How to seduce a shinobi and not to kill him in the process

How to seduce a shinobi and not to kill him in the process.

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A/N: Okay so the longgg story short...As lots of people pointed out in reviews ( thanks btw ) that I need to correct some things in my grammar and spelling I am rechecking all stuff that I wrote...But don't worry Blue Velvet part 2 will be out soon...So as today in Poland is a day considered a fest does any other country celebrate the day of The Virgin Mary's flag Oo ? I came to a conclussion that there was this nice book by D.Lynn and I thought ' Huh ...I so can see this as Sasuke as a victim of molestation ( by Naruto of course ) is unique in ...So what the hell it is worth giving a try...Plus always good way to improve one's language skills...Especially while writting smut... Yup '...And as I saw that many authors here base their work on some books/tv shows/movies/comics/pervy neighbours I don't see any problem with posting this little story...Plus it will always give the people who are waiting for other stories something to read and not to start a riot by sending troians and I-LUV-YOU spam virus I hope that you will like this piece...Btw. I love Sasuke in fishnet shirt.

Like usual waiting for you're review's . Let's face it I am a review whore :P But which author here isn't :P

Ps. If you review I'll be really nice and post chapter 1hmm...maybe even 2 ...tomorrow

Now off to the story and happy land...Lalala...

Hebi Village , Fire Country

Uchiha Sasuke squinted through the billowing smoke at the charred remains of Hebigakure . Nothing had been safe from the fire set to lay waste to his newly granted land.

He'd been gone seven short days. Long enough to meet his intended betrothed and her family , and to begin the marriage arrangements with Empress Akia and her husband – Orochimaru.

A sennight ago , when he'd first come to claim Hebigakure as the new lord , it had been sound ( no pun intended ) . it lay in smoldering ruins.

Much would be required to rebuild ; men , more gold than he possessed and a great deal of time. But half of his men were missing . The majority of his gold now filled Empress Akia's coffers. Time was sparse.

The final betrothal agreement was in his saddlebag, waiting only for his signature. Once it was signed , they would set a date to exchange their promisses of the future. Then they would wed, a neccesity for any lord of the realm. He needed a Lady for the keep and children – both requirements that could be filled by marriage. But he was to bring his new wife , Princess Karin , home to what?

He would have to hire someone to oversee the rebuilding of his keep . Because he would be gone , using those weeks...or months...hunting those responsible for this devastating act .

His nose burned. His chest tightend, protesting the dense , acrid smoke that made his eyes water and brought a harsh raspy cough tearing up his throat.

He'd counted seven bodies –apparently villagers by their obvious lack of weapons . Why were his men not among the dead?It appeared they'd been removed from the keep. Or,that they'd run at the first sign of attack. He refused to believe they'd run. When Empress Akia granted him the title and the land , she'd also granted him twenty men. Each one of them had willingly sworn their allegiance to him . He'd been assured they were faithfull, honorable and brave men.

So, where the hell were they ?

The wind gathered speed , threatening to pull his hooded cloak from around his shoulders . It blew the smoke across the scorched field.Bright summer sun sparkled off an object sticking out of the rubble . Sasuke kicked the smoldering wooden beams away from what appeared to be a katana ( japanese sword ) . After wrapping the edge of his thick woolen cloak around his hand he pulled the weapon from the smoking pile.

Even though his heart felt as heavy as a boulder in his chest , and his throat ached from chocking back a scream of rage , a bitter smile turned up the corners of his mouth.

A nine tailed fox with a scar running down one of it's cheek was etched on the blade . The beast's jaw was spread , as if hovering over an unsuspecting prey.

Only one man would mark his weapon in such a manner – Lord Kakashi of Jinchuriki clan. While he'd never crossed the man , he'd spoken to men who had. Each of them mentioned the nine tailed fox with a scar.

One question was anwsered – he knew the party responsible . He stared out toward the forest , now to find his missing men.

Sasuke returned to his tethered horse and secured his own sword in a leather loop dangling from the saddle. With great care, he wipped the ashes from the sword he'd found , then held the weapon up toward the blazing sun and vowed

" I promise you , Jinchuriki, I will return your sword and repay you in kind "

End chapter

AN: Damn...the last scene is like from a hollywood movie...Well It is cheesy ..but we need the dramaaaaa...

Please review :P