weird for me to get underwear for a night that they were not going to be with me with. (That would be a tad awkward if you ask me. Scratch that it would be way too weird) I put the clothing back in the bag and grabbed the next present.

"Oh! That one is from me." Jessica pronounced with a but of a squeak in her voice. I looked at the square box and shook it. It made a muffled shuffling sound. It was clothes I knew it. I just didn't know what kind of clothes. I opened the box and found Low-cut jeans and a piece if clothing which I guessed was a shirt but there wasn't much there to call a shirt.

"Uh, thank you Jessica. It is…Lovely. Thanks"

"no problem" she was pleased with herself we all could tell.

"That one is from me dear." My mother said pointing to a small box on the table. I picked it up and didn't want to waste anymore time figuring out what they were. I ripped the paper off and found a rectangular felt box. I opened it and found a sting of pearls. I gasped

"Thank you mom. But you didn't have to get that for me!" She frowned at me.

"Of course I did. Every girl should have a string of pearls on her wedding day. Oh and it is also from Phil and sends apologizes that he couldn't make it" She looked down at the last part as if she was disappointed in Phil. Phil was my stepdad. My mother married him and moved to Florida two years earlier.

"oh its okay." I really didn't mind if he came or not I just wanted to be with Edward.

"Bella," a quiet voice next to me said. "That on is from me" a finger pointed to a small box on the table. I picked it up and unwrapped it and found two bottles of nail polish. One was blue and the other was a red color. There was also a ticket to a bookstore to save me 15 the next time i went to get books.

"Thank you Angela. That is a perfect present for me." I was mostly referring to the book store coupon. I didn't really were nail polish, even though the red would probably be used for the wedding.

"It was nothing I just figured you would like something simple." She smiled and hugged me. There was one present left and it was form Esme. I picked up the envelope. It was thin so I knew it had to be expensive. I groaned on the inside. I opened it up and found to year passes to Florida. One was for Edward and one was for me.

"Oh My GOSH!!" Jessica screamed

"Oh wow! Thank you Esme" I went over and hugged her.

"It was nothing dear. You can go and see your mom when ever you want this year. You also can go over there to just spend your time." She gave me a wink that no one else saw but me because they were too busy oogling over my tickets.

"Okay, I need all you ladies except you mom and Renee to go up to the church for the rehearsal." Alice commanded. We all walked outside and found a long limo waiting for us. All the girls screamed with pleasure and we got in to go practice for the wedding tomorrow.


It was a several hours before we got the hang of all the games. The guys had presents to give to me and I was not at all ready for them to give them to be because I knew they were going to go about it inaproptitely.

"Okay. Since we are here for Edward, we have a few things to give to you." Emmet said with a grin on his face. He was planning something I knew it. I could see it in his mind. Everyone was in on it. They thought it would be funny to do something to me. They all except one were successful at keeping their mind block. (I bet you can guess who that was) I figured out that everyone was in on it because Emmet kept thinking about how they would go about it. He really was my idiot brother, but what could I do about it? There plan was to give a box full of condoms. Then they were going to throw a bunch of them at me. I could see who the genius behind the planning was. Only Emmet would think of something as dumb as that. I decided to burst there bubble so they could get all mad at Emmet for ruining the whole thing.

"I see what ou guys are planning to do" I smiled, pleased with myself as everyones smile turned to s disappointed face and all of them turned to Emmet. They glared at him and she sheepishly grinned back.

"I guess you can never trust someone like Emmet to keep thoughts like that quiet." I laughed. Slowly everyone one started to laugh one by one.

"Okay. So Do you want to open your presents now?" Jasper asked

"Sure." I didn't see as though I had any other choice. First I got an envelope from Emmet. I opened it up to find two condoms, one pink and the other purple.

"Thanks….Emmet." I really didn't know what to say. I mean what would you say if your brother gave you a pink and purple condom? Anyways, the next present I got from Jasper was a 100 gift card to a music store.

"awesome! Thanks Jasper." I stood up and gave him a brotherly hug and sat down.

"Oh and I don't get hugs anymore for my presents? What a sweet brother you are."

"well, what can I say? your presents wasn't as good as Jaspers. I picked up the second to last present from Charlie. It was a box of hot chocolate.

"thanks Charlie."

"well it should be good. I thought you guys might like that better than a box of Coffee."

" it should be nice. Thank you." Last was a present from Carlisle it was a long skinny envelope. I opened it up and it was two tickets to Greenland.

"Wow thank you Dad. Its wonderfull."

"Im glad you like it son."

"Why Greenland" Charlie asked a tad bit confused.

"well I have always wondered what it was like in Greenland it is and opportunity to go and see."

"Oh. I see."