Till Death Do We Part?
Summary: AU story. Michael has an unwanted presence in his head which will either drive him into insanity or gain him a soul. (Set around Kindred. This is my way of exampling why he's been acting insane in the recent episodes.) Teyla/Michael
Disclaimer: Don't own them. And I'm still getting over my sadness at that.
Couldn't think of a title so it was either this or untitled. :shrug:
Michael and Teyla story with a hint of madness. All in good fun of course ;)
This is set around Kindred part 1 and it has spoilers for the episodes up till the season 4 finale.
I made a few grammar changes to my story. Big thanks to Alauralen for becoming my beta. And instead of ' ' indicating thoughts, italics will.
Chapter 1
On a seemingly desolate world, there lay the ruins of a civilization long ago destroyed. Only a few of the old buildings remained. Up above a large sun shone brightly, but even its rays of warmth could not drive away the eerie coldness that surrounded this planet. It was quiet, almost too quiet. There were no sounds of animals, no sounds of nature, no sounds of life at all.
However, looks can be deceiving, and the eyes can be blinded by the truth. For within those decrepit buildings, lay mindless creatures-trapped between reality and oblivion-powerless to do anything other than what they were told. They were controlled by a being that was not human, but could never truly be Wraith. Vengeance had become his only reason for living, and vengeance, he vowed, would soon be his.
Gradually, Michael walked through the darkly dimmed hallway and paused as he entered a large room. He glanced at the reflection of his face on the broken glass door beside him. He turned away in disgust, angry at what he saw before him.
What's wrong? Saw something you didn't like? The unwanted voice within his mind taunted him, before continuing with what sounded like laughter playing on its words. Don't tell me you're ignoring me….Fine, go ahead and pretend I'm not here, it won't do any good, though. You should know that by now.
Michael said nothing as he walked to the table beside the once skillfully made window. As he looked over his carefully written plans, he wondered for the millionth time whether he would forever be doomed with this spirit until he died. Briefly, his mind wandered to the day he had unknowingly allowed this thing to enter his body.
On that day, he had been startled by the sudden sound of a feminine voice within his consciousness, and he quickly realized his foolish mistake. Michael should have known something wasn't right when the young him he had captured begged for him to silence the voice in his head. This had all occurred several long months ago, and still Michael was plagued with his unwanted companion, which called its self Solaris.
"Damn, human," he hissed under his breath, as he remembered draining the life of the young man.
Reminiscing again? Solaris said, interrupting his thoughts. When she received no answer, she decided to simply continue. So what's the plan for today? Destroy a few more societies, maybe burn down some sacred buildings for fun… Or not. I guess we can always just stay here and relax. You are looking a little pale and green today.
"Shut up," Michael practically growled.
Someone's getting a bit cranky, I see.
"Would you give me a damn moment of peace, you wretched being."
Now why would I do that, when I'm having so much fun tormenting you?
"One day I will kill you." He promised.
You'll have to kill yourself first, and, because that probably won't be happening soon, the only other way is for me to transfer into another body. You know that you can't force me to leave. She chuckled.
Michael placed his hand on top of his forehead and roughly rubbed his temples as if trying to rip Solaris from his mind. A moment later, he looked up when he heard the nearby echoing foot steps of someone approaching.
Kanaan entered the room, followed by one of his informants.
"What news do you have?" Michael questioned.
"I sold more of the merchandise to the vender, just as you instructed me to." The informant said respectfully.
"Good. Now it will just be a matter of time before Teyla is compelled to investigate that village. Be ready when I give you the signal."
"Of course." The man nodded before leaving.
Kanaan stood there staring into nothingness before he also turned and left.
Michael looked back down at the plans before him and smirked. Everything was happening just as anticipated, and soon he would have Teyla and her unborn child in his possession.
Then what? Solaris asked. Why are you trying so hard to capture her?
"You know why. Her child is the final piece I need to prefect my army." He released a heavy sigh knowing what she would say next.
Sure that's the only reason? It seems to me that you're a little obsessed with her. You know, just a little bit.
Michael once again ignored her taunting and attempted to return to his work.
So, what will you do with her once you've captured her? Maybe whisper sweet nothings in her ear, or mind, in your case. Perhaps try to convince her that you're not insane?
Michael simply rolled his eyes at this and slowly shook his head. Why me? He thought to himself.
Because you deserve it, she answered.
This is just something that's been on my mind for a few days now.
So let me know what you think of it :)